Im doing a braidout for my virgin hair to apply a relaxer


New Member
im not going to wrestle with my 4a/b hair with relaxing. thats why im doing a braid out on dry hair so it'll be easy for me and my comb:yep:

i want to stay natural but these knots are killing me and im not going to loose length while fighting with these knots. i love my twa but its going to see me another time. if this is my last relaxer im going to transition for two years because i can no longer deal with the shrinkage and knots:ohwell:
dont worry i will post pictures and apply to the ends then work my way up to the scalp. if it burns i will be texlaxed but if its a little tingling in the process ill be bone straight. i will base my scalp and hairline

i do want to stay natural but i cannot at this point. im not going to be this lenght all my life getting out knots(i only have a couple which i got out just saying)
hey how are you sleeping on your hair? that may be playing a part in your knots, cuz i was getting knots for the last 5 years... and I just started wetting and braiding at night with a leave-in and I haven't had one this whole week of doing it... are u suuuuure you are ready for the perm???
hey how are you sleeping on your hair? that may be playing a part in your knots, cuz i was getting knots for the last 5 years... and I just started wetting and braiding at night with a leave-in and I haven't had one this whole week of doing it... are u suuuuure you are ready for the perm???
im usually twisting it but if i do a puff or a wng behold the knots:wallbash:
im just so fed up i think im ready to do it. im thinking about texlaxing though
Why don't you try the BKT first?
no i havent because i would have to buy another flat iron(mines doesnt go as high) then it would take me 2 hours total to flat iron and i have to really detangle my hair and that takes 30 minutes im just fed up at this point:nono:
I have always burned super easy but not w/ the phyto--it's very pricey but works out well if you are doing it yourself and will stretch. My mom was also natural for many yrs and also got fed up w/ detangling w/ increase in length; she decided to texlax w/ the phyto and loves it just as much as I do. You can check out her pics in my fotki. Good Luck!
Okay Rapunzel just think really hard about this and forget being frustrated for two seconds. I feel your pain. I'm natural and I am past MBL (not sure how much as I haven't measured since DEC). Anyways I have braided my hair up and keep doing it out of frustration so that I can think LONG and HARD about a decision before making it. If you want to get a relaxer fine. But you say you really want to stay natural...about the BKT you say you'll have to get a flat iron and it'll take a long time. How long will it take you to transition back if you made a mistake with relaxing? Wouldn't it be better to commit to those two hours if they can solve all of your problems, just be frustrated but commit to it, and then see if it makes your life easier, and then if it doesn't, you'll feel confident about relaxing?

Just a thought. If not good luck in relaxing. I'm not saying I'll never go that route, but I AM resisting it just like you. It takes too long to style my hair and detangle, and because I'm ill, it's also extra tiresome for me to go through all of that. But I still decided to wait and get a clear head about it.

It's not that relaxing is bad. It's just that it's permanent and the only way out is to BC again.

Just a thought. What ever your decision I wish you the best.
Okay Rapunzel just think really hard about this and forget being frustrated for two seconds. I feel your pain. I'm natural and I am past MBL (not sure how much as I haven't measured since DEC). Anyways I have braided my hair up and keep doing it out of frustration so that I can think LONG and HARD about a decision before making it. If you want to get a relaxer fine. But you say you really want to stay natural...about the BKT you say you'll have to get a flat iron and it'll take a long time. How long will it take you to transition back if you made a mistake with relaxing? Wouldn't it be better to commit to those two hours if they can solve all of your problems, just be frustrated but commit to it, and then see if it makes your life easier, and then if it doesn't, you'll feel confident about relaxing?

Just a thought. If not good luck in relaxing. I'm not saying I'll never go that route, but I AM resisting it just like you. It takes too long to style my hair and detangle, and because I'm ill, it's also extra tiresome for me to go through all of that. But I still decided to wait and get a clear head about it.

It's not that relaxing is bad. It's just that it's permanent and the only way out is to BC again.

Just a thought. What ever your decision I wish you the best.
i thought long and hard about it and took the plunge and relaxed so far so good. it was just scaring me all those knots.:wallbash:

thanks for your concern and i hope you feel better:bighug:
i thought long and hard about it and took the plunge and relaxed so far so good. it was just scaring me all those knots.:wallbash:

thanks for your concern and i hope you feel better:bighug:

Thanks (health)!
What kind of relaxer did you end up using? Good luck on your journey. I know there's wonderful hair advice on here no matter whether you're natural or relaxed.