I'm cutting my hair...


New Member
So I decided that I need to cut it. Yes cut, not trim. I am at APL right now and I have really bad split ends and even though I am babying my hair right now these ends have gotta go! so I am gonna cut probably to collar bone length. Any pics of cute collar bone length cuts? I'm thinking long layers. So help me out yall...I promise to finally post pics once I cut this mess!
If you want me to try to talk you out of it I am the wrong person.:look:

I think that if your ends are split it takes away from the length...not add to it. I hate split ends.

I DON'T know if I would cut THAT much off though. Maybe you could go just above the splits.
Do you HAVE to cut it?? Can you just get a slight trim of maybe an inch, let it grow out over the course of time, and get another inch taken off? I think that is too drastic and it may not be as bad as you think it is. I would probably recommend an inch, moisturize and seal with castor oil, and wear protective styles. Just trying to save your hair since I am against doing drastic cuts.....your thoughts on this?
no girl , I WANT to cut it. These ends are raggety as hell lol:look: I just need a cute picture to take to the salon w/ me. I agree that split ends take away from length. But maybe you are right about cutting so much off. Once I flat iron I'll be able to see where I need to chop...
Be very gentle with your new freshly cut ends, less manipulation and/or abuse. Doing the same myself right now. Good luck Anna