I'm a newbie... Please offer advice.


New Member
I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

I am becoming more and more frustrated with my hair. It seems no matter what I do I'm not retaining any length. Currently, my hair is cut into a bob (approximately 6" in the back and sides and bangs about 5")and I am trying to grow it to collarbone length. My weekly regime is as follows any advice you ladies can offer is well appreciated . I am at a point that I'm thinking about cutting all my hair off.

-Hairtype 3c/4a- not too sure on this
-pre treatment with olive oil
-shampoo with LaFier or KeraCare Moisturizing shampoo
-condition with any of the following...KeraCare Humecto, Kenra Emollient, Elucence or Honey & Almond by Capilo conditioner under the hair dryer for about 30-45 minutes
-i usually dont use a leave-in it makes my rollersets too soft
-protein treatments as needed usually with aphogee
-moisturize hair with elasta qp mango butter
-use hot six oil as needed
-i rollerset with lottabody setting lotion (diluted w/water)
-sit under dryer for 45 min- 1hour

-relax with optima care relaxer every 7-8 weeks
-trim as needed.
- i try not to use the curling irons often but probably use like twice a month.

Please help! I will post pics as soon as I figure out how to do so.
Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

Welcome Trinigirl!

I know how terrible it is to be frustrated with your hair. Your regimen looks very complete, the only thing I notice off the bat is that it doesn't seem like you wet your hair much. Would you be able to incorporate a couple of conditioner washes or even rinses throughout the week?
Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

Thanks for replying. I tried the daily conditioner washes it seemed to make my hair too soft and it would end up breaking off???
Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

Oh and welcome to the board.
Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

The vaseline ends sounds like a good idea. I will give this a try. Thanks DahomeyAmazon!
Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.


I know how frustrating it can be. Been there...I feel ya sista. The best advice I can give you is to give your hair plenty of moisture and really baby your ends. I don't know what are your daily styles but for me the only way I was able to retain length is my minimizing the hands and comb in the hair thingie. This really helped me along with many different protective styles. Be very gently with your hair even when you wash too. HTH

Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

Welcome! Please don't cut your hair you will regret it. I have been in that place before where it seems like I am doing all the right things and my hair stays at the same length or only grows to maybe shoulder length.

I find that handling my hair very carefully, minimizing heat wearing protective styles and adding lots of moisture helps. ++ the longer you stay here the more you will learn about caring for your hair and retaining length. Eventually it will be second nature to you! Good Luck.
Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

Thank you all for the great advice. I guess I'm just being impatient. My goal is to learn as much as I can from you ladies.

DSD, I just checked out your journal you have made great progress!
Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

my daily styles are either wearing it in a rollerset or a curly updo. although lately I've been wearing it straight (which means ive been using the flat iron)
Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

Trinigirl9 said:
Thank you all for the great advice. I guess I'm just being impatient. My goal is to learn as much as I can from you ladies.

DSD, I just checked out your journal you have made great progress!

[/ QUOTE ]


Yes this process does take patience. Good Luck!!
Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

You have a very sound routine. The only thing I would say to you is to keep it up and maybe try stretching your relaxer out an extra 2 weeks (ie// don't relaxer before 10 weeks).

Keep up the good work! You're doing fine!
Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

Condition, condition, condition, avoid excessive heat styling, protect the hair (protective styling and covering hair up at night)...and patience
Re: I\'m a newbie... Please offer advice.

What types of combs and/or brushes do you use? When you brush or comb be very gentle. I used to rip the combs through my hair because I'm impatient and have thick hair. Be careful with anything used to hold your hair in place (ie ponytail holders, combs, clips). Ponytails seem to always make my hair break off.