I'm freaked out by this guy...(kinda long)


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I went on this date at the Ice-skating rink with this one guy who used to go to my school..when i walked up I wasn't really feeling his look and he was really SLOW-moving and shy..so i was like eh I don't think he'll be my type but i proceeded anyway..
So the date was horrible..he didn't even talk half of the time and it was like he had no emotion..we held hands but I mean when you're iceskating, doesn't everyone hold hands :perplexed
So when we left he was hinting that we should do a date another time and I was like ok :rolleyes:
So he texted me afterward me and my mom left and was like "grade the date"..I was like wtf is this weirdo talking about who says that to someone...i responded back it was fun and you are a nice guy. And he said we can do it again if you like...I didn't respond lol
His friend asked me how the date went and I was like eh I think we should just be friends because he isn't really my type (he didn't have ANY emotion whatsoever..and was like a freaking turtle walking around!).
So the guy..****..he got onto myspace and sent me the pictures that we took on the ice. I was like ok, thanks. Then he asked me if I would like to go on another date sometime..This is what I said:
wowwwww those pics of me are embarrasing lol u look asleep 2 haha
u better learn how to skate backwards in the future!! sundas or however u spell her name should teach u!!
I think we should just be friends. You are a really nice person and it was soo fun but u r not really my type. Thanks for taking me out though!!
This is what **** then said:
Alright, I respect that.
So i was like cool..he's ok with me not wanting to go out on another date with him..but i was mistaken :wallbash:
When i woke up today, there were three new myspace bulletins made by **** and a new email. The three bulletins were obviously about dating and I had brought them about..lol so weird.
1) I feel as if I've just been hit by a semi truck going 60 miles per hour, then hit by a Ferrari going about 120 miles per hour.

...and still living.
I'm done doing the little bit of dirt that I do now.

Those of you who benefited from it, I'd like to say I'm sorry, you'll have find someone else.

I want out of the game; I've realized now that I'm too smart for it. Moreover, I start college tomorrow and don't have time for frivolous matters.

I'm done spending the majority of my time online myspacing and going on facebook; I need to focus more on websites that will compel me to pursue in my dream- a career in cardiac surgery.

If you really need to talk to me, the majority of you have my telephone number.

I'M DONE! (Those of you who have known me long enough know EXACTLY what I'm talking about; we've been through this several times, but this is on some real ****.

(My comment: I don't know what the junk his problem is because I want to be a doctor too..and I'm miles ahead of him :blush:)
3) This is the email he sent me:
I don't know if you were able to tell or not, but I, for one, can't help but realize how much of an ******* I was in our previous messages.
I guess I was kind of bummed that you weren't feelin' me; I was going on a date for the first time in a LONG time and everything went wrong.
As we were on the ice, I made a mistake and let my feelings and emotions run wild, not thinking of the possibility that you wouldn't like me in the way that I hoped. Thus, I wasn't thinking while responding to you at 3:00 a.m.
and said whatever dick statement popped into my head; therefore, making me a dick.
So, for that I'd like to apologize. In addition to that, I'd like to say that I'm sorry I wasn't your type. You're a beautiful person and hopefully you'll find someone who is your type; that will be one lucky guy.

Thanks again for taking me out, by the way.


I mean..what the junk is this? Was this guy seriously deluded that he thought he loved me or something..Imean I thought it was just a casual date..I haven't responded to him but what should I say, if anything?
This is so freakin weird :lachen:
I think you should respond to his email. It seems he was really into you. I would explain what you didn't like about the date so he can learn from his mistakes.
I think you should respond to his email. It seems he was really into you. I would explain what you didn't like about the date so he can learn from his mistakes.
yea..I don't want to seem like a mean person or anything..and I want to help him so in the future he won't turn off other girls :perplexed I'll text him. later
He was probably really nervous. I don't think you can really get an accurate picture of how someone is in just a few hours, and taking nerves into account. If you don't want to date him fine and you let him know but you really can't go by one brief experience.
He was probably really nervous. I don't think you can really get an accurate picture of how someone is in just a few hours, and taking nerves into account. If you don't want to date him fine and you let him know but you really can't go by one brief experience.
Thats true..but it just seemed like everything was wrong..i wasn't physically attracted to him, and i could already see that he wasn't really gonna be my type (I like very outgoing guys).

And why did he freak out and post a bajillion messages acting like a meanie and whatnot..i'm not up for that dramaz..i can't stand guys that are dramatic like that anyway.
Imagine if we went out and i broke up with him..he would darn near kill himself.
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I would not respond to those emails or bulletins. You have told him you're not interested and given him good reasons so he can deal with it however he wants to. I would keep it moving. He sounds a little crazy.....like one of those men that fall in love(obsessed) on the 1st date!
ok this is what I said to him:

uhm..yea i'm sorry :(
it was just that you were really really quiet and I usually date guys who are really loud and stuff..talking to you on the phone i kinda thought u were but then when i met u it was totally different. I don't know if you were just nervous or something..(wereyou?) but I'm just telling you the truth! I thought I was gonna like you like that but I guess not. Sorry if i made you feel bad :( We can still be friends though!

