I'm Cutting My Hair!!

THAT'S IT!!I Am So Not Happy With My Hair Right Now!! It Seems Like My Hair Is Getting NO WHERE!! When I Relax In A Few Weeks I'm Cutting It To Shoulder Length.:( :( :mad: :mad:
I swear I was just about to post the same thing....but I was cutting it all off (down to the 3 inches of ng). I would say try to be a little more patient and after the summer if you still see no progress then cut it if u want to. Maybe you just need to change your regimen?
i feel your pain. when i'm fustrated with my hair i put it up so i won't have to deal with it. take a few days to think about it. maybe it'll behave better after your relaxer
Don't make any decisions when you're mad. Calm down first and then ask yourself if you really want to cut your hair.
I'm about fed up with my own hair myself. I put braids in two weeks ago, took them out and then put tracks in this weekend. I'm just tired of dealing w/my hair. It just seems like it's not growing. I know I need to have patience, but it's not working. I also have not relaxed my hair in months (I'm trying to keep the chemicals out of it). But now when I take out my hair after braiding or weaving, my hair is a tangled mess... that's after I wash and blow dry it. Maybe I'm still not treating it with the love it deserves. I'm ready to just chop it all off and start fresh.:wallbash:
Don't go off on your hair just yet, wait, be patient, braid it, bun it, twist up until you can make a decision when your not frustrated, cause you will regret it.
Thnx For Hearing Me Out Ladies :kiss: I Guess I'm Having A Bad Hair Day. I Just Get So Agrivated Dealing With My Hair.I Poo And Dc 2x's A Week And I Am On The Grow Hair Like Weed Challenge. That Has Helped Tremendously Within The Last Month Because It Was Trying To Break. I'd Better Think Twice About Chopping Cuz My DH Might Divorce Me(LoL:lol: )
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girl, im feeling the same way right now
i dont know what to do
the ends of my hair stay straight from pressing it so long
my ends split like bananas all day
my hair is dry
different lengths all over
especially the middle
and as healthy as it looks.... its SO NOT!!
and i know i need to cut it but im so scared everybody, its never been shorter than it is now
sorry to go off about me.. but yea girl, i feel u