I'm A newbie and I need Help (breakage)


Hello ladies.:wave:

So after stalking for a considerable amount of time, I decided to officially join! I'm relaxed and shoulder length. Shoulder length is the longest I've ever been and I just thought it would nice to be able to grow my hair to APL(one can dream). The only problem is: I have no idea what I'm doing. I've always relied on a stylist and I used to consistently go every two weeks and have her relax my hair every 8 weeks. I moved away from my beloved sylist and I've decided to learn how to do my own hair (yikes!). I've read the relaxed hair stickied threads and perused this forum and other forums at length but I'm still not sure what my hair wants or needs.

So as I'm finger combing my hair and watching my hair fall into the sink, I thought I'd pop on here and introduce myself.

I actually have a specific question, forgive me if it's been answered before but:

Does a bad rollerset cause breakage?

I ask because when I wash my hair, condition, and detangle... I'm not losing that much hair. Then I rollerset and dry. Then I take out my rollers. On some weeks I experience breakage when combing out my hair after a rollerset. I'm wondering if it's because I may not have rolled tight enough. I'm asking your expert opinions.

Thanks for reading!
Hello and welcome.

Can you be more specific regarding your regi? What are the names/ brand of the products you use? How often do you use them?

Best guess is you need a protein treatment and apply your relaxers farther apart.
Are you using a heat protection on hair or a setting lotion, rolling hair ends neatly on roller,
how long are you drying and using a hooded dryer?
Well I'm shampooing once a week now.Almost two weeks ago I got a relaxer. Below I list what I did and my reasoning for why I did what I did. So last weekend I washed my hair I used:

1.Paul Mitchell Clarifying Shampoo Three (because I read somewhere that I need a chelating shampoo to get rid of mineral deposits left by my no-lye relaxer). Under normal circumstances I use Shea Moisture Moisture Retention Shampoo ( which I quite like, I must admit)
2.Then I used Aphogee Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor ( because I need protein after a relaxer since relaxer weakens my hair). I left than on my hair underneath a plastic shower cap(no heat) for about 15 minutes
3. Then I used KeraCare Humecto Creme Conditioner ( because I need to moisturize after protein). I left than on my hair for about 30 minutes under the dryer
4. Then I use Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner as a leave in (which I like)
5. Then I rollerset my hair( which takes me FOREVER ) since I'm such an amateur.
6. I take out the rollerset and usually wrap my hair

During the week I use the Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner diluted with a little water as a moisturizer. I sometimes seal with a mix of a variety of oils ( Rosemary, Sweet Almond, Organic Morrocan/Argan, Jojoba, & Caster seed oils, and Silica) that I got prepared from a friend.

I hope that's enough detail!

Side Note: The start up cost of this venture is quite expensive!

ETA: One more question!How much breakage is normal? I feel like since I started to attempt to do my own hair I may have become hyperattentive to my strands. I've always experienced hair coming out when I comb my hair but now that I'm actually paying attention, I'm not quite sure if the amount I have is normal or more than the average. But I'm pretty sure finger combing one's hair shouldn't result in breakage right? Because that's what I'm experiencing now.
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Are you using a heat protection on hair or a setting lotion, rolling hair ends neatly on roller,
how long are you drying and using a hooded dryer?

I don't use a heat protectant. My rollersets aren't the neatest but I'm pretty sure the ends lay smooth on the roller. I use a hooded dryer for about 60 minutes.
Well hello there (love your name, BTW) - fellow newbie here, so hopefully more experienced heads will make add'l contributions, but I had a similar problem. Not with rollersets specifically, but way too much breakage. Finally figured out I had overloaded on protein, and in addition my hair was suffering from over-manipulation. I did the finger-combing thing and cross-wrapped at night and the hairs would lace my fingers like spiderwebs. :wallbash: After I seriously upped my moisture game, the breakage lessened, and I started combing (wide tooth, slowly, gently, in sections) only on wash days. Also, I PS constantly w/twist-outs & buns, and touch her the least amount possible. My hair has begun to forgive me and we're getting along so much better now. :kissing4:

But - if you're committed to wearing straighter styles (e.g. roller sets, blow dry, flat iron), I got nothing but love for you. :flowers: I'm transitioning after 30 years of creamy crack and looking a hot, sexy mess most days (napsonnapsonnaps - HairCrush is stupid for that), but I love how my hair feels so I don't really care.

And yes, she is a pricey *****. The first month I started my HHJ, I spent a cool grand discovering the true meaning of PJerism. Nevertheless in spite of on the other hand regardless - I've never enjoyed my hair more. :grin:

Last thing before TL;DR - I try to remember that not every product, technique, or method will work for everyone - trial and error is key - and the only thing that applies to every person who wants healthier hair is patience. Good luck!
Are you sure it's breakage? Are there little white bulbs on the end of the hair? It's could also be shedding...

