I'm Contemplating a MAJOR change and need direction...


formerly nicola.kirwan
Hi ladies,

If you all would offer your spiritual insight, I would greatly appreciate it. Basically, I am exactly half way through a law degree. Before starting I was supposed to go to seminary, but put it on hold because I was uncomfortable with some issues in the church and w/ the Bishop over me at the time, and my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer while caring for my grandmother. I received a very generous offer from a school in my hometown and decided to put off seminary.

A year and a half later, my mother is better, the relatives she was caring for have passed, and the church has sorted out some of its issues.

In addition to that, I feel the call to go into ministry full time so strongly that it's exceedingly difficult for me to concentrate on this degree, and I feel like I'm wasting time here. It's gotten to the point that no matter how much energy I try to put into classes, I just can't give it my all. This is something new for me. I ended up having a very very strong sense of the Spirit's leading that I was done here and needed to move now. It was so strong that I even had physical sensations in my hands and feet, telling me to go.

Since then I've been praying and seeking guidance, but various issues have presented themselves, such as finding a job in the transition and getting out of this lease. I don't know whether that's an indication that I should just stay, or simply something that I should trust in God's provision for as I go ahead and follow.

I'm trying to see with the eyes of faith, but it's scary to think that I could make this decision and be mistaken about it being God's voice.

The decision would of course upset a lot of people who believe that I would be throwing away an opportunity and not "fully realizing" my potential. However, I don't believe God sees things that way. In His economy, He exalts the lowly, and makes use of those who aren't necessarily educated, ambitious, or anything else. Because it's not about accomplishments, but about faith. And at the end of the day the return He seeks on His investment isn't going to be more lines on a resume, but the fruit of the spirit, service to those in need, etc.

In meditating on the Christmas story, Jesus was a child of the poor, had nothing to His name, and that was part of the point. If I know that I have a call to a certain ministry, why would I spend God's time and money seeking after something that could definitely be useful, but ultimately isn't that thing?

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I'm a grad student so I understand that you don't have lots of time to dedicate to ministry at the moment. From the natural standpoint, I would say that just because you are not in seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't be training and preparing right now in some way. You feel a strong call for ministry because it is a part of who you are and what you will become. But there is a season for everything. From a spiritual standpoint, I understand your frustration because when I feel God is telling me to do something, I feel compelled to do it because i know how important our obedience is to God. Usually I do what I feel the spirit is calling me to do, but not until I am certain I heard from God.

I recommend that you fast or pray intensely about the situation, then seek godly counsel. But I will say that your lack of motivation for school can be restored. I don't doubt that you feel the spirit drawing you but I'm just concerned about timing. I am sure that your law degree can be used effectively for ministry. Will your school allow you to take a year off for seminary? I definitely wouldn't advise you to leave in the middle of the school year, is it possible to atleast complete year 2?
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Move baby..I felt the same way about HR.I was suppose to go to law school..got my 1st undergrad in Poli Sci so I would be a good catch..however once I graduated I couldnt bring myself to even look at the LSAT but HR man oh man it comes so easy like I have motivation to read and go deeper in my learning..I thought about seminary myself but for me my past would come into question a bit too much..but if that where God leading you everything will work out..you just have to trust bc the devil wants to throw stuff like your lease and your job up so you will be too scared to walk on water..keep your eyes fixed on Jesus baby and you will walk boo trust me..
I totally understand. but you must be sure of the timing. Ask God to show or do certain things, then if those things happen then u have ur answer.
Looks like you already have your answer ... I believe doubts help strengthen our faith and that God isn't too big or too busy to not understand your dilemma or not able to convince you (whether through people or events) of his sufficiency. Attestation... Whatever choice you make, he'll be right there with you.:yep:

Hi ladies,

If you all would offer your spiritual insight, I would greatly appreciate it. Basically, I am exactly half way through a law degree. Before starting I was supposed to go to seminary, but put it on hold because I was uncomfortable with some issues in the church and w/ the Bishop over me at the time, and my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer while caring for my grandmother. I received a very generous offer from a school in my hometown and decided to put off seminary.

A year and a half later, my mother is better, the relatives she was caring for have passed, and the church has sorted out some of its issues.

In addition to that, I feel the call to go into ministry full time so strongly that it's exceedingly difficult for me to concentrate on this degree, and I feel like I'm wasting time here. It's gotten to the point that no matter how much energy I try to put into classes, I just can't give it my all. This is something new for me. I ended up having a very very strong sense of the Spirit's leading that I was done here and needed to move now. It was so strong that I even had physical sensations in my hands and feet, telling me to go.

Since then I've been praying and seeking guidance, but various issues have presented themselves, such as finding a job in the transition and getting out of this lease. I don't know whether that's an indication that I should just stay, or simply something that I should trust in God's provision for as I go ahead and follow.

I'm trying to see with the eyes of faith, but it's scary to think that I could make this decision and be mistaken about it being God's voice.

The decision would of course upset a lot of people who believe that I would be throwing away an opportunity and not "fully realizing" my potential. However, I don't believe God sees things that way. In His economy, He exalts the lowly, and makes use of those who aren't necessarily educated, ambitious, or anything else. Because it's not about accomplishments, but about faith. And at the end of the day the return He seeks on His investment isn't going to be more lines on a resume, but the fruit of the spirit, service to those in need, etc.

In meditating on the Christmas story, Jesus was a child of the poor, had nothing to His name, and that was part of the point. If I know that I have a call to a certain ministry, why would I spend God's time and money seeking after something that could definitely be useful, but ultimately isn't that thing?

Thank you ladies for your responses. I will continue praying and seeking. There's a lot to think about and a lot to discern. I suppose if any feeling or "word" from God could automatically be trusted, He wouldn't have told us to be careful to discern the spirits to see if they actually are from Him. But faith will always bring a good result.
From a spiritual standpoint, I understand your frustration because when I feel God is telling me to do something, I feel compelled to do it because i know how important our obedience is to God. Usually I do what I feel the spirit is calling me to do, but not until I am certain I heard from God.

..but if that where God leading you everything will work out..you just have to trust bc the devil wants to throw stuff like your lease and your job up so you will be too scared to walk on water..keep your eyes fixed on Jesus baby and you will walk boo trust me..

These two posts perfectly express the questions swirling around in my heart and mind right now.