I'm Frustrated!!! Don't Know What Else To Do!


Well-Known Member
My hair is not growing!! And I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! I get so frustrated because everyone seems to be making fantastic progress, except me.

Here's what I've done:
I've mildly used heat. My last regular press was in May 2005 then I had 3 presses done 3 weeks in a row in mid July. (No heat between May 20, 2005 - July 18, 2005) Then one press on August 25th and no heat since then! My hair loves heat and looks & feels much better when I'm pressing it. I used to get a press every other week for a long time.

So now, I've been dampening it daily and slicking it into a bun using only conditioner (no gel.) I only comb it when its wet or damp & full of conditioner. I conditioner wash and deep condition before or after. (And I don't make my buns tight.)

I've had barely any progress. As a matter of fact, I'm now noticing a small amount of breakage!! :mad: I've never really had breakage problems - especially when I was having it pressed - then again, it might have broken some when my stylist pressed it. (As a matter of fact, I'm certain it must have broken some then.)

I've heard of BSL stalls. I'm at BSL. I just don't know what to do! I don't know what else I need to get over the hump. I only want 3 more inches in the back and about 5 more inches in the front.

All suggestions are appreciated. Its truly frustrating when I'm sacrificing "style" (looking nice, IMO) for growth by wearing these buns that look HORRIBLE on me everyday...and not experiencing much growth.
How is your diet? Fresh veggies, good proteins and healthy fats like flaxseed oil is important for our bodies and hair.

Daily exercise (about 30 minutes) seems to maintain or speed up hair growth for many.

Drinking lots of water daily, 1/2 your weight in ounces each day is very important.

Daily scalp massages stimulate when growth seems to stagnate.
Isis said:
How is your diet? Fresh veggies, good proteins and healthy fats like flaxseed oil is important for our bodies and hair.

Daily exercise (about 30 minutes) seems to maintain or speed up hair growth for many.

Drinking lots of water daily, 1/2 your weight in ounces each day is very important.

Daily scalp massages stimulate when growth seems to stagnate.

Co-signing...I would try the scalp massages. Do you think your growth is minimal or that you're just not retaining the growth? There's definitely a difference and the two have different remedies, IMO.
Thanks Abundance for all your tips. I will say that my diet & exercise are lacking...but they always have been. However, having said that, I am now training with a trainer since I have a HUGE audition in 3 months. So the diet, will be very strict (and maybe not the best for hair growth - but I will be taking a multivitamin) and the exercise will definitely be there.

As for scalp massages, I do brief ones, nothing formal. I will definitely track how I'm eating & exercising and its effect on my hair growth.

As for the retaining/not growing question. I'd say it doesn't seem to be growing...or make that, its growing VERY SLOW! (since I know that everything will grow so long as its alive.) I haven't noticed breakage until lately. Now I'm noticed some breakage that I'm attributing to dry ends. I can't seem to keep my ends moist enough.
Hmmm...as far as the ends go, you may wanna try S-Curl or something super moisturizing to keep them in check.
I would do a hair journal for 4 or 5 weeks and track your eating and exercise and your massages. Having these things written down would probably help you pinpoint the problem or brainstorm on additions that could increase growth.
Good luck with your audition...what's it for?