I'm buying a phony pony today

*Happily Me*

Well-Known Member
I need help purchasing the right type ponytail. An afro puff would be my first choice but I am willing to try other types. Depending on the price and how nice it looks, I may buy 2 different types.

While wearing the ponytail I would like to wear a baggie underneath.

I have a few questions and I hope y'all can help me out.

Should I look for any particular brand of ponytail? How much should I expect to pay? What kind of moisterizer should I place in the baggie?

Thanks all!
DSylla said:
I need help purchasing the right type ponytail. An afro puff would be my first choice but I am willing to try other types. Depending on the price and how nice it looks, I may buy 2 different types.

While wearing the ponytail I would like to wear a baggie underneath.

I have a few questions and I hope y'all can help me out.

Should I look for any particular brand of ponytail? How much should I expect to pay? What kind of moisterizer should I place in the baggie?

Thanks all!
I like the drawstring ponies & I have bought FreeTress & Isis Collection. Just look at the pictures on the packages & see which ones you'd like. Most of them are already on display for you to see them & feel them.
I don't pay more than $9.95 for my ponies. I've seen that it seems to be the going price for them. Mine are synthetic & they have been good to me. I don't wear the baggie under my ponies but I do moisturise with Surge & Scurl mixtures. That keeps my hair moist enough. I'm looking into a human pony to see if they shine like the synthetic. I have a straight flip & a curled afro puff... I just have to figure out how to calm down the puff... It's huge!:lol:
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Thanks Ashee. I'm glad I have something to go on now. I really hope it looks right on me.

I'll post some pics later.
You're welcome!
Just make sure to purchase one that you can see out of the package... Most stores will let you take it out to see what it looks like!
Good Luck!:wave:
DSylla said:
I need help purchasing the right type ponytail. An afro puff would be my first choice but I am willing to try other types. Depending on the price and how nice it looks, I may buy 2 different types.

While wearing the ponytail I would like to wear a baggie underneath.

I have a few questions and I hope y'all can help me out.

Should I look for any particular brand of ponytail? How much should I expect to pay? What kind of moisterizer should I place in the baggie?

Thanks all!

I love spiral ponytails. ITA with what Ashee reco'd.
Thanks for the feedback Cincy. I did not see anything :sad: that I really liked in the store up the block so i'm going to Harlem next weekend. I'm pretty sure I'll find something there.