IHE Indian-Herbs-Exporters.com problems!!


New Member
I placed an order on April 21 for some henna indigo and cassia, and it is now almost June and I have recieved nothing! I couldn't resist those cheap prices, and the link was posted in the henna thread, so I guess I thought it was a credible place to buy from. I've tried to call them, but their line doesn't work, they return my emails simply stating that my order should be on its way, but it has passed the normal shipping time of 15 days by far! They even sent me an email on the 16th that said that my order should be delivered. Have any of you ordered from them recently without any problems? I don't know whether I should be so concerned at this point, or if I'm just jumping the gun.

i didn't experience any problems with them. i have ordered from them 3 times and each order arrived within 14 business days. but i have read one other complaint about them on this board
I have ordered from them and it seemed to take about a month. I would email them. They don't have good customer service the times I have emailed them. Maybe it is just because of the cultural/business differences, but I was not impressed with their form letter responses to me about things.
That is so scary

Customer service should be their top priority

do they have a number you could call, or an email

or write a letter...yeah, letters mean business!
I had major problems. While I understand that my order would take awhile to get to me, they lost my order and couldn't track it. It took nearly 2 months to get the order, which ended up not being complete. When I emailed them, they had really poor customer service. I vowed never to order from them again, which is a shame because I like the freshness of their product and the way that they package everything.:(
Serenity_Peace said:
I had major problems. While I understand that my order would take awhile to get to me, they lost my order and couldn't track it. It took nearly 2 months to get the order, which ended up not being complete. When I emailed them, they had really poor customer service. I vowed never to order from them again, which is a shame because I like the freshness of their product and the way that they package everything.:(

I know. They really good get better business if they tried a little harder.

Maybe thet prefer to cater to wholesalers.

Edited to add:

They need to stop calling the neutral henna - Lawsonia inermis. I order some and the container said "Neutral Henna - Lawsonia inermis". I was thrown off. I emailed them to make sure I had the right thing because I did not want to use henna, I wanted to use cassia.

They never gave me a straight answer and even when I suggested that they fix the label because it is misleading, they sent me some "We strive to satisfy our customers and are not in the business of misleading anyway." :perplexed They never addressed the issue!
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I've ordered from them with no problems. My last order arrived yesterday, but it is a "registered letter", and I wasn't home to receive it. It's at the post office. Kind of annoying, but not a big deal.

I'll probably just stick with HennaSooq or Hennaforhair.com in the future, though, because their products arrive faster.
Candy_C said:
That is so scary

Customer service should be their top priority

do they have a number you could call, or an email

or write a letter...yeah, letters mean business!

Yep. Customer service can make or break a business. I don't care what the company/entrepreneur promises. It could be the best product(s) in the world, but poor customer service, nonresponsiveness, or rude behaviors will turn potential buyers off. That ought to be the first lesson of responsible business practices.