
Active Member
I put a super relaxer in my hair two weeks ago. When I was washing it out handfuls of hair started falling out. I shampooed, and more hair fell out. By the time I finished half of my hair had fell out. My hair is relaxed, about 2 inches past my shoulder and it was thick. Now its still long but half the thickness. After the relaxer, I put it in a braid for two weeks thinking that maybe if I didn't touch it, the hair would stop coming out. When I took the braid out, more handfuls out hair came out.
Everytime I comb,touch, move, do anything to it more hair comes out. I did not even realize I had this much damn hair. It won't stop, so instead of watching all of my hair come out in my hands, I'm planning to cut it all off.

I've been trying to prepare myself for going bald again. Three years ago I cut off all of my hair because I was tired of doing it. It all grew back thicker and longer, and I was finally happy with it. I dont want to do that again, I really want my hair now. I don't want to be bald again, but it seems like I have no choice right now.

I know its going to grow back quickly. In two years I will have most of my hair back, but right now I am a mess. Just sitting here wanting to go crazy because I dont want to be bald right now. Sh*t I just got married four months ago, my husband didn't sign up for grace jones. ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!
Oh wow. I'm really sorry that happened to you! Do you have any idea why? Was this your first time using that particular relaxer? It's good you realize it will grow back, but I completely understand how bummed you must be. All I can do is send a cyber hug. {{{mvonnesha}}}

May you have fast growth and I hope it grows back healthier than ever!
You should contact the manufacturer. I'm sorry to hear this. I'd wouldn't be able to function if this happened to me. :(
Oh, I'm sooo sorry this has happened to you. When I was younger my mother permed and dye her hair the same day and her hair fell out, she was bald, but only at the back.

Sending you prenty of hugs. One thing about hair in most cases it will grow back. Your husband understands and wouldn't mind you being bald for a short time.
I'm sorry, too, that this happened to you, but I have to be honest. When I first saw this title with the :mad: face, I laughed...

Not because of your situation, of course, but just the way the words looked "I'm Bald" :mad:

Hope your hair grows back soon...
OH MY, this is bad, I'm sorry to hear this. Maybe you can try the Biolustre system that's suppose to turn the hair back to it's virgin state, someone posted about their results yesterday, I try to bump it for you, I think I would try this first before cutting it all off. BTW what relaxer did you use and how long did you leave it in?, just for a warning for the rest of us if it's not a good relaxer choice.
I AM SO SORRY! Listen, no one says you have to cut it ALL off....What about a really short blunt cut? (You didn't mention that you had bald patches, only that your hair really thinned out alot.) I have noticed that my hair thins / sheds quite a bit after a relaxer, too. Which is why I'm off the whole relaxer thing for a while....I've been taking MSM in pill form for a while now, and I have noticed that there is a significant difference in the texture of my hair (it's much looser).

The other thing to consider is how long you went without combing, brushing or washing before you relaxed...Remember that you are supposed to lose 100+ hairs a day, so maybe that's why it seemed like so much?

All I can say is BABY the heck out of your scalp & hair for some time to come.

Good luck!
My hair is falling out because I picked up the wrong strength relaxer. I usually use mild, or kiddie perms because they work well for me. I didn't even leave it on for that long, around 10 minutes.
My hair is burned. My hair feels horrible, kind of a cotton candy consistency. Its sticking togther, and there are places that basically look burned. I'm trying to salvage as much as possible, but I think I have to go sinnead o'connor bald. Oh well! Maybe I can convince my husband that sinnead o' connor is sexy.

Its entirely my fault, I'm going thru some things and I definately wasn't paying attention. I've kind of been in a daze lately. I wasn't paying attention in the beauty supply store or at home. I guess I can give a warning to everyone: Pay Attention When Using Relaxers.
Wow. I'm sorry to hear that. Just make sure you put in an extra effort to care for your hair once it starts growing back. You'll have a full head of thick, healthy hair in no time. Good luck.
I'm really sorry this is happening.
Have you tried washing the hair again with neutralizing shampoo?
Or maybe protein treatments till help.
Oh dear....I really don't know what to say except try a few treatments immediately....I think your hair needs all the moisture and oil it can get at the present time...I have had burns in the past and hair falling out, but not to the extent that you describe...try the treatments first and if you get no joy then maybe you should cut it....protein treatments are all well and good but if your hair feels dry, then the protein is going to make it even drier...so, lots of hot oil treatments and use any conditioners you have that will add moisture and believe it or not but vaseline works wonders on burned hair or burned skin (if you have physical burns from the chemical).

Also, I don't think it's a good idea to do braids of any kind at this time simply because it will put a strain on your hair.

Good luck.:)
OMG that is really horrible, But listen you can get a few wigs made up until you start seeing your growth. I used Copa and it made my hair gorgous for a minute and my hair was just about shoulder length and just swinging all over the place, it made it so that I only had to curl it once and it would last 7 days I didnt' have to do nothing to it I could cram a hat on my head take it off and shake it and boom it was perfect then it started coming out in clumbs I had skin showing all over the place it was a nightmare. I looked a hot mess, I had to get it all chopped down to the skin. With clippers. I just cried for a week, then I wore a nice wig, several designed the way I normally would wear my hair , told no one for a few months until my hair came back and i had it styled nicely and wore it out like that ----it has since grown back I recently had my hair chopped off for a birthday gift, it was really nice, but I was so pissed off, after all I went through trying to grow it back and this person thought she was doing me a favor! Even had me convince I looked better with short hair! NOT!!! Now its coming back little by little and I am getting use to the short look. I am so sorry to hear about all your troubles. I always have my daughter put in my perms when I do them home or I go to the salon for a treat. Perhaps growing it out natural will be best for now. I wish you much luck and speedy growth.
mvonnesha said:
My hair is falling out because I picked up the wrong strength relaxer. I usually use mild, or kiddie perms because they work well for me. I didn't even leave it on for that long, around 10 minutes.
My hair is burned. My hair feels horrible, kind of a cotton candy consistency. Its sticking togther, and there are places that basically look burned. I'm trying to salvage as much as possible, but I think I have to go sinnead o'connor bald. Oh well! Maybe I can convince my husband that sinnead o' connor is sexy.

