Im back! And starting over again! :)


Well-Known Member
Last time you ladies saw me I had cut my BSL hair to neck length. At that time I was working on my body as well, and I couldn't take the stress of two regimens, unfortunately with all the breakage I was having, and stress that it was causing me, my hair was the one to go.

Now its 1 year later, I'm 65 lbs lighter, and I am back to my starting point. I did a length check few days ago and am pleased to find that I am back to BSL once again. It feels good to be back here again, but a little disappointed with myself as I know that if I had just left it alone I would have been to my goal by now.

But its whatever. :rolleyes:

Currently Ive been finding that I have to use heat in my hair a lot more often than I would like. I am a professional dancer and I have a show at least once a week (or a meeting with someone about a show) in which I have to straighten my hair and put in the clip ins :rolleyes: . Wish I could figure out a way to use heat less as I know it is hampering my progress.

I found a product line and regimen that works well for me Im sticking to it. Hopefully Itll get me to my next goal. My most immediate goal is full BSL (currently there are only a few strands) Then the next goal after that is MBL.

Anyway, its good to be back.

Link to my fotki if you are interested in photos:
welcome back :)

congrats on your weight loss,how did you do it?

way to go on your hair growth :yep: you will reach your goals in no time!!!
Congrats on the weight loss and growing your hair back to bsl. Welcome back and I think you are doing great with your hair so don't worry about the heat as long as your hair is not breaking or splitting. Keep up the good work.
Wow! Good for you on your hair and weight loss. Heat and all, you are doing so good. Yay- I have a new heat inspiration.
OT but: Please share how you lost it!!!!! You have slimmed down a lot!! Congrats!!!


I started taking dance lessons back in oct of 2007, Then in April of 2008 I started with a new teacher and was getting two classes a week, I started to notice I was loosing a little bit of weight. I started counting my cals and it started to fly off. I was noticing weight loss every week! I cant recommend <a href=""> The Daily Plate </a> enough. (or any food diary really! I just like this one because you dont have to go searching for the caloric value of every little thing in your recipes. You just put in "grilled cheese" and it knows, and it subtracts the cals when you input exercise.)

So I stuck with it for a year, and Im here :) I never thought I could do it. I kept saying to myself "well I lost weight last week but watch... thatll be the last lbs I loose, Ill never be thinner!" and before I knew it I was in size 6 jeans. ( I was size 14 before)

So I think its just hard work PLUS being able to stick with it.
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:welcome: back, congratulations on your weight loss and growing back to BSL :clapping:.
I’m sure you will meet all your future goal very quickly :yep:
You look beautiful!