I'm blaming you LHCFers....


Well-Known Member
when I'm homeless and pushing my product junkie stash around in a shopping cart! I was driving to Burger King to get something to eat, and decided to stop in the BSS next door to see if they carried Taliah Waajid's Protective Mist Bodifier (I've been dying to try it).

Of course they didn't have it, but I ended up getting:

*Silicone Mix (wanted to see what all the hoopla is about)
*Lacio Lacio (I hear about this all the time but have never come across it)
*Taliah Waajid's Crinkles & Curls
*Taliah Waajid's Lock it Up Gel
*Taliah Waajid's African Healing Oyl (why? I rarely use oil)

And then when I get home and log on to the forum, I see Gymfreak's thread titled "Read this before you buy anything else!!!" :look:

I felt like you do when you're in church and it seems like the pastor is preaching directly at YOU! :lachen:

**scrunching down in my pew**

Hey I was just there and visited two different Angie's looking for Lacio Lacio. Never found it - DANG! But I did pick up some Silicon Mix, and it's the bomb. :grin:
I'm mad cuz I was doing so well! I had whittled my stash down and everything... and then BAM! I was like a druggie going on a binge! :lachen:
I hear that oil is great so maybe it will convert you. I am not a pj anymore but I must thoroughly look through every bss and hair care section of any store I visit.
LOL! I can NOT pass a beauty supply store or the hair product section in a store (if i know they have a good selection). Silicone Mix and Lacio Lacio Is totally worth it at least
I hear that oil is great so maybe it will convert you. I am not a pj anymore but I must thoroughly look through every bss and hair care section of any store I visit.

Thank you thank you thank you! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one! :grin: Why is that? I mean... I get a warm fuzzy feeling browsing the aisles even if I don't need anything. :yep: Sometimes I'm content to just lovingly fondle the products and read the ingredients. Sad, I know. :nono:
Well we can just push our carts together! When I was at the MAC counter last night (I also stalk the make up forum) I thought the same thing as I handed over the cash to pay be tab!
LOL......I thought you was about to get crunk on us......but I hear you though......! It will take awhile to get use to not buying so many products......
OP, I think you will like lacio lacio leave in :yep:

I got it as well to see what all the hype is about. It's the only thing besides oil that gave my hair a shine like no other. And trust when i say my hair can be dull and ashy looking at times.

i DCed with the stuff 3 days ago, and my hair still smells perfumey and fresh. and it made my new growth so soft.

so don't regret that purchase! your hair will thank you :lol:

Hey I was just there and visited two different Angie's looking for Lacio Lacio. Never found it - DANG! But I did pick up some Silicon Mix, and it's the bomb. :grin:
I did NOT know that they had Silicon Mix (my old stylist from NY used to use this as a final rinse and I love the smell -- stays with me for a few days and makes me feel like I just got my hair done) at Angies...good thing I went shortly before closing. I didn't get to go back last weekend, but I will be going back sometime soon.
I know how you feel, half the time i'm not even in the market for anything but when I hear LHCF ladies raving about something it becomes a "Must Have". LOL!!!! I am now saving up for a 100% Ceramic Flat Iron that I saw posted on here recently. It's like $200 +-. And I don't even flat iron my hair that often and i'm still working on getting it! This site must have some form of mind control embedded in it.. I swear LOL!
Ok you guys... I'm back to give reviews on said products:

*Silicon Mix (wanted to see what all the hoopla is about)

:nono: Sadly, this product didn't do it for me. The first time I tried it, I used it in the shower, left it on for about 10-15 minutes. No fireworks, no birds chirping, no slip... nothing. Just OK. Second time I DC'd overnight. When I rinsed the next morning, no slip whatsoever. :sad: Had to follow up with my trusty Giovanni Smooth as Silk in order to soften it enough for the shower comb to slide thru it. Glad I purchased the smallest container instead of one of those huge tubs. I'll give it one more try with heat, but that's it. :down::down:

*Lacio Lacio (I'd heard about this so much but had never come across it)
All I can say is :wow: Like someone mentioned earlier, my hair is NEVER this shiny without some type of oil in it. After applying this to my hair, I picked up the bottle and just stared at it in awe! :infatuated: And the smell is to die for. :lick: My hair felt SO moisturized! But then I was suspicious like "wait a minute!...:ohwell: I bet once my hair airdries, it won't be all shiny and moisturized anymore". So while I was airdrying, I ran out to Wal-mart to pick up a few household items. My hair was completely dry when I got back home, and boy was it still soft and shiny! Even the new growth! This stuff is definitely a keeper. :yep: A little pricey, but definitely worth it. (ran back out today to pick up another bottle before you guys buy it all up :giggle:) :up::up:

*Taliah Waajid's Crinkles & Curls

I rarely use any type of setting lotion, but I wanted something light that provides flexible hold. This stuff did the job. :yep: It pumps out foamy, and it only takes a little bit. Used it for a twistout like the one in my siggy pic. :up::up:

*Taliah Waajid's Lock it Up Gel

Used this in combination with the Crinkles & Curls to define my twistouts better. It doesn't get stiff or flaky, and has a pleasant smell. The jar will probably last me a lifetime. :yep: :up::up:

*Taliah Waajid's African Healing Oyl (why? I rarely use oil)

Ok, I must admit... I purchased this because of the smell. :lick: I like that it is very sweet and fruity smelling, and the pointy applicator tip makes it easy to penetrate the dense jungle of new growth I have. I also like that it's an all-purpose oil... can be used on the body as well. :up::up:

There you have it... hope it helps someone. :spinning:
AWWW! i feel out of control @ times myself. i am by neccessity a whole lot better @ staying away from all the hype than i used to be, u may just plateu soon, anyhow though i thought they only sold taliah waajid products @ cvs. i mean with the exception of atlanta that is. dang , she's been around for a long long time, but she's really on the come up now huh? (smiling @ sisters doin it for themselves)
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i have been stalking taliah waajid for a sec now, but didn't like the shipping charges...

My SO has locks so i bought the lock-it up for him...but now you have me wanting the rest for me!


A lot of beauty stores are carrying her products now...i just stumbled on them in a beauty store. it isn't even one that is listed on the website...
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I know how you feel, half the time i'm not even in the market for anything but when I hear LHCF ladies raving about something it becomes a "Must Have". LOL!!!! I am now saving up for a 100% Ceramic Flat Iron that I saw posted on here recently. It's like $200 +-. And I don't even flat iron my hair that often and i'm still working on getting it! This site must have some form of mind control embedded in it.. I swear LOL!

^^Exactly! :lachen: I never even knew I was a hard-core PJ (when it comes to hair at least) until I found LHCF....and I'm still a Newbie :blush:
I saw myself becoming a PJ but I nipped it in the bud thankfully by finding all my staples early in my HHJ and only buying things when they run out and when they are on sale.
Ok you guys... I'm back to give reviews on said products:

*Silicon Mix (wanted to see what all the hoopla is about)

:nono: Sadly, this product didn't do it for me. The first time I tried it, I used it in the shower, left it on for about 10-15 minutes. No fireworks, no birds chirping, no slip... nothing. Just OK. Second time I DC'd overnight. When I rinsed the next morning, no slip whatsoever. :sad: Had to follow up with my trusty Giovanni Smooth as Silk in order to soften it enough for the shower comb to slide thru it. Glad I purchased the smallest container instead of one of those huge tubs. I'll give it one more try with heat, but that's it. :down::down:

. :spinning:

So, :look: um...what are you going to do with that Silicon Mix? :look: