I'm doing a fast from wrong thinking for 30 days


Well-Known Member
I've been reading this book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Its a fabulous book. Very god oriented since he's a minister. Its inspired me to do a fast from wrong thinking for 30 days.

I have a habit of thinking negative about everything. About me, life, people. This book is opening my eyes to the error of my ways. There is so much power in positivity. It can change your whole outlook on life. And the results you get out of life. Thinking the best can bring you the best.

I think having a thread that only has inspiring quotes, stories, and tips to positive thinking would be great. So I was wondering if anyone wanted to join me on this fast from wrong thinking. It will be a life changing experience.
Here is an outline of what I was thinking this fast would be about.

1.No talks about struggles, limitations, lack, or temptations to be negative.

2.Read an inspiring book. Either a self help book like the one I'm reading or the bible.

3.Get your creative juices flowing. Do a project like making a vision board with inspiring quotes and affirmations. Put pictures up of what you want to see in your life. Place your faith in god that you will receive them. Always keep your positive affirmations on your mind. Recite them to yourself through out the day.

4.Pick one bible quote a day to recite to yourself throughout the day when you get overwhelmed.

5.Every night before you go to sleep think about at least one blessing god gave you and ruminate on how it made you feel.

6.If you get a negative thought think of a positive thought or quote from the bible to replace the negative one.

7.Post inspiring quotes, stories, affirmations, and passages from the bible in this thread to help the other ladies get inspired.

8.Feel free to post about the positive things that are happening to you because of your change in thought.

9.Take this time to build a closer bond with god and a stronger level of faith.

Here are a few quotes that inspire me

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for .

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

I can do everything through him who gives me strength

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

“Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

I have a story about the power of positive thinking. My mom had been wanting to go back to school to get her doctorate in business for the longest time but she couldn't afford it. She decided to ask her boss if he would be willing to pay for her schooling. She works at a college and they pay for schooling all the time. The protocol is for them to pay for 3 classes a year so she was working out a plan to pay for the other 3 classes. She was really positive in her thinking. Planning out everything she wanted to do and believing that it would work out for her.

Well I talked to her yesterday about it and not only did they pay for the 3 classes. They want to pay for all the classes. So they are writing up a contract with her to pay for all the classes as long as she continues working for them. She got more than she expected. Now the only thing she has to pay for is books. God gave her more than she asked for. When you put your trust in him he always gives you exactly what you need.
The Real Source of Positive Thinking :Rose:

"Real Positive Thinking" is Believing God....:yep:

Not man... But Believing God and what His Word promises us...

The Bible:

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (John 14:1)

Thinking positive begins with the Word of God and meditating upon what the Holy Spirit is giving you with scripture.

God's Word is solid without opinion...God's Word is sure without alteration, nothing and no one can change what God says.

And ...

God's watches over His Word to perform it... Whatever God promises, He stands guard, full guard over His Word to make sure it comes to pass in our hearts and in our lives.

The Real Positive is with the Word of God. That's what Jesus was, is and will always be...the Word of God.

1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2. The same was in the beginning with God.

3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Verse 14:

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

Who wants this to truly work in your life? The Gift of True Positive Thinking?

It's not going to come from any of the self-help books. :nono: These books have their place, but they are not sustaining life as God's Word and only God's Word will sustain you and remain alive and active in your heart and lives.

There's nothing like the Word of God, first, foremost and only to move the darkness out and bring the Light in... a clear mind that Jesus has made free.

Father we give you praise for being the only source of Positive Thinking that has substance and life and clarity, the eliminates all doubt and unbelief and is built upon the Rock (our Jesus) and not the sinking sand of man.

Thank you for waking us each morning and putting us to sleep each night and sustaining us throughout each day, with your Word, that you watch over, seeing to it, that it will come to pass in each of our lives who choose to Believe in you.

For this we thank you with all of our hearts,

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
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Sorry I wasn't here to start it off with you guys. I got sick and spent all of the day in bed with a stomach virus. But I got up today feeling much better and am ready for our 30 days of positive thinking.

I'm almost finish the book. Its actually a quick read. I suggest anyone that's planning on reading it read one chapter at a time and meditate on the advice he gives you. He has some exercises in the book too. Here is one exercise that would work for anyone with fears about something. He uses a lot of visualization and what not to change your thought process.

