If you've done everything right and your hair's still breaking


Human being
then do yourself a favor and get some Dudley's DRC 28!! It is the strongest protein treatment on the market. Use it properly though: Every 4-6 weeks, after major chemical treatments, AND always follow it with a MOISTURIZING DEEP CONDITIONER FOR A LEAST 15 MINUTES. <-- Very important to avoid more breakage!

Yes it costs $60 but a bottle last you more than a year. Work it into your budget if you have to. It is worth it!
I used to use it when I was relaxed. I didn't know what the hell I was doing. My mom uses this religiously, actually all Dudley products, and her hair is pretty strong. I may invest in it when my Aphoghee finishes.
I used to use it when I was relaxed. I didn't know what the hell I was doing. My mom uses this religiously, actually all Dudley products, and her hair is pretty strong. I may invest in it when my Aphoghee finishes.
You won't regret it. Your mom's a very smart woman. Dudley does make excellent products. :yep:
^^^ If only we could get this in the UK *sighs*

hey, good to see you, PositivelyRadiant!

i'm not too far from you in london (i'm in italy) and i ordered some from bluebeez.com
i got it when they said i would (which i cannot unfortunately say for all online stores) and they always send automatic discount codes, another thing alot of online stores do not do.

so they've got my repeat business!:yep:
then do yourself a favor and get some Dudley's DRC 28!! It is the strongest protein treatment on the market. Use it properly though: Every 4-6 weeks, after major chemical treatments, AND always follow it with a MOISTURIZING DEEP CONDITIONER FOR A LEAST 15 MINUTES. <-- Very important to avoid more breakage!

Yes it costs $60 but a bottle last you more than a year. Work it into your budget if you have to. It is worth it!

Caribeandiva, how would you suggest using this product for those who perm/texlax?

for example:

should it be used in the 7 days PRIOR to perm protein treatment? (or is it too strong?)
should it be used in the 7 days POST perm treatment?
can it be used IN the perm? (for those who add protein directly in the perm)
can it be used in the post perm but pre neutralizing shampoo for the "midstep" protein step?
if using this product after perming, can other protein restructurizers be used (like Aphogees Keratin and Green Tea, Joico K-Pak Recontructer) during the week?
how can this product be used if a person has no heating cap or dryer?
(should the time be extended with use of "cholesterol self heating caps" or regular plastic caps?)

sorry for all of the questions, but i've only tried this fabulous product once so far and i would like to be sure before i implement it will other chemicals!

THANK YOU CARIBIBEANDIVA for sharing your experience with this!:yep:
Caribeandiva, how would you suggest using this product for those who perm/texlax?

for example:

should it be used in the 7 days PRIOR to perm protein treatment? (or is it too strong?)
should it be used in the 7 days POST perm treatment?
can it be used IN the perm? (for those who add protein directly in the perm)
can it be used in the post perm but pre neutralizing shampoo for the "midstep" protein step?
if using this product after perming, can other protein restructurizers be used (like Aphogees Keratin and Green Tea, Joico K-Pak Recontructer) during the week?
how can this product be used if a person has no heating cap or dryer?
(should the time be extended with use of "cholesterol self heating caps" or regular plastic caps?)

sorry for all of the questions, but i've only tried this fabulous product once so far and i would like to be sure before i implement it will other chemicals!

THANK YOU CARIBIBEANDIVA for sharing your experience with this!:yep:
Here's how I use it:

-I use it as a strong protein treatment every 4-6 weeks. I shampoo, rinse, then apply the DRC under a shower cap, with heat for 15 minutes. After rinsing I follow it up with a moisturizing conditioner for 15-20 minutes with heat. Then leave-ins, etc...

-I use it following a chemical treatment such as a relaxer or hair color application. I neutralize first, and then I leave it on my hair for 5 minutes with heat. I follow that up with a moisturizing conditioner and go from there.

-some people prefer doing the protein treatment a week before or a week after their touchup. That's fine but I prefer it during the touching up process because I feel it benefits my hair more.

-This is the only protein treatment you need during the relaxing process. No other reconstructors are necessary. Like i said, this is strong stuff! Don't forget the moisturizing treatment though. Very important!

-I do NOT mix protein with my relaxer. EVER.

-You can use it for the post-perm but pre-neutralizing step if you choose. I've never tried it though.

-If you don't have a dryer or heating cap you can wrap a warm towel around the shower cap on your head. Or you can leave the product on a little longer at room temperature. Heat helps products penetrate your hair shaft better though.

-Rinse the product really well from your hair. Do not use the kitchen sink for this one! Not rinsed well enough = hard hair. You don't want that. Again don't forget the moisturizing deep conditioner following any protein treatment, especially this one.

