I'm a Lacefront Shawty LOL!! (Pic Heavy)

Very nice. I'm looking into wearing one for the winter. I need to give my hair a break from using heat too. How was this installed without glue/tape OP?
I think it looks cute! How do you attach it without using tape or glue?

I like it! I wanna try lacefronts but i'm scared, not tryna look like brandy in that pic LOL. I was scared to try half wigs, idk why but i did first time last month and i am in love, so i think i should go ahead with the lacefront.

And if i read correctly, u said that u didn't use tapes or glue, so how did u get it to lay down like that, do u sleep with it, or remove it every night, and what if u get the itchies, can u scratch thru the wig? (lol dont mind me)

Ummm... you will NOT call yourself a Lacefront SHAWTY :lol: :lol: :lol:

I do not see any bowl hairline anywhere in these pics!!!! Edges lookin' lost like Nemo....

Looks GREAT!!!!!

Is that what it says in the song? I never listened to it before, just heard about it from other people :lol:

Very nice. I'm looking into wearing one for the winter. I need to give my hair a break from using heat too. How was this installed without glue/tape OP?

Yes, No tape, no glue.

1. I braided my hair back into 9 cornrows ( so the wig will lay down correctly) and moisturized with CareFree Curl.

2. I cut the LaceFront to match my hairline so it wouldn't look so "round-like", then just applied it on my head like any other wig. I put the lace right to the edge of my hairline with no glue or tape.

3. I noticed how wigs have a tremendous amount of bulk at the front and edges, so I used a Hair razor to form a small hairline, and thin out the bulk. this technique is what gave it a very natural look and for it to lay down.

I sleep with it on, I scratch whenever I have the itchies, :lol: ( no one can tell; its like scratching your regular hair) I can take it off and on as I please and moisturize my hair. This is a great investment.
BTW: This is a synthetic wig. the hair looks natural and I've only had it for a month now....NO TANGLES :woohoo:
I would always get tangles with human hair for some odd reason and it would matt something serious!! I was also paying 100's of dollars for human hair, and this wig was about 50%-60% less than what I spent on tracks.
I would recommend this to anyone who seeks efficiency.
That wig is hot! I contacted the ebay seller, but unfortunately she doesn't carry "Rachel" anymore....anyone have any ideas where I can get a similar one without spending my kids' Christmas gift money?
Looks good! My 1st LF was a Freetress Equal LF (Elise), and I fell in love with em as well! I agree it is da bomb and allows more access to the hair than a sew-in or tracks. I loves me some wigs, esp. LFs and FLWs.
Looks good! My 1st LF was a Freetress Equal LF (Elise), and I fell in love with em as well! I agree it is da bomb and allows more access to the hair than a sew-in or tracks. I loves me some wigs, esp. LFs and FLWs.

Thanks! (Elise) was actually the reason I wanted to wear a LF. I think it was someone on here who did a Youtube vid about it. She was on back order so I went with Megan and Kali. Yes I love these wigs too. I threw all of my tracks in the trash ( and probably would've set the trash can on fire if I had some matches :lol: )
Cute and Creative!!!!

As they say on American Idol "I can appreciate that you "made the hairline "your own""' instead of the standared "look"!