I'm a newbie


I've been lurking around for 2 or 3 weeks scoping things out and absorbing all of you guy's knowledge. I wore my hair pressed and flat ironed up until age 27 and then decided to get a texturizer. Afterall Cathy Howse says you can have manageble long hair that grows even though it is chemically treated. Well I've been having trouble. I was seriously contemplating going natural again do to hair breakage when I stumbled upon this site. So many of you with relaxers and texturizers have hair that is so long. So I said what the hay, if they can do it so can I. I just gotta find out how they do it. So here I am.
Hey Kil :wave: welcome :)

So, tell us a little about your hair:

How often do you relax?
Lye or no-lye?
Color treated?
What products do you use?
What's your diet like?

Let's start with that, to help you get your hair in shape.
webby said:
Hey Kil :wave: welcome :)

So, tell us a little about your hair:

How often do you relax?
Lye or no-lye?
Color treated?
What products do you use?
What's your diet like?

Let's start with that, to help you get your hair in shape.

Last Relaxed for Easter

In all honesty I do not know if there is Lye or not. My hair dresser used Motions short hair texturizer.

Not color treated.

I was usiing UBH conditioner, Dew, and cream moisturizer. Now I have switched to NTM since reading a post by Sylver2 2-3 wks ago

Diet is pretty good. I also try to take a daily mulivitamin
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Kikootie said:

Last Relaxed for Easter

In all honesty I do not know if there is Lye or not. My hair dresser used Motions short hair texturizer.

Not color treated.

I was usiing UBH conditioner, Dew, and cream moisturizer. Now I have switched to NTM since reading a post by Sylver2 2-3 wks ago

Diet is pretty good. I also try to take a daily mulivitamin
I'm not sure about motions (someone else will probably fill you in on that).

Recommendation #1 - keep a journal. Make sure you write down when you get your relaxer and don't get another one for at least 8 weeks.

Recommendation #2 - if you are experiencing breakage, try a protein treatment: Keraphix (light protein), Emergencee ( heavier protein treatment).

Recommendation #3 - make sure you use a leave in. I personally prefer creme leave-ins like Nexxus Humectress or Lacio-lacio, but find a good one and make sure that you apply it before you do rollers, or blow dry or style.

Keep track of what is working and not working for your hair. That way, you'll be able to tell us specifically what's going on.

HTH ~ Webster
WELCOME :newbie:

The one thing that helped get an idea of where to start when I first joined was browsing the Feature of the Months and printing out some of their regimes. :weird:
My initial goal was to have long, relaxed hair down my back...

...now, I just chopped all my relaxed hair off a few days ago! :grin: Kinda backwards isn't it? I just feel like my hair will be healthier in its natural state.

So first off, set your hair goals and do whatever it takes to reach them. :yep:

Happy hair growing. :antlers:
Poohbear said:
WELCOME :newbie:

The one thing that helped get an idea of where to start when I first joined was browsing the Feature of the Months and printing out some of their regimes. :weird:
My initial goal was to have long, relaxed hair down my back...

...now, I just chopped all my relaxed hair off a few days ago! :grin: Kinda backwards isn't it? I just feel like my hair will be healthier in its natural state.

So first off, set your hair goals and do whatever it takes to reach them. :yep:

Happy hair growing. :antlers:

I did look through a few of the features of the month to get some ideas already. Like the idea of conditioner washes never occured to me.
So Webby, do you suggest Lye or no Lye? As far as my protein treatment, I tried Aphogee and it seemed to just make my hair worse. I had to get it cut. My hair has never been this short. So you can immagine I'm afraid to try any major protein treatment.
Another question. Where do I go to put down my current length, goals, and all that stuff? Or is it a part of your signature?
Kikootie said:
So Webby, do you suggest Lye or no Lye? As far as my protein treatment, I tried Aphogee and it seemed to just make my hair worse. I had to get it cut. My hair has never been this short. So you can immagine I'm afraid to try any major protein treatment.
Another question. Where do I go to put down my current length, goals, and all that stuff? Or is it a part of your signature?

I personally use Lye. I tried no-lye and my hair was so dry afterwards.
Don't be afraid to use protein treatments, but USE THEM EXACTLY AS THEY ARE DIRECTED. You can't ad lib with proteins, because then the results will be counter productive. I have never used Aphogee to make a comment, but you can ask the ladies here who have. They can offer insight, that I cannot.

I have my info in my siggy. You can also create a free album at fotki.com, where you can store some of your pictures and maintain a visual album.
Welcome to the site. I've learned so much here about hair growth, vitamins, and other things here. U will learn so much too! :lol:
Kikootie said:

Last Relaxed for Easter

In all honesty I do not know if there is Lye or not. My hair dresser used Motions short hair texturizer.

Not color treated.

I was usiing UBH conditioner, Dew, and cream moisturizer. Now I have switched to NTM since reading a post by Sylver2 2-3 wks ago

Diet is pretty good. I also try to take a daily mulivitamin

Hi, welcome. Gotta love the NTM:-)))
I had breakage 3 times. The first time, i just cut it all off and started over. The 2nd time I cut to shoulder length. The third time was this past october. I cut a couple inches and nursed back to helath thats y I did the stretching. Aphogee was very good. Ntm Daily deep conditioner. I use Rusk Smoother Leave in and Lacio Lacio mixed. The leave ins are definately key like someone mentioned.
As far as Lye or no lye. Its what your hair thrives on. My hair likes no lye and thats what I've been using for past 8 years.