Feel free to ask me more questions as you think of them. I'm here to help! :grin:
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Here's how I use it:

-I use it as a strong protein treatment every 4-6 weeks. I shampoo, rinse, then apply the DRC under a shower cap, with heat for 15 minutes. After rinsing I follow it up with a moisturizing conditioner for 15-20 minutes with heat. Then leave-ins, etc...

-I use it following a chemical treatment such as a relaxer or hair color application. I neutralize first, and then I leave it on my hair for 5 minutes with heat. I follow that up with a moisturizing conditioner and go from there.

-some people prefer doing the protein treatment a week before or a week after their touchup. That's fine but I prefer it during the touching up process because I feel it benefits my hair more.

-This is the only protein treatment you need during the relaxing process. No other reconstructors are necessary. Like i said, this is strong stuff! Don't forget the moisturizing treatment though. Very important!

-I do NOT mix protein with my relaxer. EVER.

-You can use it for the post-perm but pre-neutralizing step if you choose. I've never tried it though.

-If you don't have a dryer or heating cap you can wrap a warm towel around the shower cap on your head. Or you can leave the product on a little longer at room temperature. Heat helps products penetrate your hair shaft better though.

-Rinse the product really well from your hair. Do not use the kitchen sink for this one! Not rinsed well enough = hard hair. You don't want that. Again don't forget the moisturizing deep conditioner following any protein treatment, especially this one.

Feel free to ask me more questions as you think of them. I'm here to help! :grin:



i hadn't even thought about using Dudley's DRC 28 with the coloring process, so thanks alot for bringing that up!
and as far as the heated towel, it's like you read my mind because i don't have a dryer (although i had thought about using a hand held dryer and simply moving it around my head alot just like when i used to "blowdry my hair":perplexed)

i also really appreciate what you wrote about rinsing in the shower, not the sink, because when perming, i usually tend to use the sink, but will now try the shower for that partcular part of the process.

and what you wrote about not using other protein recontructers most likely just saved me alot of hair! my hair is protein sensitive and though i know it needs alot of protein when chemicals are used, it more than likely only needs THE RIGHT protein (instead of alot of what's not right).

thanks again for starting this very useful thread!!!:grin:
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i hadn't even thought about using Dudley's DRC 28 with the coloring process, so thanks alot for bringing that up!
and as far as the heated towel, it's like you read my mind because i don't have a dryer (although i had thought about using a hand held dryer and simply moving it around my head alot just like when i used to "blowdry my hair":perplexed)

i also really appreciate what you wrote about rinsing in the shower, not the sink, because when perming, i usually tend to use the sink, but will now try the shower for that partcular part of the process.

and what you wrote about not using other protein recontructers most likely just saved me alot of hair! my hair is protein sensitive and though i know it needs alot of protein when chemicals are used, it more than likely only needs THE RIGHT protein (instead of alot of what's not right).

thanks again for starting this very useful thread!!!:grin:
aww... you made my day. Thank you! Glad I could help.
I just bought a new bottle of DRC today at my local BSS. They were asking $80 for it! True it was the last bottle (i checked 2 other stores and they were all out). I begged the manager to let me have it for $70 and he did! This black girl that works there couldn't believe I'd buy such an expensive product and asked all about it. I gave a short explanation and kept it moving. She's really nice though and she does braids at that store.
Ever since I tried caramel I haven't looked back at Aphogee once. IMO, it's just not strong enough. never heard about this Dudley's though.
i JUST did a Dudley's DRC 28 treatment and must confess that i have NEVER felt my hair this strong before!

it's like steel! and i have very fine hair, so that feeling is not easy to get!

i don't have a hooded dryer or heating cap, so i put a plastic cap on and got my handheld "blowdryer" out and put it on high, moving it around just like when i used to blowdry my hair (a bit slower, though).

and it worked! has anyone else tried this method of using heat to open the cuticles?

Dudley's DRC 28 is the TRUTH!!!

(i'm dc'ing overnight on semi dry hair with only moisturizing dc's.....)
i JUST did a Dudley's DRC 28 treatment and must confess that i have NEVER felt my hair this strong before!

it's like steel! and i have very fine hair, so that feeling is not easy to get!

i don't have a hooded dryer or heating cap, so i put a plastic cap on and got my handheld "blowdryer" out and put it on high, moving it around just like when i used to blowdry my hair (a bit slower, though).

and it worked! has anyone else tried this method of using heat to open the cuticles?

Dudley's DRC 28 is the TRUTH!!!

(i'm dc'ing overnight on semi dry hair with only moisturizing dc's.....)

Congrats! Before I had a hooded dryer I used the hand-held blow dryer too. Hey it works.
This thread came just in time, I was looking for something stronger than Aphogee, but did not know it existed. Thanks ladies!