I'm Depressed About My Hair b/c of Heat Damage


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
I wish I had never got my mom to press my natural hair with a stove hot comb to see how long my hair was. I've been making a lot of stupid mistakes lately. :whyme:

I just washed my hair after my mom pressed it 3 days ago. When I washed it, my hair smelled burnt. It did not revert back to its curly state. It stayed bone straight! :eek: My hair still smells awful; my bathroom and bedroom smells burnt too! I washed it twice today in hopes of it curling back up but no change. :nono:

My hair still smells burnt and when I rub my hands through my hair, I have broken little pieces on my hands. :ohwell: I'm so scared that I'm going to have to just cut it all off and start all over. I'm really depressed that this happened to me. :cry: I don't know what else to do but cut if all off.

Has this happened to anyone else that has pressed their hair? Did u ever have a burnt smell after washing it or have it stay straight? If so, how long did it take your hair to recover? Or did you just cut off the damaged hair?

I really don't wanna walk around bald but I think that's my only option. :(

Btw, I've learned my lesson finally... I'M NEVER USING HEAT EVER AGAIN!!! :spank:
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I have heat damage too and I will need to cut it eventually once I get more length but a really good conditioner usually will let it curl up again. Deep condition with a heating cap or hot towel and see how that works. Try Qhemet honeybush soft tea gel or smooth shine curl activator for extra dry hair for curl definition. The smooth shine you can pick up locally @walgreens and dollar stores. Good luck.
Poohbear, I don't really have any tips, but I wouldn't jump to cutting it off just yet. I remember reading a post on here not too long ago about how it may take several washes and co's before the curls come back after a press. Try to be patient, I'm sure your hair isn't damaged beyond repair just from one press. Stay positive girl! :)
I'm sorry this happened to you pb. I was thinking about this other day, how our moms pressed our hair all the time and then at wash day it would curl and kink back up and get ready for the next press. I wonder why so many people's hair stays straight now. I don't remember my mom ever saying she didn't need to press it this time because it was still straight after washing it.:perplexed Anyway, I agree with what the ladies have said, give it time and see, maybe a few weeks or a month. If you do have to cut it, it won't be so bad, it will grow really fast and it won't be such a shock since you just recently cut it. It'll be okay girl, don't you go get depressed about your hair. Life's too short and anyway you already know you look cute with short hair.;)
hopeful said:
I'm sorry this happened to you pb. I was thinking about this other day, how our moms pressed our hair all the time and then at wash day it would curl and kink back up and get ready for the next press. I wonder why so many people's hair stays straight now. I don't remember my mom ever saying she didn't need to press it this time because it was still straight after washing it.:perplexed Anyway, I agree with what the ladies have said, give it time and see, maybe a few weeks or a month. If you do have to cut it, it won't be so bad, it will grow really fast and it won't be such a shock since you just recently cut it. It'll be okay girl, don't you go get depressed about your hair. Life's too short and anyway you already know you look cute with short hair.;)
See, during my transition, my mom pressed my hair one time and my new growth curled back up. She even blowdried it straight and my hair curled back up. This time, I think she may have pressed it harder or something. I called her after washing my hair and she said she used the same temperature on the stove as last time. So I dunno. But my hair never smelled burnt like this after washing it and it never stayed straight like this after washing it. It curls back up immediately. This time it didn't and that's why I'm thinking it's damaged. :(
tru_mind said:
PB, why didn't you use your ceramic iron? Pressing combs don't have heat control.
i dont own a ceramic iron. i'm just not gonna use heat anymore.
Hey pb...definitely give it some time before you jump to cutting it all off. I agree with the others...give it a few more washes...maybe a month to go back. Stock up on some good conditioners and curl activators.

Do NOT get caught up in length....I think I remember you not really being into braids and weaves and that sort of thing, but if it will get your mind off the length and allow your hair to just grow, I would strongly suggest it. In fact, maybe you can get corn rows or something now and then take them out in a month...perhaps your hair will have reverted back by then.

As for the pressing comb...do NOT use that ever again! Only use heat styling tools with temp control and don't use them on too high a setting. Use your ceramics, etc, etc and do not use them often....cuz CONSTANT use of direct heat like that wil eventually have the same effects of a relaxer. Try to get to know your natural hair and experiment with natural styles....maybe try to find you a natural salon in your area.

Once, I burnt my hair...actually, my stylist did. She had given me a relaxer and was curling my hair into a beautful style and she actually burnt a rather long CHUNK of my hair at the ROOT. It was dark brown and stinky at the root and it came completely off. This was because she had sprayed some spritz or something and wasn't thinking and urned a piece of my hair out. She was very apologetic about it...I was SHOCKED when I saw the piece. It left an empty spot in the back of my head. It's in my personality not to really got hyped up about stuff like that, so I sort of brushed my shoulders off and went on. Anyway, the point is, the curler was VERY hot and the fact that there was spritz on my hair just made for a mini-disaster....be careful with that direct heat!
Poohbear said:
I sold it. It was too bulky for me.
Yes, that's why I keep telling the ladies who ask to get 1 inch. One inch can be use on short and long hair.

But yes it's always better not to use heat.
tru_mind said:
Yes, that's why I keep telling the ladies who ask to get 1 inch. One inch can be use on short and long hair.

