I'm gettin my hurr did!


Hair product junkie reloaded!
WOO HOO!!!! I got me some hair that is a mix of 613 and 144...it is wavy and already separated into strands so it'll be easy to take pieces and braid em in.

I will have them loose at the ends but braided most of th eway down.

This will be my second time getting individuals. I had great success last time I had them and wore them for 2 months. The same girl that did the individuals the first time will do it again.

See, over hear, there are many Africans who will do hair for a cheap price simply because they love to do it. They don't work in a salon but they ust know how to braid :)

Back home, this would cost me between 100 and 200 bucks. here...its between 40 bucks and maybe 70 bucks. not bad ! Will post pics and ask if yall think it looks okay...
its a mix of platinum blonde and golden blonde. its well blended though and I am gonna love those wavy ends!