im confused help!lol


New Member
ive had my hair in cornrows since june 23 my scissors happy stylists decided to give me a"trim" so i decided not to go back to her sim goinin to keep my hair in cornrows for tha entire month of july and ill get a touch up in a tha beg. of aug but im not sure by who though im so nervous to go back to my scissors happy stylists so i can either search for a new stylists or have my mom do my touch up. which i know she would do a good job and i use affirm relaxer ill have to see when aug. comes. im
It's really up to you what you want to do. It is your hair. How can your stylist "decide" something for your hair? If you don't want her to trim, tell her. I learned this lesson and I have been able to retain more growth since I spoke up. My stylist shows me exactly what she is going to cut and I sign off on whether it is ok. I was so afraid to speak up in the past, but when you do, you will see that it isn't that bad. If you don't need a trim, don't get one even if she offers. Your stylist, if she is a good one and cares about your needs as her client, will do this. Now, I have other complaints about my stylist (I haven't found a perfect one yet!) but she does not cut my hair or come near me with a scissors if I say no. I think if you speak up, you should be pleasantly surprised that your stylist will do your bidding. If she gives you attitude, find a new stylist--quick! Good luck in your decision and HTH.