But yes it's always better not to use heat.
I only used the Maxiglide once and that was when I still had my relaxed ends. ;)
I have 2 suggestions:
1. Did you use a product with silicone (like a serum) before pressing? If so, this forms a seal on your hair and does not let water in, thus your hair won't curl up when water hits it. Try using a clarifying shampoo followed by a conditioner under a heat cap for 20 minutes.
2. Even with heat damaged hair, you can still do braidouts/twistouts to give texture to your hair.
Hi Girl,

I know that was a big set back, but it is better you learn this lesson now than later, when your hair is longer. Hang in there....we all make mistakes..
caligirl said:
I have 2 suggestions:
1. Did you use a product with silicone (like a serum) before pressing? If so, this forms a seal on your hair and does not let water in, thus your hair won't curl up when water hits it. Try using a clarifying shampoo followed by a conditioner under a heat cap for 20 minutes.

I would recommend this. The first time I flat ironed my hair, I was paranoid so I used a TON of heat pretectant. So when I washed my hair that first time, I made sure to use a good strong clarifying shampoo first then I followed up with a really good deep conditioner. I've heard of other ladies saying that it takes a few washes/deep conditioning sessions to get the curls back right. Try that first before you go to chopping. Good luck :)
caligirl said:
I have 2 suggestions:
1. Did you use a product with silicone (like a serum) before pressing? If so, this forms a seal on your hair and does not let water in, thus your hair won't curl up when water hits it. Try using a clarifying shampoo followed by a conditioner under a heat cap for 20 minutes.
2. Even with heat damaged hair, you can still do braidouts/twistouts to give texture to your hair.
My mom use grease to press my hair. Before I washed it the second time, I just placed Lekair Cholesterol Plus in my hair for a few minutes. When I washed my hair the second time, I used a clarifying shampoo. Btw, my hair is too short and too uneven to do braidouts.
Poohbear don't jump the gun and cut your hair before you even really know it needs to be cut. Like another poster mentioned you need to do a deep conditioning treatment.
Goodness Poohbear... I'm sooo sorry ur going through this :rosebud:

I'm not the heat expert, but I agree... don't cut it off just yet... maybe there's some sort of treatment that can be done.

((... & I just went out & bought a ceramic iron today. I'm tooo scurrred to use that sucker now...))
Im sorry this happened Poohbear. I'm never using a straightening comb again. I remember the ill effects it had on my hair now that I look back (I was 14). My stylist pressed it so hard that it looked like I had a bone straight relaxer :( It was pretty once it was freshly syled but after a few days it looked like ish...mad dry looking and very brittle. I wouldnt cut my hair just yet. Maybe try a few protein treatments and TLC and then see what you're working with in a bout a month. Im theopposite of you, Im not straigtening my hair cuz I know its not the length I want it to be so I refuse to until I at least get a little past shoulder length. Good Luck :)
hey poohbear, i used to press my hair a lot so I can relate. Yes whenever my hair was washed I would still have the burnt smell in it. Now that I don't press my hair anymore I don't smell it anymore but I do still have straight ends. I suggest that you use the aghogee treatment for damaged hair. That will help to bring back the curls and will also strengthen your hair so you wont see any little pieces. I used the aphogee treatment before and I noticed that there weren't so many straight ends I think it's because of the protein. You can buy the small bottle which i think costs about $5. Make sure you use a moisturizing conditioner after you use the aphogee. HTH
I am sorry to hear about your hair. The ladies here have certainly given you some good advice. Even if the worst case senario turns out to be damage, instead of cutting right away maybe you could get cornrows or micros just to let your hair rest and grow out more.
Poohbear said:
See, during my transition, my mom pressed my hair one time and my new growth curled back up. She even blowdried it straight and my hair curled back up. This time, I think she may have pressed it harder or something. I called her after washing my hair and she said she used the same temperature on the stove as last time. So I dunno. But my hair never smelled burnt like this after washing it and it never stayed straight like this after washing it. It curls back up immediately. This time it didn't and that's why I'm thinking it's damaged. :(

It might be that she left the comb on the stove longer than the last time (by accident) so it was hotter when she used it this time... in comparison to the last time.

I'm sorry this happened to you Poohbear. Good luck with the conditioning... I hope it works! Luckily your hair will keep growing!
I'm sorry to hear that, Poohbear. I don't have any tips, but maybe it'll take some time to get back to its natural state.
Ladies, I just got done crying for real :cry: :cry: :cry:

I just deep conditioned my hair for 45 minutes with LeKair Cholesterol Plus...I added a bit of Elasta Qp Breakage Control Serum onto my hair as well...

I took another shower to wash the conditioner out and as water poured down my hair, there was still that burnt smell and my hair is still bone straight (no wave or curl to it AT ALL). Right now as I am typing, I smell this awful burnt smell in my hair!!! :( :( :(

Thanks ladies for your suggestions. I'm just gonna grow out this heat damaged hair instead of cutting it off. I'm going to daily wash, Surge 2X daily, condition weekly, and wear a scarf around my head. :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: Hopefully, this will help speed up my hair growth and keep me from worrying about my hair.
I hate to tell you this, but if your hair is still smelling burnt, then you will more than likely have to cut it. BUt before you do, keepa close watch on your ends to be sure they are not splitting up the shaft. If they seem ok, then do your routine and then once you get some length then cut those damaged parts off.

I'm really sorry this happened to you. Heat damage is no joke. I've had it before.
Poohbear, sounds like you've got a good plan going. With all of that pampering your hair just might surprise you. And even if it doesn't, in a few weeks you'll be seeing your lovely curly, kinky, spirally new growth. Good luck and keep your pretty head up, okay?