I'm at my wits end :(


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,

Lately I've been feeling even more depressed about my hair's lack of density. This has been an issue that I've been battling with for nearly a year, ever since I went to a dermatologist to inquire about the traction alopecia that scarred both sides of my head.

The dermatologist prescribed biotin 1000mg, Rogaine, and a foam treatment for my slight dandruff at the time, and during the first month, I experienced a lot of shedding. Though it only lasted a month, the result was quite visible. Even my mother commented on the lack of density and volume. At the time, I just brushed it off but it gnawed at me for a while.

It was only when I actually flat ironed my hair back in January did I realize just how sparse my hair was. Even though it wasn't completely straightened, it still looked limp and lifeless. I didn't bother putting rollers in it and just put it in a banana clip.

Recently, I took some pictures of the back of my hair and I was horrified by how spacious the parting looked. It was a bad part but it was just too much scalp for me to dismiss it as just bad technique.

Just now, my aunt-in-law asked why my hair wasn't as dense as she thought it would be. She assumed that it was because texture is fine/silky, but my texture in anything but! (ETA: I know texture has nothing to do with density but it still got to me...)

I'm just so tired of seeing such beautiful full heads of hair with both length and thickness, while my thin hair barely grazes APL

What should I do? I feel really discouraged...
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Hello ladies,

Lately I've been feeling even more depressed about my hair's lack of density. This has been an issue that I've been battling with for nearly a year, ever since I went to a dermatologist to inquire about the traction alopecia that scarred both sides of my head.

The dermatologist prescribed biotin 1000mg, Rogaine, and a foam treatment for my slight dandruff at the time, and during the first month, I experienced a lot of shedding. Though it only lasted a month, the result was quite visible. Even my mother commented on the lack of density and volume. At the time, I just brushed it off but it gnawed at me for a while.

It was only when I actually flat ironed my hair back in January did I realize just how sparse my hair was. Even though it wasn't completely straightened, it still looked limp and lifeless. I didn't bother putting rollers in it and just put it in a banana clip.

Recently, I took some pictures of the back of my hair and I was horrified by how spacious the parting looked. It was a bad part but it was just too much scalp for me to dismiss it as just bad technique.

Just now, my aunt-in-law asked why my hair wasn't as dense as she thought it would be. She assumed that it was because texture is fine/silky, but my texture in anything but!

I'm just so tired of seeing such beautiful full heads of hair with both length and thickness, while my thin hair barely grazes APL

What should I do? I feel really discouraged...

Well my hair is thin and is just getting to SL, so don't feel too bad!:lol: However, mine is thin by family genetics and is something that will never go away. I'm sure with some work, you might gain some thickness back. There's plenty women here who've had the same or similar issues with scalp/skin disorders.

I've managed to thicken my hair a little by doing the following:

-stopped greasing the scalp
-stopped using petroleum or mineral oil products
-using henna
-keeping it moisturized and sealed
-tea rinses/sprays, which stops hair shed (seriously, it works!)

I also found the miconazole nitrate works too (yes, the yeast infection cream), but due to headaches, I had to stop using it. Women have found it a miracle at regrowing hair and making it grow faster.

Hope you find a solution that works for you. Any of those above are safe and easy, though it does take time. So patience is probably the key ingredient...

good luck!
DarkJoy: Thank you :) I've heard good think about henna but I'm not interested in the red dye that comes with it. I'll have to read more about MN though. Thanks again!
Parts can look wider in pics than they are in real life, so I wouldn't fret about that. If your hair is thin, it's thin. Find what you love about it and focus on that. Everyone's density is different so you can't expect your hair look and act like someone else's. Stick to what your doc recommended and hopefully you will see some improvement. Good luck!
If youre not interested in the red, then try Amla. It can at least thicken it a bit and does not release dye. It also makes a good skin scrub. lol

-incorporating castor oil (a little in ur cowashes, seal with it, etc.)
-henna (if ur hair is dark/black, the red will barely show)
-consider megatak (has helped me to regain some of my thickness)

It depends on why your hair is thin. If it is naturally thin and always has been then I don't have an answer for that. But if it has not always been this thin, then there may be options for you. There are many threads where others have healed their scalp and changed their thinness doing many things. People have done garlic/onion treatments, some are using sulfur, some are using natural oils, etc.. There is a Healthy Scalp and Edges challenge thread where you can read through what some of the other ladies are using.

I have found mudwashes to be great for healing my scalp issues along with an oil blend with EOs and scalp massages. I have pictures in my album that shows my results over the past year.
My thinning and balding was due to postpartum issues, but what helped me was Mega Tek, Ayurveda, no heat, Nioxin Recharging Complex, and cowashing (Wen, Ren, etc) exclusively...no more shampoo. I make sure to keep my scalp as clean as possible, and I use neem oil to keep my scalp healthy. I use seamless combs as well.
Edited: Looking at past pictures, my hair was never really dense to begin with. I can definitely see the differences in length though so I'm happy for that. Thank you everyone, for your wonderful suggestions and words of encouragement. I feel a lot better now!
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