I'm a Henna Head!


Well-Known Member
So I did a henna gloss on my hair this weekend (2nd henna treatment in a month) and I must say....I AM IN LOVE WITH HENNA! My curls are more defined and looser after the 2nd application and there was no mess.

I am officially in love with henna.

I used a henna gloss recipe from Curly Nikki--
2c henna (pre-prepared w/ chamomile tea & honey--sat in freezer for 2 weeks)
1c deep conditioner (an organic conditioner that I make from scratch)
1/4 c honey

I applied the mixture and let it sit on my head for 3hrs then washed out.

My hair didn't suffer from the dryness of a regular henna treatment--it was smooth & soft. I didnt even need a comb to detangle.
ITA! I'm DCing right now after a henna treatment. I'm 8-weeks post and trying to stretch, but I needed something to help with shedding. I tried a new recipe with my fave Nupur henna, coconut oil, and coconut milk. I didn't even need a comb to detangle!
Thanks OP! I can't wait to try your recipe. I usually get 1 1/2 applications of henna from each batch. This sounds like a great way to turn it into 2 batches, alternating between a full henna and a henna gloss each time.
My hair's still drying from my co-washes after my first henna treatment ever (henna, indigo and amla). I can already say that I love it!

It's been less than a day and I really like the way my hair feels and reacts to products. I wasn't able to cover all of my white hair (this was my reason for doing it) the dark brown I wanted but I like it.
Glad to hear it OP! I may try this recipe someday! :)

I actually used cassia this go round-I love what it did to my hair! :)
LOVE henna! i just did a gloss yesterday as well and didn't even need to do a moisturizing DC afterwards, but did anyway out of habit. my hair was softer and more moisturized before the DC! next time i am going to forgo the moisturizing DC and see how that works for me.

Welcome to the club of henna lovers, OP! :yep:
bellebebe - Your henna frequency will depend on your protein sensitivity since henna has "protein-like" qualities. I'm relaxed and my hair doesn't like too much protein, but I do a treatment once a month. Sometimes I throw in a gloss just because. I know others who do it once a week with no issues.
FindingMe i'm new to henna, but as curly nikki describes it a henna gloss is a lighter henna treatment that includes a deep conditioner mixed with the henna and doesn't have to be left on as long. I left mine on for 3 hours as opposed to overnight and because I mixed this with a deep conditioner I didn't have to do a deep condition after....I was able to apply some argan oil and keep it moving.

A full henna is like a full on protein treatment where the hair gets hard and sets overnight and then you follow up with a deep conditioner.

Anyone else have any thoughts?
mssoconfused I do full henna treatments. I leave it on for about 3 hours which is enough for max color deposit on resistant hair. I haven't done an overnight treatment in years - too messy. :) Sometimes I'll add a bit of oil to the henna, but I don't add commercial conditioners to my treatments. So if I understand you it may be the reduced amount of henna plus conditioner is what makes it a light weight gloss.
FindingMe i'm new to henna, but as curly nikki describes it a henna gloss is a lighter henna treatment that includes a deep conditioner mixed with the henna and doesn't have to be left on as long. I left mine on for 3 hours as opposed to overnight and because I mixed this with a deep conditioner I didn't have to do a deep condition after....I was able to apply some argan oil and keep it moving.

A full henna is like a full on protein treatment where the hair gets hard and sets overnight and then you follow up with a deep conditioner.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

mssoconfused (or anyone) will a henna gloss cover gray hair, do you think? I want to go a little more organic with my gray coverage and want to do henna, but it's like a 24 hour process and that is just too much for me to do every 4-6 weeks- i'm a lazy natural hair enthusiast :lol:
@FindingMe - I'm only guessing so hopefully others with experience will chime in, but I don't think a gloss would be enough because of the amount of conditioner used. It would dilute the dye release. Have you used henna before? Typically most who want to cover grays also use indigo because using henna alone usually turns grays various shades of red. My gray strands turned a weird cranberry color after using Karishma lol. I've been using henna for a year now and they're still dark red.
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I love Henna, and i finally got the hang of rebalancing my moisture levels after using it so i'm all good :)
A henna gloss will not cover grey. A henna gloss is justy henna pwdr with conditioner mixed in. It will give your hair strength but the colour hasn't released so no dye no colour.

