If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it say?

Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

My hair used to say ' I think we need to see other people' & 'I want a divorce' :tantrum:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Thank you for the TLC you provided to me recently.:)
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

been waiting on you for 42 yrs:hair:. Be patient with me over the next few:afro:.
Also if you ever stop taking care of me :bat::bat:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Keep your hands to yourself...
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

My hair would say:

"Don't you think I'm so sexy, I'm just so fresh and so clean"

P.S. Thanks to baking soda shampoo :grin:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Mine would say:

"Hallelujah for LHCF because the way you were going, u would not need any of those hair products under the cabinet. You may have been investing in some Scalp Gloss instead of Hair Gloss for that Bald Head that was coming your way! In the meantime hook me up with some more of that root fertilizer(BT & Mtg) so we can keep this party moving."
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa


...Half mohawk in less than 2 months! LOL...Thats funny girl! I was headed that route too, probably woulda beat u there.

Mine would say:

"BOUT DAGG'ON TIME MISSY!!!! Yep, I 'memba that scary curl, that time you got a fresh curl one day and 2 days later went swimmin' and didn't wash me and your then collar-bone length do went from that to a burnt out, ate up half mohawk in less than 2 months! Gotcha then didn't I? But I digress, tell them fine folx at LHCF that I said a big ole THANK YOU for showing you the light. Oh and tell that woman braiding me to ease up on my edges before you have a hairline like Stevie Wonder."
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Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Dar - gon it - :censored: she's at it again with that MTG - :eek2:
no no please not again! ....this is the third time this week :fistshake:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Mines would say:
What was up with how you wanted to be just like your aunts and cousins in the late 90's?:huh: Why would you even think about getting a Jerri Curl?!!!??:naughty: All the activator juice you had slathered all over me was not cute!:drowning: Then you wanted to try to straighten dat curly perm and BURN me with that flat iron just for your cousins wedding:burn::cry:?! You had to of known that it would not have worked!!! :nuts:

But even still after all that I let you keep your length but then u went physco!! You put a relaxer all over this Jerri Curl!!!!!:covereyes Now you know that those chemicals dont work together!!!!! And then you let your hairstylist leave that perm to it sit in your hair FOR EVER till you ended up havin burns and scabs over more than 50% of me!!!:burning: Thats when I had to just start breaking off. And I've been punishing you ever since because you keep over processing me and I keep breaking off but you dont learn! :wallbash:

But thank God you joined LHCF and BHM,:thumbsup::dance7: because the next time I break off like that....I might not come back! And your head is too big to be walking around BALD!!!!!:blush::lachen:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

my hair would say," You need to find some staples and a damn regime! I'm tried of you jumpin on all these here bandwagons and putting everything under the sun on me! I'm tired of all your inconsistences...make up your mind and stick with it! Blah blah blah blah........" LOL!!!
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

My hair would tell me to be more consistent in my care and to start treating it in a way that showed I belonged to a hairboard and had actually absorbed some knowledge about hair care.

*sigh* I'm sorry, but ponytails are just so easy .... :(
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

"Stop using the heat BEEEOOOTCHHH!!" :wallbash:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Your hair has a potty mouth :grin:.

I guess years of abuse will do that to ya. :lachen:

Good thing we woke up. :)

Yep, it does have a potty mouth right now. :lachen:

My hair started trippin' on me recently. I had to just bite the bullet and get some braids so that it will have a rest and stop harassing me!
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

You lie like a rug. You said you were going to let me be natural. You just lie so much.
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Mine would suck her teeth and say "Don't be actin like you like dem curls up in yo head, you know you just gone relax me anyhow!"
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Me: "Why are you so dry?"
My hair: "I'm thirsty....
Me: "I've got something new for you!"
My hair: "Is it water?"
Me: "No, it's the lastest/greatest product being discussed on Lhcf/BHM/Np...and I know you'll love it and yadda, yadda, yadda...
My hair: :wallbash:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Mines said i told you i would make yours sides fall out.:cry:if you put them braids back in:wallbash: and i am good at my word too. you couldnt show off your new growth all summer:nono::nono:.and i will do it again if you dont leave those:evillaugh:braids alone.I can give and take i am the:attention:boss GET DOWN OR LAY DOWN:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:RIDE OR DIE:yep::lachen::lachen::lachen:WHY YOU WANT GO THERE WHY?:nono::nono: SO LISTEN SO NEXT SUMMER YOU CAN SHOW OFF.AND DONT THINK YOU THAT PUTTING ON THAT LF IS GOING TO STOP ME.CAUSE I WILL MAKE YOU BALD.AND BY THE TIME YOU NOTICE IT . IT WILL BE TO LATE:yep: SO DONT GET CUTE ITS NOT YOUR REAL HAIR .SO TAKE CARE OF ME UNDER THAT THING. CAUSE LIKE I SAID I AM THE:kneel::worship2:I WANT WASH DEEP CON MY BT AND MY VIT DO YOU UNDERSTAND:lachen::lachen:NOW GO MOISTURIZER ME I FEEL A LITTLE DRY .ITS HOT OUT SIDE AND I THINK I NEED A LITTLE BAGGING . GET TO IT:whip:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Wow some of you have scary hair.

My hair just fussed - some of you guys have hair that actually threatens you with whips and bodily harm. :grin:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Wow some of you have scary hair.

My hair just fussed - some of you guys have hair that actually threatens you with whips and bodily harm. :grin:

LOL!!!! I know, right? adequate....this is a great, hilarous thread.
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

"Its about time you got your act together:mad: You've been BS'ing on all this great LHCF advise for 2 years:rolleyes:

Its only been in the last year that you have treated me with REAL respect and devotion. I have shown my appreciation three times over:kiss:

One mo' thang.....you need to step your BT/vitamin game up or APL will remain a dream:sekret:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

"You allowed me to drag on your clothing, day after day, for YEARS!:spank: Didn't you see my ends breaking off? They were all over the 'white' bathroom floor and 'white' countertop. How could you not see this? :nuts: Thank you so much for changing your ways. Now you give me moisture, handle me gently and protect me. So, we're cool!" :kiss:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

" its about dang time you listened to me"
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

I'd like more moisture please :grin: . And, buy me some more avocado butter and hempseed butter.
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Mine would say (I've got braids) "What is this other crap trying to steal my thunder, girlfriend?" ..."I need some solo attention, please"
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

You think I am acting nice now, But just wait wait until the weather changes...:whyme: :notworthy :hardslap: :hand: :nervous2: :pullhair:
enjoy it for now:lachen:
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Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

It would be censored all up in this piece. All week my new growth has been cursing at me.
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

"So, what am I bathing in today?"

In response to my recent product testing.
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

My hair: I'm happy again:2inlove::yep: No more crazy stuff, just Aveda, protein & Henna.:blowkiss: