I'm about to try an ACV rinse!!!!


New Member
I\'m about to try an ACV rinse!!!!

I'm so excited, I just found apple cider vinegar in my boyfriend's cupboard!! I did a search, and found lots of helpful posts on how to do this. (thanks Nonie!)

I hope ACV doesn't expire, 'cause his bottle looks kinda old!! At least it has never been opened... I'll let you know how it turns out. I think I'm gonna do it after the conditioner (unless the smell is atrocious)....
Re: I\'m about to try an ACV rinse!!!!

WoW! I nearly threw up when I opened the bottle.
I've always hated the smell of vinegar, but that was horrible!!

Well, I first had to figure out how many litres are in a gallon (I'm in Canada, I only know the metric system)! I used four tiny capfuls to about 1/2 gallon of water.

Well, my hair is airdrying right now. My boyfriend says it doesn't smell...

I'll keep you posted.
Re: I\'m about to try an ACV rinse!!!!

I never did follow-up. Sorry. In short, I'm getting my acv ready to do another one today!!

What I loved:
- the tingly feeling on my scalp (like I had put eucalyptus on it or something!)
- the SHINE
- the bounce my hair had once I was done

What I didn't like:
- the smell after opening the bottle...
- the smell after opening the bottle!!
- nearly breaking my neck trying to do a head-stand in my wash basin on the floor of my shower!!

- the smell after opening the bottle!!

I don't know why it took me so long to give this a try. This is a MUST DO! It will be a new staple of my regimen. Thanks ladies!!
Re: I\'m about to try an ACV rinse!!!!

I'm glad it worked out for you. I love doing acv rinses. They keep my scalp nice and happy.