1. Picture yourself succeeding. Never let the picture fade. Never doubt the reality of the picture. No matter how bad things seem to be going picture success.

2. Whenever a negative thought concerning your power comes to mind deliberately voice a positive thought to cancel it out.

3. Don't build obstacles in your mind. Depreciate these so called obstacles. Minimize them. Don't inflate them with fearful thoughts.

There was more points to the exercise. I think 9 points but those three really stuck out to me. So I wrote them down. It really works to make you feel more powerful in a positive way.

How's everyone else doing. DreamLife did you read the first chapter? Is anyone else going to read the book?

Shimmie I always get something out of what you write and this is no exception. I think the only way to think positive is to think of god. He gives you a power that you can't find anywhere else. Its like whenever I start thinking of bad thoughts all I have to say is "god will take care of me.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I remember that scripture and think good things onto my life. Because that's what god wants for us. He doesn't want us to suffer. He wants us to prosper. He wants us to be excited about our here and now. We don't have to struggle through life. We can be joyous and at peace right here right now. If we remember that one sentence. And believe it.

Just like you wrote Shimmie. The only thing you need to think positive is god. Remembering what god thinks and wants for you. That's all you need.
I read the first chapter so far, I'm going to get some notecards and start writing down scriptures to look at throughout the day. I think I'm just going to work on those 10 points in the first chapter and pray about renewing my mind. I'm excited and looking forward to good things with this challenge.

ETA BronxJazzy I'm glad you're feeling better.
Here is an outline of what I was thinking this fast would be about.

1.No talks about struggles, limitations, lack, or temptations to be negative.

2.Read an inspiring book. Either a self help book like the one I'm reading or the bible.

3.Get your creative juices flowing. Do a project like making a vision board with inspiring quotes and affirmations. Put pictures up of what you want to see in your life. Place your faith in god that you will receive them. Always keep your positive affirmations on your mind. Recite them to yourself through out the day.

4.Pick one bible quote a day to recite to yourself throughout the day when you get overwhelmed.

5.Every night before you go to sleep think about at least one blessing god gave you and ruminate on how it made you feel.

6.If you get a negative thought think of a positive thought or quote from the bible to replace the negative one.

7.Post inspiring quotes, stories, affirmations, and passages from the bible in this thread to help the other ladies get inspired.

8.Feel free to post about the positive things that are happening to you because of your change in thought.

9.Take this time to build a closer bond with god and a stronger level of faith.

Here are a few quotes that inspire me

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for .

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

I can do everything through him who gives me strength

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

“Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

I love this. I kinda like the idea of calling it a cleanse or continuing after the fast but calling that phase a cleanse.
I've been reading this book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Its a fabulous book. Very god oriented since he's a minister. Its inspired me to do a fast from wrong thinking for 30 days.

I have a habit of thinking negative about everything. About me, life, people. This book is opening my eyes to the error of my ways. There is so much power in positivity. It can change your whole outlook on life. And the results you get out of life. Thinking the best can bring you the best.

I think having a thread that only has inspiring quotes, stories, and tips to positive thinking would be great. So I was wondering if anyone wanted to join me on this fast from wrong thinking. It will be a life changing experience.

LOL I put this on hold at the library this morning and now I see this.:yep:
Sorry I wasn't here to start it off with you guys. I got sick and spent all of the day in bed with a stomach virus. But I got up today feeling much better and am ready for our 30 days of positive thinking.

I'm almost finish the book. Its actually a quick read. I suggest anyone that's planning on reading it read one chapter at a time and meditate on the advice he gives you. He has some exercises in the book too. Here is one exercise that would work for anyone with fears about something. He uses a lot of visualization and what not to change your thought process.

1. Picture yourself succeeding. Never let the picture fade. Never doubt the reality of the picture. No matter how bad things seem to be going picture success.

2. Whenever a negative thought concerning your power comes to mind deliberately voice a positive thought to cancel it out.

3. Don't build obstacles in your mind. Depreciate these so called obstacles. Minimize them. Don't inflate them with fearful thoughts.

