If you're not married, you're single

Watched both. To me he said things both women and men need to hear. I like hearing real talk from a dude.
^^^He certainly does... but to improve upon his work a bit... ain't having kids one of those things that married people do? I wonder why he left that out...
My mother. She explained to me very early that, if you want the 'sperm-donor' to live up to his financial obligations (without a whole bunch of BS), you need to get that ring.


eta: why?
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My mother. She explained to me very early that, if you want the 'sperm-donor' to live up to his financial obligations (without a whole bunch of BS), you need to get that ring.


eta: why?

I think I miss read your post,then. When I read your post initially, I read it as you saying that the youtuber actually had kids and didn't mention/hiding them from the public. So, I was wondering how you knew this guy had kids. :lachen: Its late and I need to go to bed. lol
I think I miss read your post,then. When I read your post initially, I read it as you saying that the youtuber actually had kids and didn't mention/hiding them from the public. So, I was wondering how you knew this guy had kids. Its late and I need to go to bed. lol
Ooooh... nah, I don't know him like that. :lachen::lachen:
^^^I did that with my man, once, when we first decided to be exclusive, and then again, six months later.

I am too valuable.
He said you gotta come with your papers :lachen:

Good stuff.

Yeah that's priceless so is that let's see how things go for 3 months and re-evaluate our relationship so you don't waste years in a bad relationship, everyone needs to do that seriously. oh he's not pulling any punches.