I'm a new member, and newly natural!


New Member
Hi everyone! *waves*

I've been lurking here for the past year or so, but I finally decided to pay the subscription fee and join...so hi!

After transitioning for 8 months, I finally did the BC last night, 4 months ahead of schedule.

Pictures: http://public.fotki.com/veggiegirl314/natural-hair/
pw: curly

Now I have 2 questions:

1. What's my hair type?

2. I'm having a huge problem with dryness. I cowashed this morning and left a little conditioner in my hair, and I put a little bit of Hawaiian silky 14-in-1 in my hair, but it still feels really dry. What should I do?

Thanks! :)
Welcome and congratulations on your BC!!! To me, you look like you might be a 3c/4a. Can't help you with the second question though, since I'm still trying to find the best moisturizing combo myself. However, I'm sure the more knowledgeable ladies on here will contribute. :yep:

1) 3c/4a looks like from pictures

2) Dry is subjective. So when you say dry do you mean crunchy dry...hard dry or ?

Again welcome to the life of natural hair!

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From the front it looks 3c, the back pics look more 4a/b to me. Maybe seal with a little oil too to hold in the moisture.
Thanks for the messages of welcome!

I don't know how to explain the dryness of my hair. It doesn't feel hard or crunchy or anything...just not moisturized. It just feels very dry. Perhaps I'm not used to this texture of hair yet, though.

I tried Hawaiian Silky and I hated it. Try a mixture of rosewater and distilled H2O sealed with a creamy leave-in.
Using a sprtizer or watery moisturizer in conjunction with a creamy one works best for me. As for your hair type I don't even know mine half the time so can't help you there. Gratz though!
Congrats on BCing!

For dryness you can use a castor oil on wet/damp hair.
You can also try combining water, conditioner and oil of your choice in a spray bottle.
Now I have 2 questions:

1. What's my hair type?

2. I'm having a huge problem with dryness. I cowashed this morning and left a little conditioner in my hair, and I put a little bit of Hawaiian silky 14-in-1 in my hair, but it still feels really dry. What should I do?

Thanks! :)

First, congrats on your BC! Your hair looks beautiful!

1. I think you look to be a 3c...

2. If I were you, I'd go out and buy some coconut oil and use that as well. It's always combated dryness for me.
Welcome and good advice from everyone. I don't know if this is real or not but the term scab hair has been used to describe dry hair right after the big chop. I don't know what causes it but the experience seems to be fairly common for those that did not transition for a long time. When you were transitioning did you pay special attention to the roots or were you concentrating the moisture to the ends? Usually after a few weeks the hair softens up. You might try a chelating shampoo (just once) and consider investing in a shower filter. Then back to your regular routine- avoiding cones, SLS, etc.

If you are in a cold dry area you might need a humidifier at night.
From one nubian natural to another:welcome2:

I'm not really knowledgeable nor big on "hair types" because it's so much controversy that come with it....whether mixed with this number or that letter or the stereotypes and attributes of one type to another; point blank it’s just too much!

But the hair type I do notice is a head full of beautiful naturally curly hair:yep:

Keep it up & HHG:spinning:
Hi everyone! *waves*

I've been lurking here for the past year or so, but I finally decided to pay the subscription fee and join...so hi!

After transitioning for 8 months, I finally did the BC last night, 4 months ahead of schedule.

Pictures: http://public.fotki.com/veggiegirl314/natural-hair/
pw: curly

Now I have 2 questions:

1. What's my hair type?

2. I'm having a huge problem with dryness. I cowashed this morning and left a little conditioner in my hair, and I put a little bit of Hawaiian silky 14-in-1 in my hair, but it still feels really dry. What should I do?

Thanks! :)

Welcome and Congratulations.:yay:
Just keep moisturizing. I have a theory that hair is like empty vessels. Once they're full of water(moisture), that's when you'll feel the dryness go away. Keep on moisturizing and use a little protein and your hair will wake up. You hair is lovely by the way!
welcome to the natural world. I'm following the responses because I haven't figured out my new natural hair either...still feel and looks dry. and I *think* I seal at night. oh well, I'm sure it will come in time. your hair is beautiful by the way!
Your hair looks a lot like my natural. Humectress with coconut or castor oil makes my new growth pretty soft.
Congrats on your big chop! :congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats:

I bc'd in December, 08 and my hair was extremely dry! What I noticed almost immediately is that the products that worked for my relaxed hair did nothing for my natural hair. The best advice I can give you is to deep condition and find good moisturizing products.

My hair loves Qhemets Olive & Honey Hydrating Balm (great moisturizer). You may want to try it!

You look 3c around the perimeter and 4a/4b in the crown. HTH
Congrats on your big chop! :congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats:

I bc'd in December, 08 and my hair was extremely dry! What I noticed almost immediately is that the products that worked for my relaxed hair did nothing for my natural hair. The best advice I can give you is to deep condition and find good moisturizing products.

My hair loves Qhemets Olive & Honey Hydrating Balm (great moisturizer). You may want to try it!

You look 3c around the perimeter and 4a/4b in the crown. HTH
Welcome to the board and congrats on your BC! I BC'd on Saturday and my hair is having the same problems with dryness. :ohwell: I've been using Giovanni Smooth as Silk Deep Moisture Condish, followed by a leave-in Conditioner and I seal with Jojoba oil and/or Castor oil. My hair remains very soft until it is completely dry. Keep us posted as you find products that work for you and I'll do the same.