I'm Cuttin' You Guys!!!


New Member
Hey, haven't been here for a while...but, I've recently decided to chop my hair off (all except for the newgrowth about 1 inch worth;very short). I wanna go natural. I guess it's better that I decide this now while I'm 19. I've decided to chop tomorrow or tuesday. I'm sooo scared and I'll miss my hair, but I just keep thinkng about how much natural hair I'll have to replace it later on... that's my inspiration. My mom thinks I'm a fool for cutting my hair, but I gotta do it. Wish me luck, girls. I'll need it. Also, I'll probably need help/tips on how to care for natural hair too.
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If you are scared to chop off your hair, there's nothing wrong with transitioning by hanging on to your relaxed ends until your natural hair is at a length that you desire. :) That's what I'm doing... I'm not bold enough to chop my hair off! :grin:

Anyway, God bless you with your decision! ;)
I'm happy for you.
Congratulations on your decision Roselyn! I wish that I would have went natural earlier in life. Best of luck to you on your BC! Healthy new hair for the new year. :dance7: Make sure you report back and let us know how everything went! My mom was supportive during my transition...but wasn't very supportive @ all when I did the BC. I knew that my hair would be healthier for it...so I didn't really pay her any mind. She just prefers longer lengths I guess. Anyway...she came around eventually...and once your mom adjusts to your new do...I'm sure your mom will too. :)

As for advice...section that hair...especially if it is thick! Section before brushing...combing...applying oils or moisturizers...and when putting conditioner/and or shampoo in your hair. It will save you on tangles. Also check out the natural albums on here and over @ Nappturality for more inspiration and styling options.
that was the age i did it at :clap:...okay im only 20 sounding like im a veteran lol. goodluck...and do some earring shopping afterwards to celebrate :)
Congrats! I just chopped my hair down to 3-4 inches, from having relaxed ends practically at brastrap and I LOVE the way it looks now. If you're ready, you're ready...good luck with everything, I know it'll look beautiful.
Thanx so much for the comments and support! I hoping on healthy growth. Thanx again and yes, I'll keep in contact.