Im back ... iv missed you guys!


Active Member
hey!!!! hows everyone? its been quile a while since iv been on the site. my new little man takes up ALOT of my time! i was just looking at the feature of the month bloggs- everyone doing SO WELL!!

i havent been doing my usuall regime but im trying to get back. my hairs going ok... i have it pressed!!! i would of never had that done before but LOL it looked nice!!! i never usually use any heat!

im going to add a few new pix now. xxx
Hi Friend and welcome back! I haven't been here long enough to know you - but let me be the first to say that your HAIR IS AWESOME.You are very photogenic, the camera loves you!!:grin: (checked out your fotki)

BTW...Your lil' man is adorable!!!:angel:
hey!!!! hows everyone? its been quile a while since iv been on the site. my new little man takes up ALOT of my time! i was just looking at the feature of the month bloggs- everyone doing SO WELL!!

i havent been doing my usuall regime but im trying to get back. my hairs going ok... i have it pressed!!! i would of never had that done before but LOL it looked nice!!! i never usually use any heat!

im going to add a few new pix now. xxx

oooh.... you were my fave in my lurker days!!!! WELCOME BACK :yep:

I love your hair!!! The pics of your pressed plaits are so pretty, and your lil' man is too cute!
Welcome back, beautiful hair. I love seeing vets come back...look forward to reading future posts. Okay, back to Fotki :)
Congrats on your bundle of joy...he's adorable.:bouncy:


WELCOME BACK!!! Your hair is breathtaking can't wait to see pics of the press out:grin::gorgeous:
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WELCOME BACK!!!! :hug2: I was just thinking about you and wondering how you were doing!!! Your hair looks as beautiful as always. :yep: Your baby boy is handsome!! :love:
Hey Naturaline welcome back!!!
I've always loved your hair, aaw look at your little man- i remember when you were pregnant- how time flys!
Congratulations! Seeing your little boy just put a smile on my face...and that's something I really needed this morning. :)

by the way, your fotki is really nice! i enjoyed looking at the progress! your hair looks absolutely stunning natural as well as pressed!
Welcome back! I had been wondering where you were. How's the little one? :grin:

ETA: I just looked at your fotki and your hair looks amazing! It has grown so much since your last update.
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Thanks for sharing your pics. You, your baby and your hair are gorgeous.

Your hair shows just how versatile afro hair can be. I love the pic with your hair in two braids. Gorgeous.

Naturaline, I just finish viewing your Fotki and Your hair is Absolutely Fabulous, WOW! You inspire me Greatly, no matter how you style your hair it is Totally becoming.
Goooooood Work!
and Your little one is Adorable!