I'm coming out!!!


Hot Mama!
Okay, I have been a member of LHCF for a little over one year. In that time, I have gained lots of knowledge and encouragement. I have also reveled in the hair albums of many of the "stars" here.

I feel like I am among friends and am ready to share my album. Any and all advice is welcome!! Right now I am going through postpartum shedding and am so tired of seeing so much hair go down the drain:perplexed but that is another story.

My album shows my progress over the course of one year.....WELCOME!!!

Password is in my profile
your hair is looking really good thats great progress that you have made
i'm not sure about the post pardom shedding i dont remember experiencing it
you might do a search maybe some of the other ladies can help with that
You have made GREAT progress in a little over a year! Wow, imagine where you will be just one short year from now! Congrats! I'm telling you, it's not just the ladies with brastrap hair that inspire me. Seeing such progress at any length is always inspiring. :)
THanks so much Ladies!!! I would be right at ear length as always if I hadn't found LHCF...And shout out to Wolftrap :yay:who told a friend who told a friend who told me about this board!!!

Happy hair growing!!!! And about that post partum shedding....I am doing CO washes every 4-5 days, hard protein (emergencee) every 2-3 weeks and deep conditioners every time I wash. It started a month ago and it seems to be slowing down somewhat. I hope I can keep my hair healthy in the process. Cant turn back now!!!
Nice said:
Hey Teerama,

Your hair looks great :) !! That is really some progress girl!!!

Nice! I was trying to catch up to you.:grin: ...shout out to those beautiful tresses. Yesterday I read about your recent chop...I am so sorry!!! What happened?