I'm Angry At God!!!


New Member
I was going through a very difficult time in Aug/Sept. I was stressed and was unable to focus on my school work so I decided to drop my classes until I was mentally able to handle them. I was approved for financial aid but once I dropped my courses it was taken away. I didn't realize that this was going to happen. I contacted the financial aid office to set up a payment plan. They responded with wanting me to pay something ridiculous like $400/mthl for 6 months. Um...I don't have an EXTRA $400 a month in my budget to give that school. I prayed that somehow someway the Lord would see fit to not have my acct transferred to a collection dept.

Today I received an email stating that their records indicated that I was interested in summer classes and to respond with a yes so that the aid could be processed. I responded and attempted to register for my summer classes. Only I find out that of course my acct was transferred to a collection agency and I can't register for classes until my acct is settled. Now since I'm not in school my loan is not in deferrment status and I have to start repayment.

Lord knows it would have been better for me to just flunk out. AT LEAST the aid would have paid for it and I wouldn't have to start paying back this loan. I"M SOOOOOO ANGRY!! I can recall asking God for guidance in what I should do. Should I stay in school while I'm stressed with the addt'l pressure that I put on myself to succeed. Should I take a much needed break. I'm mad because I prayed and the Lord knows the future....he knew that on March 23rd I would wonder why I wasn't led in a different direction. I made a decision based on the information I had. I didn't realize that my aid would be cancelled..I didn't know that the school would only allow me to pay them back in a 6mth period. I DIDN'T KNOW AND HE DID!!! Why didn't he send someone my way to inform me. To show me another option. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE IN DEBT AND DEPRESSED!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME BEING THE HEAD AND NOT THE TAIL!!! :angry2:
Did God tell you to go ahead with your plan? If he did and you did what he said then you're okay. It may not seem like it now but He may be setting you up for a blessing or to be a blessing.

Also, if He didn't say go ahead with your plan, then you can only get mad at the situation. Ofcourse he knew what was going to happen but He gives us free will to make our own choices.

I know you are fuming right now but try to find a lesson in all of this. At the very least it should be a guide as to how you make future decisions.
I'm sorry that you are hurt.

God will bring you through this situation.

Don't give up on prayer/communication with God. Surrender yourself to his will when you pray. God is helping you to grow. This means letting go of the pain and clinging to the hope in Him and His love for you. Allow Him to help you do so and invite Him to be fully in charge. Read 1Peter 5:6.

This time that you are going through is the most important time for you not to give up in communication with God. The need is stronger now that it has been.

I'll be praying for you, as well.
Hi Kisz,

I'm sorry this happened to you!!! :kiss: God's plans are bigger than our own. Don't lose faith! Be strong, hold on to his promises and everything will work out! I know that for a fact! Whenever things looked bleak for me, God always made a way. I know he will do the same for you. :)

Remember: No test....No testimony!

It is so easy to get mad at God, believe me I know, but I can also stand here and truly say that "if God Brought you to it, He will bring you out of it". I know it's not always easy. I don't know the situation, but this may be a testing period a moving up period. We don't realize that before we can move up that we are testing. Girl count it all joy because it will be alright.
I can truly understand what you are going through! I too sometimes feel angry with GOD b/c of certain situations that just don't seem to go quite the way that I planned them to go. I was listening to a song this morning which I really needed to hear, the lyrics went-

"Praise HIM til your blessings come down, Praise HIM til your situation turns around , Hallelujah anyway, Hallelujah anyway! "

Praise GOD even though it may be hard right now :kiss:
I understand exactly what you're feeling. I have found myself mad at God many times in my 30 years of life. However, as I grow in my relationship with Him I understand now that even those things that seem like failures or roadblocks were actually put their on purpose by God. There was always something He wanted me to learn from them be it trusting Him, learning His voice, depending soley on Him, spiritual maturity, etc. Let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you in all things. I know God is going to work this situation out for you. He is setting you up for something great! The greater the blessing the greater the struggle. Yeah, I know it doesn't seem like it now, but He has a plan and in time it will be revealed. Right now all I can say is "Stand Still and Hear Him".

God we come to you in worship for my sister. Lord you alone are worthy of all the praise in every situation regardless of what we're going through. You get the glory in all things. I ask now God that you touch my sister kisz4tj right now where ever she may be. I ask that you give her peace where there is worry, strength where she is weak. Speak to her clearly about this particular situation and other situations in her life. Lord, let her know that even though she may not see it, You are with her. Lord speak to her now, God touch those secret places, the things that she hasn't shared with anyone. God you see and you know! We believe that this situation will be worked out for good and that you will get the Glory. In your son Jesus name we pray Amen.

It's already done girl, I look forward to the testimony you're going to share with us in the future.

Be blessed, trust Him, rest in Him.
Thanks Divinefavor for that prayer....I know that in times past I have made it through tough times because I've had sisters who have covered me in prayer. Thanks so much

Thanks Alona, Stcsweet, Natalied, LadyR, Indigo. Yesterday I was so bitter. This morning my joy has come. The situation hasn't changed but I look forward to God showing out! Keep me in prayer as I do the same for you.
You're Welcome!!! Girl that's what sisters are for, we are here to uplift and build up each other. It's all about Him!!!

Praise God!!! I am so glad that you have your joy this morning! I will continue to pray for you. Have a Blessed & Prosperous Day!
You sound like I did a few semesters ago. But believe me now is not the time to get angry with God. Something similar happened to me. If its God's will for you to procede with your education now, then you will. If not find out what he is wanting from you in the mean time. He is in control of your life. Have you explained your situation to the people you have your loan with? Have you explained your situation with the financial aid office?
