"I'm all alone at a crossroad..." phyto vs. mizani dilemma...


Well-Known Member
I have this dilemma...

I am scheduled to get a Mizani relaxer next week with Balisi...I will be exactly 16weeks post at that time. I am so excited. However, I really, really, really, want to try Phytorelaxer this time. I really feel that with this much ng, I can get that relaxer that will leave my hair straight and strong (as I've heard phyto does) and just continue with the phyto to keep my hair that way. The thing is that I would have to self-relax with the phyto and I have not done that since my hair was super short and the technique really didn't matter because I kept it short. I know of a couple salons here that offer phyto but at around 100 bucks...not in a sistah's budget at this time. What should I do? I am scared that my hair will turn out underprocessed in spots but with the knowledge that I have gained about phyto, something tells me that I will do ok. What do you think? I was planning on spending around 60 bucks for my hair next week regardless.
I would say go for it and self relax w/phyto! Gather a bunch of self relax tips from the threads, prepare well and just do the damn thang!;) At least you know Phyto is not going to burn you (chemical free), plus you have self relaxed before and you seem to have some confidence about it. Im a little biased because I will NEVER trust a salon with my precious ng! What better time to start then now and you'll be on your own clock AND... you don't have to tip when its done!:lol: Let me know what you decide and how it turns out girl! I'm a 3c too and I've been self relaxing w/index 1 but I'm switching to index 2 because 1 seemed like a strong conditioner rather than a relaxer:perplexed I love the stuff though. Good luck, you can do it! HHG;)
Thank you so much for that response. I am leaning toward the phyto. My issue is the back of my head but if I have no burning and more processing time, I think I'll have more time to work on that area so that it is smooth. Anyone else?
I vote go with the Phyto. Just be sure to do a strand test so you know what to expect. And practice with conditioner first so you know exactly how much time it will take to get through your ng.

Good luck!
ShiShiPooPoo said:
I have this dilemma...

<snip> I really, really, really, want to try Phytorelaxer this time. I really feel that with this much ng, I can get that relaxer that will leave my hair straight and strong (as I've heard phyto does) and just continue with the phyto to keep my hair that way. The thing is that I would have to self-relax with the phyto and I have not done that since my hair was super short <snip> What should I do? I am scared that my hair will turn out underprocessed in spots but with the knowledge that I have gained about phyto, something tells me that I will do ok. What do you think? I was planning on spending around 60 bucks for my hair next week regardless.
I say go with Phyto!! It's funny, I just posted a thread about getting straight results with Phyto (I loved Phyto but always had under-processed areas--the problem was technique), I think it will help you. You can search for "Phyto" to read lots of Phyto relaxer threads.

The other thing that I STRONGLY recommend is that you use London Diva's self-relaxing method. It will allow you to do a careful, thorough job without risking damage from over-processing. Her method has taken away my relaxer fear.

I have had years of bad professional results so I don't really trust salons. The only way I'd go to a stylist is if they will use the products I want and agree to be guided by me (rinse until *I* am satisfied, etc.). I've had my hair all of my life and thanks to boards like LHCF and Naturally Curly I am now confident in my knowledge.

If you have trouble finding the information (or want someone to hold your hand through this) PM me and I'll do everything I can to help you.