Maybe try a heat protectant with the roller seat? A hooded dryer is still a lot of heat....
After I seriously upped my moisture game, the breakage lessened, and I started combing (wide tooth, slowly, gently, in sections) only on wash days. Also, I PS constantly w/twist-outs & buns, and touch her the least amount possible. My hair has begun to forgive me and we're getting along so much better now. :kissing4:

Last thing before TL;DR - I try to remember that not every product, technique, or method will work for everyone - trial and error is key - and the only thing that applies to every person who wants healthier hair is patience. Good luck!

Thank you!
So you only comb out your hair on wash days? You don't comb out your hair to moisturize it at night?

This healthy hair thing is very frustrating. I know it's supposed to be trial and error but I kind of want to skip the error part.lol I have to remember to be patient!

Did you or your stylist protect your previously relaxed hair?

Forgive me for my ignorance but, I'm not sure what you mean by protecting my previously relaxed hair:perplexed. What's supposed to happen to my hair before I relax?

Are you sure it's breakage? Are there little white bulbs on the end of the hair? It's could also be shedding...

Maybe try a heat protectant with the roller seat? A hooded dryer is still a lot of heat....

It's breakage. Most of the hairs are short with no white bulbs. I gave my heat protectant away! I suppose I'll have to buy another one. I assumed a hooded dryer was safe since it is indirect heat.

Upon further reflection, I when I took out my rollers, my hair did feel a little dry. Maybe it's a moisture problem? I won't do the aphogee 2 step next wash and maybe deep condition for a longer period of time, add a heat protectant and see what happens.

Thank you everyone for reading and trying to help! I most certainly welcome more suggestions and advice!
Are you tracking your growth progress? I have breakage every time I manipulate my hair -- it is just what happens. Instead of worrying about the 10-20 broken hairs I get every time I manipulate my hair, I just limit how often I manipulate my hair. 60 broken hairs a week has not interfered with my retention as far as I can tell. IT sounds like you're pretty new -- maybe you should try to monitor the breakage and see if it is really hurting your retention before worrying about how to get rid of it. I am convinced that zero breakage is an unattainable goal for most people.
You said you just relaxed 2 weeks ago... Are you sure your stylist washed the relaxer out of your hair completely... Maybe try to use a neutralizing shampoo with color indicator.... to see if there is still relaxer in your hair...
Are you tracking your growth progress? I have breakage every time I manipulate my hair -- it is just what happens. Instead of worrying about the 10-20 broken hairs I get every time I manipulate my hair, I just limit how often I manipulate my hair. 60 broken hairs a week has not interfered with my retention as far as I can tell. IT sounds like you're pretty new -- maybe you should try to monitor the breakage and see if it is really hurting your retention before worrying about how to get rid of it. I am convinced that zero breakage is an unattainable goal for most people.

I am rather new. I started in January. I may have unrealistic expectations( probably from reading all of the success stories on youtube and hair forums). Maybe I'm overworried? I just assumed finger combing shouldn't have as much breakage.

You said you just relaxed 2 weeks ago... Are you sure your stylist washed the relaxer out of your hair completely... Maybe try to use a neutralizing shampoo with color indicator.... to see if there is still relaxer in your hair...

I'm pretty confident that my stylist washed out my relaxer. At least, I know she washed my hair out after the relaxer application, then applied Alter Ego Treatment afterwards, so there's two chances to wash out the relaxer. I could still give a neutralizing shampoo a try though.....

So...we're all convinced it's not the rollersetting? hmmm ok lol.
I am rather new. I started in January. I may have unrealistic expectations( probably from reading all of the success stories on youtube and hair forums). Maybe I'm overworried? I just assumed finger combing shouldn't have as much breakage.

I'm pretty confident that my stylist washed out my relaxer. At least, I know she washed my hair out after the relaxer application, then applied Alter Ego Treatment afterwards, so there's two chances to wash out the relaxer. I could still give a neutralizing shampoo a try though.....

So...we're all convinced it's not the rollersetting? hmmm ok lol.

I dont think its rollersetting.... Of course she washed out the relaxer... but salons almost never wash out relaxers completely... It may look clean to the eyes... but unless a color coded indicator is no longer pink.. then there is still leftover relaxer... I say you should wash your hair with a neutralizing shampoo... If it turns pink... Let the shampoo sit in your hair for at least 30 minutes... If it's not pink.. follow with a moisture shampoo and DC.
Argan Oil used as leave in after shampooing will give you heat protection and help the hair dry faster, also use be for getting a relaxer to protect hair relaxed previously prevents over lapping which can lead to breakage.
hmm so did you find out if it was the rollersetting or not? I ask because I'm new too, and both times I've tried to rollerset my hair I experienced tons of breakage. I swear I almost cried lol. Then I used a blow dryer and I know a lot of ladies on here will cringe and say the blowdryer is the devil, but honestly I got significantly less breakage with the blowdrying than I did with the over-manipulation of my wet hair during a rollerset