There was more points to the exercise. I think 9 points but those three really stuck out to me. So I wrote them down. It really works to make you feel more powerful in a positive way.

How's everyone else doing. DreamLife did you read the first chapter? Is anyone else going to read the book?

Shimmie I always get something out of what you write and this is no exception. I think the only way to think positive is to think of god. He gives you a power that you can't find anywhere else. Its like whenever I start thinking of bad thoughts all I have to say is "god will take care of me.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I remember that scripture and think good things onto my life. Because that's what god wants for us. He doesn't want us to suffer. He wants us to prosper. He wants us to be excited about our here and now. We don't have to struggle through life. We can be joyous and at peace right here right now. If we remember that one sentence. And believe it.

Just like you wrote Shimmie. The only thing you need to think positive is god. Remembering what god thinks and wants for you. That's all you need.

Hey there BronxJazzy... How are you?

You have a wonderful concept here. I just read your first post again and I noticed in No. 3, there is mention about a Vision Board.

I'm not going to go into a lecture about it, except that it is part of the LOA foundation, which is witchcraft of which I can't be a part of.

It has to be God or nothing as God will have no other gods before Him.

No hard feelings here, this is your thread and I won't do anything to derail it.

Just as a food for thought. If you notice, the threads in this forum regarding the LOA, etc, are not as flourishing as they used to be. Many of the users have had some unfortunate events in their lives as a result of tapping into the LOA arena, including the vision board threads.

I'll post the events in the Christian Random Thoughts thread, so as not to derail this one. :Rose:

God is real and He does not play 2nd to any other God. When we step into the enemies territory, evil prevails. God's Word is our 'Vision'...His Word is to be as 'frontlets' before our eyes. That's where our ultimate power is and no where else. This is where our success is.

God bless you and I mean this more than you know.

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I read the first chapter so far, I'm going to get some notecards and start writing down scriptures to look at throughout the day. I think I'm just going to work on those 10 points in the first chapter and pray about renewing my mind. I'm excited and looking forward to good things with this challenge.

ETA @BronxJazzy I'm glad you're feeling better.
The first chapter is where I got that exercise from. It really works. If you put it into practice on your everyday problems you'll notice a change in your outlook. At least I did. I felt more powerful and able to overcome any obstacle.

I'm glad your reading the book. Focus on the first chapter as long as you need to to get the principles engrained in your mind. I'm going to reread it after I finish the new book I started.

I love this. I kinda like the idea of calling it a cleanse or continuing after the fast but calling that phase a cleanse.

I'm present. I'm joining in as well. :)
I love that idea. Calling it a cleanse. Negative thoughts effect your body in everyway. They cause nervous conditions and high blood pressure. When you cleanse your mind of those negative thoughts you are cleansing your body as well. I feel much more energy, vitality, and zest for life.

I'm glad your joining us.

LOL I put this on hold at the library this morning and now I see this.:yep:
Its a great book. I think someone put the link up for it. You could check it out there. Its definitely life changing.

Now I'm reading The purpose driven life. So far its a very good book. It kind of takes off where the power of positive thinking left off.

Hey there @BronxJazzy... How are you?

You have a wonderful concept here. I just read your first post again and I noticed in No. 3, there is mention about a Vision Board.

I'm not going to go into a lecture about it, except that it is part of the LOA foundation, which is witchcraft of which I can't be a part of.

It has to be God or nothing as God will have no other gods before Him.

No hard feelings here, this is your thread and I won't do anything to derail it.

Just as a food for thought. If you notice, the threads in this forum regarding the LOA, etc, are not as flourishing as they used to be. Many of the users have had some unfortunate events in their lives as a result of tapping into the LOA arena, including the vision board threads.

I'll post the events in the Christian Random Thoughts thread, so as not to derail this one. :Rose:

God is real and He does not play 2nd to any other God. When we step into the enemies territory, evil prevails. God's Word is our 'Vision'...His Word is to be as 'frontlets' before our eyes. That's where our ultimate power is and no where else. This is where our success is.

God bless you and I mean this more than you know.

Yeah I know. In LOA they kind of make you think you are god. Its not something I want to get into but I like the idea of setting goals you want to achieve and placing them somewhere where you can look at it everyday.

