I'm back with new photos! First successful flexirod set.


New Member
I've been trying to use rollers (any kind of rollers) to do a cute style. Finally success!!

This is a flexirod roller set done on dry hair. Mind you my curls are a tad limp it was a long windy day today.

Bonus, only one section decided it didn't want to be curly, I used no styling products and no heat just a con leave in mix and a little bit of hot six oil. You can also see the pics in my fotki.


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Your hair looks great!!!! PM whenever you get a chance on how you used the flexirods...I've tried once and could not get the hang of it so I just put my hair up. I would love to learn how to use them.
Looks good.

I wish I knew how to do it. I boughts all these rollers when ASUbeauty did her set and never used them.
Yeah, I wanna know, too. So you might as well post the directions here for the benefit of all of us! :kiss::kiss:

Your hair looks great!! :yep:
Ok here's what I did. I don't know if this would work for someone with longer hair mine is still about a half inch away from SL.

I combed out my hair and used my leave in mix of Le Kair cholesterol Con with a wee squirt of Hot 6 oil, rubbed my palms together and ran my hands through my hair. Then I used a tiny bit of Palmers Hair silk on my ends.

I did sort of random chunks of hair (I can't part to save my life) and wrapped my ends around the flexirod a couple of times. My ends are very uneven and this way they get curled. THen I pulled the section tight, then rolled in towards my scalp.

With my right hand I held the roller in place and sort of wrapped the ends around to secure the roller.

I used fourteen flexirods, wrapped in my doo rag from the dollar store, slept, woke up unrolled, finger picked the curls apart, fluffed in places tied my little headband around and went.

Next time I am going to -try- a proper roller set since my honey went and got me magnetic rollers and clips and he found my soft bonnet.

Also last night I watched Mariechamours (is that right?) tutorial on her website about wrapping, I wrapped my hair last night and today it's pretty straight. However it is again super windy so my very cute Veronica Lake bangs were ruined.