I hope he can understand and chill out... :yawn:
I would not respond to those emails or bulletins. You have told him you're not interested and given him good reasons so he can deal with it however he wants to. I would keep it moving. He sounds a little crazy.....like one of those men that fall in love(obsessed) on the 1st date!
:lachen:I know right? I mean who goes all crazy if a girl rejects them for the second date..dating is merely casual unless you know the person a lot before you date.
I think you may be reading a little more into his bulletins and email than necessary. He was nervous. He REALLY liked you. He interpreted the date as a success. He was shocked to learn it wasn't mutual. Perhaps the disappointment with you wasn't the only downer he has experienced lately.

But I don't think he's crazy. He just isn't your type. He was a perfect gentleman on the date and respectful but the charisma wasn't there. Maybe he's had a lot of rejection for being a dry personality.

I think it's a great idea to become friends with him. Maybe you can give him some dating pointers.
**** you betta hold on to yo crazy man that really ain't ya man:lachen:

If you think he simply overreated out of frustration for being rejected by all means stay friends. I'm sure his lil feelings were hurt because he liked you.
ok this is what I said to him:

uhm..yea i'm sorry :(
it was just that you were really really quiet and I usually date guys who are really loud and stuff..talking to you on the phone i kinda thought u were but then when i met u it was totally different. I don't know if you were just nervous or something..(wereyou?) but I'm just telling you the truth! I thought I was gonna like you like that but I guess not. Sorry if i made you feel bad :( We can still be friends though!

I hope he can understand and chill out... :yawn:

Hmmm...two things....

First of all, from your e-mail above (especially the part in bold) it seems like this guy sounded pretty much like your type over the phone. Is this true?? Was he more outgoing on the phone than he was in person? Well, if this is the case, then I agree with everyone else that he was just nervous on the first date with you. He probably REALLY liked you, and didn't know how to act, or didn't want to turn you off. I've known guys to act like this before. Especially if it's been a LONG time since they have dated anyone.

Also, second of all.... are you completely sure that you don't want to give this guy another chance? Would you give him another chance if he could lose the nerves? Or, are you really not attracted to him at all? Because if I were a guy reading your e-mail, I would think that I would have a 2nd chance. I would figure that all I would have to do is just act more outgoing, and you would like me. I don't know if this is the impression you were trying to convey or not though... :( If you weren't trying to give him any encouragement to continue to pursue you, then it may have been better to just say: "Sorry, but you aren't my type!" and keep the e-mail simple.

Buuuutt.....now it looks like you have left the door a little open. Don't be surprised if he tries to open it further! :giggle:

Also... most guys can't really be "friends" with a girl that they are attracted to unless he feels like he has a chance with you. Plain and simple. So, if he doesn't think that he has a chance with you, then expect him to dissapear. Don't take it personally, guys are just wired that way. But if he DOES continue to hang around you and wants to be "friends", keep in mind that this is only because he eventually wants to be MORE than "just friends", and going the "friend" route with you seems to be working to his advantage.

Just a thought! :)

I personally think you should give him one more chance at a more relaxed "date". Maybe do something in a group that way the focus isn't on just the two of you if he's shy. But, if you have NO attraction to him whatsoever, then it's best not to continue to lead him on... :ohwell:
Girl you better leave him alone before he be hiding in your bushes. :lachen:If he's naturally shy you don't really want to force him into a situation where he would have to be something he's not. If you're not attracted to him leave him alone. He formed an attachment to you too quick in my opinion.
Yup there pretty much is no freakin way I'm going out with him again...I mean I don't want to lead him on any more by going on another date with him. I am not physically attracted to him(he looks like he's asleep all the TIME..lol and his face is extraaa greasy..ews) and he just has that awkward feel to him..I remember thinking to myself after talking to him on Myspace and texting him or whatever that I couldn't really feel myself being intimate(no not like that..just like affectionate) with him like I would certain other guys. I dunno. Maybe i knew all along that I wouldn't be attracted to him but I pushed the thought aside and gave him one last chance..
Well he myspaced me again yesterday and was practically begging me to take him on a second date, saying that he really wasn't shy like that and that I could ask any of his friends..it was kind of pitiful..I mean I don't want to be rude but I want him to know that DEFINATELY we will only be friends. Then he went on to say that the 2 hours ice-skating with him was not enough..but i said that first impressions are everything..and trust me I have a certain guy I date: They have to be very sure of themselves..they can be nervous on the date, but they shouldn't be slowwalking and turtle like and just plain freakin boring. i'm sorry but there's nothing that will change my mind.
Furthermore, he posted a picture of him and his family doing something funny(prank calling somewhere)..I'm guessing that he did this to prove to me that he wasn't shy like I thought he was..whatevs lol. A shy person isn't shy around their family. Argh, why did i not listen to my gut and go on the date with him...why?