Its entirely my fault, I'm going thru some things and I definately wasn't paying attention. I've kind of been in a daze lately. I wasn't paying attention in the beauty supply store or at home. I guess I can give a warning to everyone: Pay Attention When Using Relaxers.


I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. But before you decide to cut it all off, maybe you should try a few things first. Try the following on your next wash:

1) Wash once with a neutralizing shampoo
2) Wash twice with Roux Porosity Control Shampoo
3) If you have seen any breakage, use Nexus emergencee and sit under the dryer without a cap for 30 minutes (if no breakage you can skip this step)
4) Condition with Roux Porosity Control Conditioner with out heat for 20 minutes

I do this routine a few days after I have had a relaxer and it seems to nip sheddig and breakage that can be experienced after a relaxer in the bud. I wish you well.
Sorry to hear that.try aphogee extreme treatment. it's suppose to be good for chemical damage,but be sure to use the balancing moisturizer after rinsing. then next week use the same line shampoo for damged hair, and intense keratin protein treatment( which states to use weekly til hair is back to healthy state) this is creamy and not as strong nor does it harden hair like the extreme. also use there leavein all this til it's back healthy. READ AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. TRY THAT BEFORE CUTTING.maybe it can be covered by putting in loose bun. Good Luck!
I'm so so so so sorry to hear this. I would try doing some intensive conditioning first just to see if you can salvage any of it. If not you may just have to cut it off unfortunately. I would do what someone else suggested, wear a wig or one of those quickweaves while you try to salvage what you can.

Let us know what happens.
I am so sorry you are having to go through this! My heart really goes out to you. <<hugs>> I'm sure you know now better than any of us that you can't play around with the relaxing process. Its a very delicate process and one slip up can leave you at best with weak, thinning hair or worse . . . permanently bald if there is follicle damage. I think what really did it for you was putting in braids right after. Never braid hair that is damaged- that will only complicate your hair woes. You won't be able to properly address the issues that led to your damage when you hair is braided up.

I agree with the others-- don't cut off everything unless you are aboslutely sure after some protein and intensive deep conditioning that your hair can't be saved. Please give it a chance, there may be some more "life" left in there.:yep:
mvonnesha said:
My hair is falling out because I picked up the wrong strength relaxer. I usually use mild, or kiddie perms because they work well for me. I didn't even leave it on for that long, around 10 minutes.
My hair is burned. My hair feels horrible, kind of a cotton candy consistency. Its sticking togther, and there are places that basically look burned. I'm trying to salvage as much as possible, but I think I have to go sinnead o'connor bald. Oh well! Maybe I can convince my husband that sinnead o' connor is sexy.

Its entirely my fault, I'm going thru some things and I definately wasn't paying attention. I've kind of been in a daze lately. I wasn't paying attention in the beauty supply store or at home. I guess I can give a warning to everyone: Pay Attention When Using Relaxers.

I'm soo sorry. I'm always paranoid about picking the strength of my relaxers. I have a fear picking up super strength by mistake.
Blossssom said:
I'm sorry, too, that this happened to you, but I have to be honest. When I first saw this title with the :mad: face, I laughed...

Not because of your situation, of course, but just the way the words looked "I'm Bald" :mad:

Hope your hair grows back soon...

Im sorry I laughed too, It was just the words I guess. not what she is going through. I hope it grows back soon hon, I am so sorry:(
mvonnesha said:
Sh*t I just got married four months ago, my husband didn't sign up for grace jones. ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!

(((((((((((MVONNESHA)))))))))))) I am sorry this happened. Maybe there are some pampering alternatives to doing a Big Chop that you could try first?
jasmin said:
I'm soo sorry. I'm always paranoid about picking the strength of my relaxers. I have a fear picking up super strength by mistake.

I have done this before at the BSS. Got it home and realized I had a Super instead of a Regular right before I cracked the seal on the inductor! Took that puppy straight back.
Neutralize. Also I would go to a stylist. Hopefully you find a good one. Maybe you will not need to cut it all the way off. Maybe you can get a nice cut to add some fullness until your hair fills in.
My heart goes out to you, hon! I'm so sorry this happened to you!!!! Don't cut it yet, baby it first, all may not be lost.
i am extremely sorry to hear that all of your hair is coming out. my hair is shedding and breaking on the ends and i am nervous, so i can't imagine how you must feel. i am sure your husband loves you unconditionally and will think you are beautiful no matter what your hair looks like! keep your head up!:D
I am very sorry that this happened to u. I don't think that u need to shave your head tho. Did u try the protein treatments? I think that protein and deep conditioning would be a good start. U should also consider getting a rinse to protect your cortex. I think it would be very beneficial to both u and this board if u tried to work through this problem rather than chopping it all off.
Basically I think that u need lots of protein to rebuild ur hair.