I'm about to do it...


New Member
I think im about to bc!!!

I just took out my twist and i think im ready to cut it...well not really, but i think that if i cut it, than it was grow back thicker. I heard and read a lot of people say that when they cut all there hair off it grows back thicker, so i think im going to go ahead and cut it to grow back long thick hair.

What do u ladies think...should i cut it or keep the hair i have and try to grow it???
SSBD said:
I think im about to bc!!!

I just took out my twist and i think im ready to cut it...well not really, but i think that if i cut it, than it was grow back thicker. I heard and read a lot of people say that when they cut all there hair off it grows back thicker, so i think im going to go ahead and cut it to grow back long thick hair.

What do u ladies think...should i cut it or keep the hair i have and try to grow it???

No you can take vitmans and use MTG to thicken your hair... u dont have to cut it.. but if u do good luck
SSBD said:
I think im about to bc!!!

I just took out my twist and i think im ready to cut it...well not really, but i think that if i cut it, than it was grow back thicker. I heard and read a lot of people say that when they cut all there hair off it grows back thicker, so i think im going to go ahead and cut it to grow back long thick hair.

What do u ladies think...should i cut it or keep the hair i have and try to grow it???

That's just another hair myth. It may APPEAR to grow back thicker because it is all one length, even with no spilt ends (because u cut them all off) but cutting your hair will neither increase size of your hair shaft, or stimulate dormant follicles to produce more hair.
Well, as a natural head now, I did the bc in August and I love that I did it, but I wish that I had waited a little longer, just to let it grow some more. I had to learn how to do my hair over again, and it wasn't easy. But, if you feel like doing it, go for it...just remember that the way you have been doing your hair these past months, its going to change.
I don't think you need to cut your hair. I'm not sure why you want to? Relaxed ends appear thinner than natural hair. I know because I transitioned, not by doing a big chop, but by slowly trimming away the relaxed ends over time. This allowed for a smoother transition and gave me time to learn how to do my hair all over again. I really hope you rethink this. But if you ARE going to chop it off I hope you consider going to a professional so that you will be happy with the results.
I say if you want to chop because you are ready to end your transition, go for it! But I wouldn't put too much weight on the "theory" of your hair growing any differently just because you cut it.
so1913 said:
I say if you want to chop because you are ready to end your transition, go for it! But I wouldn't put too much weight on the "theory" of your hair growing any differently just because you cut it.

ITA. Relaxers break down the bonds of your hair making the strand thinner. This isn't the case with natural hair. After I BC'd I thought for sure my hair would be thicker. Nope, it's still very thin and very fine.

Either way, good luck and congrats if you do indeed BC!!!
Just this week i was thinking of doing the big chop myself. For me i saw how thin my ends looked compared to my new growth, and i instantly though gosh i have to get rid of it. I've now decided to stick with my thin ends and just trim every now and then until i get a length that i can manage.

I say go for it, it will be great to have all natural hair, just make sure you know what to do with your hair if you chop it because i know i wouldn't know what to do with mine at the length it's currently at.