I'm about to big chop! Someone talk me out of it

I just took out some braids and my relaxed ends are looking so... blah

My only concern is that my hair is only about 2-3 inches shrunken and I don't think I really have to face to pull off a short do.

But...I do have some kinky curly hair that I'm gonna make a wig out of.

I figure that if I cut my hair, I could just slap my wig on and I wouldn't have to worry about cornrowing my hair to make it flat underneath (I can't cornrow).

What do you guys think?
Hmmm. You seem uncertain. If you don't have the face to pull it off then you may not want to BC and transition until you get to a desired length that compliments your face. You better be 100% sure you are ready for it because that means a new reggie, new products, new hair styles etc. So make sure that is something you're ready for. If you're down for all of this then go ahead:

Since this thread is about talking waiting to big chop. I think you should wait until you are ready to chop. My chop is one of the best choice I have made. Still I felt like a boy right after and was embarrassed to rock my short hair for a month. Eventually I grew to love my ultra short hair, and wish that for you.
I'm not here to talk you out of it, I'm here to talk you in! I didn't have "the face" for it (pssh, I don't have the face for anything! We're talking ugly as sin over here :P), but I did it I absolutely loved every minute of my BC.
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I BC'd at my fattest. My face was swole. I did it and loved it!

If you're already making plans to hide ur hair though, perhaps you should wait another month or 4.

If you're going to hide your hair, make sure you have enough new growth to be able to canerow. I HATED the stage where I couldn't do anything but leave it out. Even with the wig, I could imagine just sitting in a corner and crying. I wish I waited to transition. I got a big ole forhead so I understand about not having the 'face' for short hair :lol: Girl, don't listen to these people. Do what's BEST for you!
I am on the fence as well. I have been relaxing since 1980. I went natural in 1997 for a couple of months. Then permed and have been permed ever since. I have had set back after set back due to breakage. I have thin, fine hair around the sides and back, but thick coarse hair on the top. Both my sisters made the "big chop" and love it, but I and soo afraid.
Just kidding.... LOL :)

I say don't do it. You aren't ready. Do you really want to be dependent on a wig?

I wouldn't want to have to hide my hair all the time. It's too hot to be under a wig all the time.

Take a few days. Reevaluate. If you are 100% sure after a few days then go for it. Remember once it's cut, it's done. No going back.


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Well I can't cornrow so I was thinking it would be easier to just leave the hair out and slap a wig on? Do you guys think that would be good? And then I wouldn't have to fight with the two texture anymore
Well I can't cornrow so I was thinking it would be easier to just leave the hair out and slap a wig on? Do you guys think that would be good? And then I wouldn't have to fight with the two texture anymore
In a word, no! If you are not ready to wear your hair out and proud and take advantage of the "easy care" period your TWA provides you, then you are not ready to BC. And trust me, slapping a wig on 2" to 3" inches of hair without cornrowing it to keep it stretched is begging to have a matted mess when you take that wig off, not to mention that the wig will not sit right and you will look like a HAM and a fool with a bad wig "floating" on your real hair.

If you don't like where your hair is right now, wait another two months and see how you feel. Maybe by then you can wear it in a cute little semi-puff and you'll feel better about rocking your (not so) TWA. :yep:

I have 3 knots in my hair right now I've been working on for a couple hours and they will not untangle! I'm using my best DCs now (Redken Real Control) and nothing is happening lol

Also, I don't know how to wear my hair! I'm about to go out now and I'm trying to just pull my hair in a ponytail and it looks so stringy. What other styles do you think I should try?

I have 3 knots in my hair right now I've been working on for a couple hours and they will not untangle! I'm using my best DCs now (Redken Real Control) and nothing is happening lol

Also, I don't know how to wear my hair! I'm about to go out now and I'm trying to just pull my hair in a ponytail and it looks so stringy. What other styles do you think I should try?

Try this article and see if you like any of the ideas, and there are many more on Black Hair Information if you do a search.

Hope you find something you like! :yep:
Nope - I'd wait a minute before doing the do.

If you're on shaky ground now (like others have said), you are not ready and will be absolutely miserable.

Kudos to those that rocked a baldy, TWA or even a medium TWA - it's just not for everyone and I hope you don't do it to prove anything to anyone, even yourself.

Wait it out, take a week, month - even a year if you must. I waited 15 months and wished I'd waited 4-6 more (couldn't quite make a puff without alot of help from bobbypins, hairclips, etc).

You will be a much happier sista for it; more likely to love your hair, enjoy all the fun options available to you and perhaps even remain natural.

Good Luck on whatever you decide. :rosebud:
How bad are the knots? I've realized that with knots...you have to gently tug at them horizontally or side to side. Pulling up and down (vertically) will tighten the knot, but side to side loosens it, and once you have a created a lil space pull upward to release hair. Never pull down. Once you can't save any more hair, cut the knot.

I don't know if that makes sense...I recently bumped into an article by Hairscapades explaining the very same. http://hairscapades.com/?s=tangles
Don't do it if you're not ready. Or if you're frustrated and just want to cut your hair to get rid of the knots. Long term transitioning is an option as well. You can get braids or weaves, Bantu knots, two strand twistouts, etc. Or BC when you're ready. You have lots of options. Take a while to think about it. Meanwhile you may want to check out LHDCLLC video about detangling.


I do this and it's a life and time saver. Also Apple cider vinegar if you could stand the smell.
So you guys don't think I can just hide the hair under a wig if I cut it? I can't conrow so I thought that would be an easier option. I could just put the wig on
So you guys don't think I can just hide the hair under a wig if I cut it? I can't conrow so I thought that would be an easier option. I could just put the wig on

You definitely can....I did. My hair was about 3 inches stretched when I BCed. I didn't know what to do with it so I wore a curly half wig (Creta Girl) for about 3 weeks after.

However, I was absolutely sure I wanted to big chop. I say DO IT, but if you're not ready for the change wait it out for a little longer. If anything, do a mini BC (few inches) and see how you feel.
How long have you been transitioning? I BC'd at 10 months and I was very well informed and had an idea of what I could do/not do with my hair. I had 5 inches of hair and it took about 3 months to get it into a ponytail (well a small puff) and that was fine by me. If you think you're ready then go for it. Only you know if you're ready.
I've been without a relaxer for about 11 months. I have say maybe 3 inches unstretched. My hair grows slow lol
Since your hair is already at least 3 inches, you still need to learn how to braid it down to wear a wig. And even if you decide to cut it down some more so you can wear a wig without matting, eventually (and sooner than you think under a wig) you will hit that 3-inch mark again, and you will have to confront learning how to braid your hair down, or else stay forever shaved down under a wig. :nono:

Since you already have enough hair to practice, why don't you learn how to cornrow if you are adamant about hiding your hair (which would really be a shame, but to each her own)? There are several YouTube videos on the subject, and/or there must be someone (mom/aunt/grandmother/friend) who can maybe show you how?
Do it! Hair grows faster in the summer. Get someone to cornrow your hair, put a wig on it and you will be pleasantly surprised by the end of the season.:yep:
don't cut, you don't sound ready. do celie plaits if you can't cornrow when hair is wet to pack it down then apply your wig cap to smoosh it down. the summer will give you a bit more new growth to work with cause most of us are more active , eat better & get a growth spurt. when you reveal in september it will be longer than you think. are you sure your hair grows that slow? shrinkage will fool you, girlie?