If you teach people how to treat you....

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
...how can you teach your partner to behave in a certain way without nagging, chastising or belittling him?

For example, let's say your hubby has a habit of always drinking milk straight from the carton. It grosses you out. He thinks it's not big deal. (After all, y'all kiss. "Why is this any different?" :look:)

You want to get him to STOP. IT. But how?

This is just one example of the top of my head, but hopefully you get where I'm coming from....

Ladies, please share your strategies!
I learned that most men don't respond to nagging, if even anything it makes them get worse. :lol: My DH is like this. He doesn't want to made to feel like a child. So if the issue is serious enough, I wait to address it when I am calm. Men also, don't like emotional responses. :lol: My Dh receives me better when I am calm and talking rationally :look:.

Something my husband does:
1). leave the door unlocked. My response: "Hey honey, you left the door unlocked again, you would feel really bad if someone came in and hurt your wife because you keep leaving the door unlocked. (I say this really casually in a sweet but concerned tone.) He has gotten a lot better with this because now he feels it's not about just locking the door but my safety. So I just show him the importance of it, and not just scream at him about it.

About this milk thing, that is kinda petty. I was just buy us separate milk if it bothered me that much.
Get him his own small half quart of milk to drink from.

Some petty things aren't worth fighting over. Sometimes, it's better for your relationship to show your partner that you can work with them on some of their habits, as long as they are willing to compromise for your wants as well.

My SO loves 1% milk. I hate it & prefer 2%. So, we buy a quart of each. bam. done. No fight needed :lol:
People respond best to positive reinforcement, if you want them to change. I learned this through my many years working as a nurse. Also you have to learn to pick your battles
ITA with the other ladies. Nagging never works, and calm rational approaches do best. Sometimes a subtle (not dirty/ antagonistic) when you find him doing something you don't like to reinforce it.

But for milk, it is a small thing- his and hers are a great idea.
OP, yet again I came into this thread and that dang AyannaDivine, made me lose my train of thought. Okay, let me focus................

Okay, I found my thought. Men don't respond to words. They respond to action. I have the ONE-TIME-RULE. I explain my feelings as succinctly as I can. Then I take action. Men don't like to be nagged

For example if you want to spend more time together and you explain it to him but he dilly-dallies in the mean time, go out and make plans. He will notice. And take action if he cares. Again, men respond to action. Another example if you need help around your house and ask him to fix a loose picture frame. Two or three weeks go buy and he still has not done it. Call your brother/close friend to fix it. When he comes by he will notice it done, feel like it was his job to do and will most likely ask you who fixed it. You tell him and now he will be going around your house looking to fix everything, LOL!
Men are biologically deaf. Listening isn't there forte. lol

There's a reason they like video games, love strippers & nudie mags, can spot a woman from the opposite side of a dark room, inclined to manual labor and will drive around lost for hours instead of asking for directions. Ever notice boys are more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD? Even little boys master the art of tuning their mother and sisters out before they hit pre-K. :lol:

Men are visual. All they know are actions.

Incessant discussion, nagging and b*tching will get you nowhere with males. You've got 5 seconds to speak before the quit listening and zone out into man-land. The best way to capture a man's attention to be heard is to focus on your own behavior. Lead by example. Instead of complaining, correcting or chastizing about what you don't like or what needs to change simply don't entertain things that are negative/inadequate/contradictory to your intent or goal. Regardless of context, talking and acknowledgement is an blatant act of personal investment. Don't invest in things or matters that go against your needs/values. Invest and entertain the positive or what is important to you.

Also men have low self-esteem. lol That's why they'll keep the no-good friends for a lifetime and will put up with a crazyarse mama sucking the life's blood out of him until she hits the grave. Although men may not like talking or listening, they love and need attention. Attention is validation to males. Not just any attention, the right attention from the right person. Any male--lover, friend or fam-- that respects you and is into you will chase after your attention and approval because your acknowledgment validates his ego. Ignore the bs by primarily rewarding the positive. You'll only ever need to communicate yourself once then let your actions do the rest of the talking.

This reminds me of a girlfriend of mine who's always frustrated that her man is complacent, doesnt put much effort into her/relationship and drags his feet about almost everything.. Men only do what they HAVE to do. They don't volunteer for ish they don't feel like doing. lol a He doesnt HAVE to so he doesnt. Like if she stopped calling him every 5 mins, stopped entertaining important discussions via text, putting out after carryout on the couch or investing so much time & attention nagging about bs he isnt doing she might see different results. Instead of focusing all her energy or him she needs to invest more into herself. The change in her behavior creates a sense of urgency without the negativity or attacking. Since (or if) he loves her, he's still going to want/need her time and attention but would naturally have to work a lil harder and adjust accordingly to get it.:yep:
In light of recent events in my life...

I'm nice the first time through, a little firmer the second time, and by the third time I've snapped, leave him with a choice to make and detail the consequences for him. Either way, no loss for me :yep:

In my defense, I was dealing with a issue of respect and am full prepared to hold my ground.
Nagging definitely does not work. They just tune it out.

"I" statements
Praise/compliments for the things they do well.
Don't be nit picky. Pick your battles.
I use conditioning methods simply because if I have to say anything more than once I will blow my lid. A guy I've been dating for just a short time leaves the toilet seat up when he comes over. I asked him the first time he stayed over if he would make sure he put it down before bed so I didn't fall in just in case I had to get up in the middle of the night. He forgot and I put it down myself. In the morning he left it up again, I went behind him and put it down. When he went to the bathroom and saw the seat down he put it down after he was finished.

I gave him a beer right after that or some ice cream or a twinkie or something! Lol And every single time he remembered he got something like that. Last time he came to my house after he finished washing his hands he asked if he could have some cake.:lol:

I went to his house just over the weekend and watched him finish up in the bathroom and promptly give himself a treat. He's trained and he doesn't even know it.:lol::lol: That toilet seat stays down now.

I know this sounds like a lot to go through but men are simple and I really hate the toilet seat being left up.