I'm doing to another BC


New Member
My hair has grown a lot and I love it, however I have a lot of split ends and I've noticed that they are at the roots. So I'm gonna BC again the first of the year.:perplexed
If you have split roots does that mean you're going to shave all your hair off? How do you think you ended up with splits at the root? I've never seen a split from the end actually travel up that far...usually it comes off earlier.
are you sure it is splitting, not just frizzy hair at root, as a result of dry combing.
If you have a denman brush, try and do shingling. If it does not look splitted with shingling, its probably just frizzy
Do you twist your hair alot?

I remember I use to wear twists almost exclusively a couple of years ago and I noticed that my wiry strands of hair (I have a mix of very fine and very wire hair) would have holes all the way up the length. Basically, at every turn of the former twist I would have a hole. I remember talking to other naturals at the time with similar hair types and they had the same issue.

Anyhow, just throwing that out there. If that's the case be careful this next go around (alternate your style). Otherwise you'll have the same results. Sorry you're going through this. :(
Before you chop I'd recommend getting to the source of the splits. Like Space said, if you don't know the cause you might just end up doing it again and facing the same problem all over again. Are you sure it is splits, like a hair split in two?
Hi mj: What's your regimen? Are you taking any supplements? How do you seal in moisture? How often do you deep condition?
Thanks Ladies I deep condition 2 a week and I moisturize and seal. I wear twist of and it look like my hair is split at the roots. However I'm thinking of trying avreydic (sic) hair teas for help.
Hey MJ!

Please don't chop again unless it's something you really want to do.

What products are you using; poo, con, leave-in, deep con, etc.

Sometimes if we do too much it's just as bad as not doing anything at all, if you know what I mean.

Hang in there sis...
I co wash with VO5 or Savue and sometimes use baking soda for clarifying, I use shea butter mixtures I make for moisture or Qhemets. I use AOHSR for deep conditioning, sometimes I add honey and EVOO. I use JBCO and Coconut oil for sealing. However I gonna try a Aphogee treatment every 6 weeks and get regular trims for 6 months.