If you want to stay relaxed...


Well-Known Member
*Public Service Announcement:*

If you want to stay relaxed, be careful about stretching your relaxers too long. There is an increased risk of playing in the soft, ever-longer, coily newgrowth. Visions of Afro puffs and wild, big hair will dance in your head. You will begin to ponder what styles you could wear while growing out BC'ed hair long enough for a ponytail.

You have been warned.

That is all.
I'm at that point now. I'm not due for a touch-up until the end of March, but I have a pretty decent amount of new growth already. Now I'm like, why not just wait until Memorial Day?
UmSumayyah said:
*Public Service Announcement:*

If you want to stay relaxed, be careful about stretching your relaxers too long. There is an increased risk of playing in the soft, ever-longer, coily newgrowth. Visions of Afro puffs and wild, big hair will dance in your head. You will begin to ponder what styles you could wear while growing out BC'ed hair long enough for a ponytail.

You have been warned.

That is all.
Once you get off "creamy crack" you never go back!!! hahahahah :);)
Dag I think your alittle too late!! The one and only thing that makes me want to relax my hair again is because I want to see the length.
Oh my...I was thinking the same thing all weekend and was trying decide if I should post or not. ITA with all of your comments...The only reason I want to relax is because of shrinkage.
Tai said:
I have to say that I didn't heed the warning and it led to my transition. :sekret:

same here- I was stretching and then decided why not just go back to natural, here I am heading to a full head of naps 8 months later.........
Uh.....I am no longer a crack head ...ooops I mean relax head.....

And we aren't even gonna mention NTM makes it easy to go from Afro Puff to Straight and Sexy!!!!!
Amen to that! I'm 9 weeks post relaxer and picturing how I would look in my white coat with an afro puff. I'm definitely going back to my roots oneday.
SexyC said:
Dag I think your alittle too late!! The one and only thing that makes me want to relax my hair again is because I want to see the length.

Same here!

I only want to relax to see my length but I like my natural texture way more than my relaxed texture. But I can't give up my length. Help me! :rofl:
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