I'm back & singing the praises of....


New Member
:D :D Jane Carter Solution!

I'm a die hard Elucence user. I adore the MB shampoo & conditioner. I've not purchased any 'poo or cond since learning about this stuff about six months ago on LHCF.

So, I solved that part of my routine, but I was still at a loss about retaining moisture in my ends and keeping my scalp from being flaky from dryness. Elucence had some products that I purchased, but they all had silicons, so I was "off" them after a bit.

I saw a thread about JCS here, but at the time I couldn't post, as my membership had expired. So, off to Whole Foods I went to pick up the Nourish and Shine, the leave-in scalp oil, and the hair oil.

Ladies, I am in LOVE with the Nourish and Shine. It's got all natural butters, vitimins and oils. It smells heavenly. BUT, I've never ever used anything on my dry ends that had them feeling so soft & supple. This stuff is AMAZING. All you do is rub som between your hand to emulsify it then apply to your ends. I have retained a solid two inches because of this stuff! I don't see anymore broken ends anywhere! You can even use this stuff on your skin.

Now, the scalp & hair oil I use 2x a week after I dry and sparingly at that. But whereas my scalp before would be painfully itchy due to dryness, I don't see (or feel) any flakes, even when I'm wearing all black and I brush my hair...no flakes! (I have since discovered that lemon oil, which is in both oils and the N&S, is a natural anti-fungal.)

I also use the Wrap & Roll for my rollersets, and I don't need anything else for use before I rollerset. This stuff has all natural oils as well, and leaves my hair incredibly shiney.

I have not tried the shampoo (it has sulfates) or the cond (I won't be disloyal to my MB) but the other products ROCK.

I'm so happy that after all these years (I'm 36) and all the $$$$$ wasted on products, I have finally found my holy grail products from shampoo to wrap.

PS: Good to be back!

Welcome back, and thank you for posting this! I'm a die hard Elucence user too. Now you have me planning a trip to Whole Foods tommorow!
i've been using nourish & shine for 2yrs now and its a must have for me. i agree, its excellent for dry ends. a bit pricey but its worth it.
libralegend said:
i've been using nourish & shine for 2yrs now and its a must have for me. i agree, its excellent for dry ends. a bit pricey but its worth it.
okay ya'll what are these products you'll are talking bout. cause if you've seen my pics you'll agree that i need something to rid my damaged ends. thanks
Taya said:
okay ya'll what are these products you'll are talking bout. cause if you've seen my pics you'll agree that i need something to rid my damaged ends. thanks

it's called nourish & shine made by the jane carter solution (www.janecartersolution.com). you can get it at most bbs here in nyc or visit whole foods supermarket or go to their website.

the ingredients in it are: Shea butter, Kokum butter, Illippe butter, Mango butter, Vitamins A, D, & E, pear and grapefruit essential oils.
libralegend said:
it's called nourish & shine made by the jane carter solution (www.janecartersolution.com). you can get it at most bbs here in nyc or visit whole foods supermarket or go to their website.

the ingredients in it are: Shea butter, Kokum butter, Illippe butter, Mango butter, Vitamins A, D, & E, pear and grapefruit essential oils.
thanks i'm gonna check this out.
I have been DYING to try her products...I'm about to order the Nourish & Shine, Leave-in, and the Wrap and Roll Setting Lotion. I'll update with my results :)
If you don't want to order, Whole Foods will order & carry what you need.

This summer I will try the Condition & Sculpt for my wash and go days. I've heard that it keeps your curls from getting frizzy.
GURL! Nourish and Shine aint nuffin but the truth! Been apart of my life for about 3 years now. I liek the leave in condish too! I steer away from anybodys shampoo but I like just about everythign Ive tried of hers.