I'm finally getting the nerve.....


New Member
I\'m finally getting the nerve.....

I have been on board for a while and just haven't felt good enough about my hair to want to post any pictures
. But after this last Elusence relaxer (after 11 weeks, my longest wait ever!) I can DEFINATELY see a difference in my length. I can't wait to do my hair again so I can try an acv rinse. I just used LUST last night, the jury is still out on that one. But I am going to get my hubby to take some pictures to share with you Hair Goddesses. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and for being so inspirational...smooches!
Re: I\'m finally getting the nerve.....

diva4life that is Great! I'm happy for you and we can't wait to see your pics
Re: I\'m finally getting the nerve.....

Please post your pics! It will be very inspiring for you to hear the positive responses from the ladies of this board. Also, if you keep updating your album, we can also keep encouraging you with your success.
Re: I\'m finally getting the nerve.....

Thanks soulchild and cami. My stomach just keep fluttering at the very thought, and I ain't shy in the least! I just don't know how to explain my apprehension. You ladies are such a big part of my life, (gush, gush)....I am gonna do it soon, I promise.
I think a part of it is that nobody knows how far I have come back from a hair disaster in 2000, and I know lots of us have our hair horror stories, but to have my hair almost at bra strap again, though not as thick, is truly a blessing form God. Which is all the more reason I SHOULD post, right? For any of us who have had disasters of the worst kind, with our beloved hair, take hope and be encouraged. God bless!