I'm excited about taking care of my hair again


New Member
I've been slacking with my regimen for a few months now. I got a touch-up and trim last Friday. On Monday, I washed, used Aphogee 2-min reconstructor, deep conditioned with NTM DDC & castor oil, rollerset and sat under the dryer. I removed the rollers and wrapped my hair afterwards.
Two days later and my hair is still like ":yay:". It is so soft and behaving. I'm not sure if it's because I got a touch-up and trim or what, but I'm loving it! :yep:

My hair is neck length but I've been getting a lot of compliments from co-workers as to how nice & healthy it is, which inspires me. :grin:

I've been stalking Fotki's like crazy for more inspiration and I'm excited about caring for my hair again. I took pics last night, so I'll try to post them soon.

I used to hate my hair. I don't know what kind of condition my hair would be today if I hadn't found LHCF 9 months ago! Thanks ladies.
Good for you! There's nothing like a recent change (in your case TU, mine virgin relaxer) to peak your interest in your hair all over again :)