A full henna treatment DOES NOT have to be overnight! If you have done the prep (simply mixing and allowing the dye to release overnight) you can apply the mud and leave it for as little as an hr to get grey coverage (your grey will be orange!) AND to fortify your strands.

I keep my mix as simple as possible and have had success with henna + water and lately henna + AVJ. Be sure to do a deep moisture conditioning session after! HHG!
I want to henna my hair, but my hair is protein sensitive and I am so afraid. I've had grays since my early 20's and I used to do rinses every 6-8 weeks (when I was relaxed), but I'm trying to do something more natural. I'm still debating with myself about henna.
Beany - Henna typically gives reddish tones, so you may want to consider katam or amla for a dark brown tint or indigo for black hair. Amla is usually $2/box where I shop, so not a big investment. Start collecting your shed hairs to use as test hairs.

My hair is also protein-sensitive and henna has taken the place of hard Aphogee treatments for me. Nupur henna + Aphogee Keratin/Tea has worked wonders.
I may be addicted to henna...I'm doing another henna gloss tonight. The mixture of it w/ my deep conditioner yielded such fabulous results I am excited to try this again. I love that my curls are starting to loosen a bit into long soft curls. I seriously may never relax my hair again (I only do it now once or twice a year).
I may be addicted to henna...I'm doing another henna gloss tonight. The mixture of it w/ my deep conditioner yielded such fabulous results I am excited to try this again. I love that my curls are starting to loosen a bit into long soft curls. I seriously may never relax my hair again (I only do it now once or twice a year).

I'm on the same boat as you. I love henna glosses...I do them almost weekly(making sure to do a moisturizing DC after) and I do full Henna & Indigo Treatments quarterly.
I haven't really experienced looser curls though (I stretch my relaxers) but my hair is easier to detangle afterwards.
@FindingMe - I'm only guessing so hopefully others with experience will chime in, but I don't think a gloss would be enough because of the amount of conditioner used. It would dilute the dye release. Have you used henna before? Typically most who want to cover grays also use indigo because using henna alone usually turns grays various shades of red. My gray strands turned a weird cranberry color after using Karishma lol. I've been using henna for a year now and they're still dark red.

I was just about to ask what to do for gray coverage. I'm tired of my mom giving money to the root touch-up dye and flucking up her hair (she leaves the dye on for like 2 hours y'all!:wallbash:)

So use henna AND indigo? Where are you guys getting the henna from?
Beany I wonder if a henna gloss would work for you if you are protein sensitive? I still got great color with my henna gloss; however, I don't have grey hairs and color hasn't ever been a primary concern for me.
Experience henna head chiming in:

On gray coverage: though I only have a few gray hairs, but when I first started henna in in late 08, I almost forgot I had those pesky grays until months into my transitioned when I hadn't henna'ed in nearly a yr. I say this to say that the color deposit is powerful and lasting

On color: henna alone leaves a red cast on hair, on darker hair it merely shows up as highlights on some heads and just a health shine on others. You can get a darker Colour by adding indigo and alma. The only time you need to actuall do the two step henna indigo process is if you truly want to change your hair color to jet black. If your hair is already dark and don't mind a little highlight I would just do a one step process.

On time: I honestly don't think it's that long of a process. I let my mix sit overnight for color release and that's the longest part of the process. You can make a large batch and freeze it to improve efficiency. Once I apply the henna I usually leave it on for 4 hrs max, not need for overnight.

Frequency: that is personal, every two months is good, but you can get away with probably every 3 months. Covering grays? No need to henna your entire head, just touch up the roots when necessary.

I have some info about my henna process on my blog, if you'd like to see.
So I did a henna gloss on my hair this weekend (2nd henna treatment in a month) and I must say....I AM IN LOVE WITH HENNA! My curls are more defined and looser after the 2nd application and there was no mess.

I am officially in love with henna.

I used a henna gloss recipe from Curly Nikki--
2c henna (pre-prepared w/ chamomile tea & honey--sat in freezer for 2 weeks)
1c deep conditioner (an organic conditioner that I make from scratch)
1/4 c honey

I applied the mixture and let it sit on my head for 3hrs then washed out.

My hair didn't suffer from the dryness of a regular henna treatment--it was smooth & soft. I didnt even need a comb to detangle.

dangit...sitting here with henna and some conditioner in it (not much)...and I was debating to put honey in it...will put in the steam conditioning treatment post then...
I need to pick up some honey today! Honey I truly believe made a big diff. Neither of my treatments left my hair dry.