I didn't make a vision board but I did make a bunch of hearts. In one I placed "Things I love". The second I placed " My best love experiences". The third I placed "People I love. The forth I placed "Why I love them".

I think things like that just put the focus on the positive. But your right I shouldn't call it a vision board. I should call it goals and affirmation board. I don't want to have anything to do with LOA so I hope I didn't make it seem that way by putting that there.

Thanks for the clarification and info on LOA. Its greatly appreciated Shimmie.
Yeah I know. In LOA they kind of make you think you are god. Its not something I want to get into but I like the idea of setting goals you want to achieve and placing them somewhere where you can look at it everyday.

I didn't make a vision board but I did make a bunch of hearts. In one I placed "Things I love". The second I placed " My best love experiences". The third I placed "People I love. The forth I placed "Why I love them".

I think things like that just put the focus on the positive. But your right I shouldn't call it a vision board. I should call it goals and affirmation board. I don't want to have anything to do with LOA so I hope I didn't make it seem that way by putting that there.

Thanks for the clarification and info on LOA. Its greatly appreciated Shimmie.

Thank you for such big heart to understand. I'll share something in another thread (a little later) just for you. Okay? :yep: You'll be blessed. I'm sure. :yep:
So I just woke up and I was looking out the window thinking about the goodness of god and how great the month of August went. Then the words goodness endurith forever came to mind. I thought let me look it up. I did and found this verse in the bible.

For the LORD is good and his love endures forever. Its from Psalms 100:5
So I woke up super early because so many things were heavy on my heart and I was thinking that the greatest desire of my heart has been peace for so long. I read the second chapter and it was about peace. It's difficult to unlearn the habits of negative thinking but I won't put God in a box. I think writing down positive experiences will help me to think on things that are true.
DreamLife I totally understand. I am the biggest negative thinker around. Its so hard for me to change the behavior of looking on the bad side of things. The thing is I miss out on so much because I'm looking for the bad. I'm always thinking something bad is going to happen to me. But usually good does.

I find keeping the good at the forefront of my mind helps. Whenever I start to think of bad I immediately combat it with a good memory. I have bouts of peace but it comes and goes. Thinking about things from a different perspective helps.

We've gotten into the habit of thinking negatively. This is helping that change. But it takes time. This bible verse blessed me. Maybe it will bless you to.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Bumping...where's everyone? Got some time off this weekend so I'm going to read another chapter soon. Anyone have any updates?
I can't believe it. God delivered me. I had social anxiety. It was so bad I locked myself in my room for 6 yrs without any human contact. I wouldn't even leave my room to get my food or go to the bathroom. I was afraid of my own family. But then I started hearing voices. The voices were both good and bad. One told me how special I was and the other told me how disgusting I was. I started using discernment and only listening to the good voice. Ignoring the bad.

On Wednesday I started focusing solely on god. Just absorbing myself with him. Meditating on him 24/7. And on the third day I was delivered. I went out to the store and had no fear at all. I felt like the old me before this all started. And I've been going out ever since. Just today I started my day by going food shopping at 9:00am. Then went to the mall and hung out for 3 hrs. Then went out to eat. I didn't get home until 6:00pm.

God is good. I never thought I would be here. I tried to kill myself so many times I can't even name them all. But I'm here. And I'm well. I can't wait to see what life has to offer me.
I can't believe it. God delivered me. I had social anxiety. It was so bad I locked myself in my room for 6 yrs without any human contact. I wouldn't even leave my room to get my food or go to the bathroom. I was afraid of my own family. But then I started hearing voices. The voices were both good and bad. One told me how special I was and the other told me how disgusting I was. I started using discernment and only listening to the good voice. Ignoring the bad. On Wednesday I started focusing solely on god. Just absorbing myself with him. Meditating on him 24/7. And on the third day I was delivered. I went out to the store and had no fear at all. I felt like the old me before this all started. And I've been going out ever since. Just today I started my day by going food shopping at 9:00am. Then went to the mall and hung out for 3 hrs. Then went out to eat. I didn't get home until 6:00pm. God is good. I never thought I would be here. I tried to kill myself so many times I can't even name them all. But I'm here. And I'm well. I can't wait to see what life has to offer me.

Awwwww, what a testimony (((big hug))) !

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