I'm a newbie


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I want healthy, long hair and I have been so very impressed by you all. My problem is dryness. I have decided after reading some of your posts that I will not use any heat in my hair and wash and condition every week. Can anyone recommend how to combat the dryness, especially with air drying? I am still trying to figure out what type of hair I have, I think it is a 3 or 4. I am so glad that I found this forum, you ladies are an inspiration. God bless.
welcome!!! :D

Well deep conditioning will definately help combat the dryness especially after several regular treatments. You will need a good daily moisturizer....Neutrogena Triple Moisture Silk Touch is a good water based one, ORS olive oil is more creamy but is also good. Also Elasta QP Mango Butter which is a bit heavier. I am sure you will get plenty of good recommendations you will just have to pick and choose what works well with your hair. :)

Another thing you can try is "sealing" your ends with oil (you may have to try a few). I LOVE jojoba and Kemi Oyl. I oil my ends at least 3x per day.

Also, stay away from sodium lauryl (and laureth) sulfates in shapmoo. It strips your natural oils too much.

Drink plenty of water, too. How you feed your insides is just as important!

Welcome! leah You might also try a moisturizing spray, such as sta-so-fro or S-curl. Alot of ladies rave about these products for keeping the hair moist. They are both glycerin based and really help retain moisture. You know how "juicy" them jerri curls used to be!:lol: Good luck on your healthy hair mission.
Thank you all for sharing your knowledge. I guess I will try a couple of things and see what works best for my hair. Is there any link that will tell me what the abbreviations used on the forum stand for? I figured out the bsl and a few others, but what is wgo, pre-poo, etc. I need help:lol: . Thanks again.
leah381 said:
Hi Ladies,

I want healthy, long hair and I have been so very impressed by you all. My problem is dryness. I have decided after reading some of your posts that I will not use any heat in my hair and wash and condition every week. Can anyone recommend how to combat the dryness, especially with air drying? I am still trying to figure out what type of hair I have, I think it is a 3 or 4. I am so glad that I found this forum, you ladies are an inspiration. God bless.

Nice to meet you. :D A lot of girls here really like Neutrogena Triple Moisture. What I like to do is take a little of my Garnier Fructis Length and Strength Fortifying Cream Conditioner or their Anti-Split Ends Treatment and put it through my hair and then seal with Amla Lite oil when I want extra moisture. I never have any buildup.
leah381 said:
Hi Ladies,

I want healthy, long hair and I have been so very impressed by you all. My problem is dryness. I have decided after reading some of your posts that I will not use any heat in my hair and wash and condition every week. Can anyone recommend how to combat the dryness, especially with air drying? I am still trying to figure out what type of hair I have, I think it is a 3 or 4. I am so glad that I found this forum, you ladies are an inspiration. God bless.

KERA CARE HUMECTO!!! Also I would HIGHLY recommend Mizani H2O Intense Night Treatment...it will have your stuff feeling super soft and conditioned, and it's a very lightweight cream.

chayil0427 said:
KERA CARE HUMECTO!!! Also I would HIGHLY recommend Mizani H2O Intense Night Treatment...it will have your stuff feeling super soft and conditioned, and it's a very lightweight cream.


Mizani H20! Great recommendation Chayil! My ends thrive with this stuff.

Welcome Leah