I'm confused...please help a newbie!


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies I started my regimen last night and i bought a ton of products that i saw here that were highly recommended. my plan is:
once a wk: poo, light protein dc, leave-in, moisturizer
mon. and wed.: oil overnight, cw, leave-in, moisturize
once a month: chelating poo, ms, light protein, dc, leave-in, moisturize
every 6 wks: ms, heavy protein, dc, leave-in, moisturize

This is my plan for now, since I don't know a lot about haircare and never really gave this much concious effort to grow my hair. My question is, is Kenra moisturizing conditioner a light protein conditioner, and if so is that harmful for me to use as many times as i plan to which is 3 times/wk? Also if Kenra is a light protein do I need another conditioner for my cw and what reccs. do you have? Your help would be greatly appreciated and help end the confusion. TIA!
Hello, kenra moisturizing is not a light protein. A light protein that you can use frequently could be keraphix. You can use pretty much any light conditioner for cw. I use tropical milk protein conditioner, but many people use suave, vo5 or white rain or something like that since they are cheap and can be used often w/o burning a hole in your pocket. As often as you cw, I wouldn't use the kenra as it can get very expensive. HTH :)