I'll Never Step Out on My Maxiglide Again!!!!


Well-Known Member
I've done a lot of tippin' in my life :look::lachen: But my Maxiglide gets my unwaivering loyalty from this day forward!!

When I was researching professional flat irons I had narrowed it down to a Maxiglid vs. a Rusk Str8. I finally decided on a Maxiglide because I got it for $40 from ebay vs $180 for the Rusk. From day 1 I loved my Maxiglide!

But....while I was shopping at TJ Maxx during Christmas time I came across a Rusk for $30. I thought...what the hell?? It's only $30. I took it home and tried it right away.

I used the same technique/products that I used for my Maxi and the result were night and day! The Rusk made a ripping sound as I passed it over my hair :nono: And even though I could smell "burning hair" (none of my hair was actually damaged) my hair was hardly straight. Not to mention my ends looked terrible even though they are in good shape. I hardly made it through 1/3 of my head before I unplugged it and gave up.:ohwell:

I used my Maxiglide a few day ago and I'm proud to say that I'll never need another flat iron....well only another Maxiglide when this one gives out :yep:

So if anyone is on the fence....Just get the damn Maxiglide!!! :lol:
haha. I don't have any pics of my hair with the Rusk. Just imagine your worst flat iron job even though you did everything right. :nono:

This pic is from 3 weeks ago. I'll take a pic of my current flat iron job tomorrow
I'm surprised at the maxiglide rave reviews. I thought it did a poor job on my hair- and came with an awful burning smell. Its collecting dust now! Glad its working for someone. Maybe they changed it since I bought mine.
Um, I love this post and I miss my old maxiglide with the blue button. IF ANYONE HAS ONE please pm me I would like to buy it. You can't buy the old ones online anymore. All I need is the flat plates. I never even used the plates with the pins.

PLEASE PM ME @virtuenow and @moustacy

I would like to buy your old maxiglide.

I ordered the new one and returned it TWICE. Only the old one works on my hair, the new one (new design) rips my hair and breaks it mid strand. It's those sharp edges. Please please pm me if you wanna sell your old maxiglide.

Thank you!
I gave my maxi glide to my mom. She can actually use the pins (the reason I bought it!). Her hair came out very nice. My hair got caught in the grooves in the side. No bueno.

I would like the add that my mom is a natural 4a/b.
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I liked the maxi glide when I was relaxed. I think I'm kinda scared to use it while I'm narural. Those pins! :nono: I think I would have to blowdry my hair pretty straight first.
OP your hair is :drool: amazing never post without the pic.:grin: It's too pretty to leave it out

I am 4a/b natural
I love my Maxiglide. I have to make sure each section is detangled first. and I do what the instructional video suggest which is steam the ends first

I usually do two passes on a 7 setting