If you saved all the hair you lost during the washing and conditioner process...

How much shed hair would you find in the shower after a month if you collected it all

  • I don't detangle during a wash, I do it other times.

    Votes: 9 9.0%
  • My hair ball would the size of a hamster I shed so much!

    Votes: 35 35.0%
  • the amount of hair I shed during a wash depends, some days more than others

    Votes: 57 57.0%
  • I don't shed at all in when I detangle during a wash, maybe like 2 stands

    Votes: 2 2.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So today I decided to co-wash my hair. Now since I'm either stretching or transitioning idk which ha, I am only combing my hair when it being conditioned with a wide tooth comb. I feel like the longer my hair gets, the more its shedding... (it's probably more so that I'm taking notice of it)

I know the stats about losing about 100 hairs per day and what not, but I feel like I loose WAY more during the detangle process (I know I don't detangle daily and I have garlic shampoo for excess shedding :yep:) But if my drain didn't have a built in hair catcher, I could see myself clogging a drain.

Last year in my dorm my roommate and I clogged the bathtub drain we both assume with hair b/c we'd find each other's hair all over. (sorta gross...but we vacuumed a lot!) It was so easy to tell who's hair was whos... she has light brown 1a hair and I have dark almost black 4b strands...

But I also think my thick Deep conditioners helped to clog up the tub train as well.... that Queen Helene Cholesterol is no joke when it comes to thickness.

so I wonder if you collected all your shed hairs that just come from the a wash alone, how much would you have after a month?

and does your roommate, SO, DH, or family members have anything to say to you about leaving hair in the stall or clogging up the drain with hair?
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I know the stats about losing about 100 hairs per day and what not, but I feel like I loose WAY more during the detangle process (I know I don't detangle daily and I have garlic shampoo for excess shedding :yep:) But if my drain didn't have a built in hair catcher, I could see myself clogging a drain.

You're probably not losing as much as you think you are. As you mentioned, if you only detangle once a week then it's building up. Also, as your hair gets longer that ball of shed hair is going to get bigger. Not because you shed more, but because the strands are longer. I know I shed a normal amount but the ball looks huge because my hair is longer and it's curly. After a week it's the size of a baseball.

Anyway, are you sure it's all shed hair? Make sure there's not too many broken hairs mixed in.
You're probably not losing as much as you think you are. As you mentioned, if you only detangle once a week then it's building up. Also, as your hair gets longer that ball of shed hair is going to get bigger. Not because you shed more, but because the strands are longer. I know I shed a normal amount but the ball looks huge because my hair is longer and it's curly. After a week it's the size of a baseball.

Anyway, are you sure it's all shed hair? Make sure there's not too many broken hairs mixed in.

yeah... I look for the bulb every time a strand falls out! :lachen:It got a lil crazy when I started carrying around a magnifying glass :look:... but I did get like 3 for a dollar from the dollar tree....
I just finished detangling my hair.

I usually lose about half a cotton ball size of hair in my comb/brush each time. I thoroughly detangle 2x a week.

So basically I shed a cottonball size of hair per week, sometimes even less! I'm very happy about that :yep:
i get so much. today i was just looking at the little ball, and this is just the detangling before the wash, and i just had to shake my head. garlic treatment, maybe?
I'd have enough to do a hair transplant on a small village of kids somewhere on a regular basis. :blush::lachen:

Sometimes I look in the mirror at my whole head because I can't imagine what is in my drain trap did not come from one section of my head.

It's as if my cottony mass of wonderfulness produces small cotton balls like that old Star Trek episode of the...what were those things....they look like fur balls that were taking over the ship...TREBLES! :lachen:

I would be worried if I detangled every single day, but because I don't do this often I don't have panic attacks about it.

But I am sure some would, if they saw it. Collecting a months worth! Wooooooooo!
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I actually started challenging myself to "lose" less hair with each wash and set. I started a couple of weeks back and I literally save each hair ball from my rollersets. Because I'm challenging myself, I take more care while detangling. It's actaully working for me so far.
I actually started challenging myself to "lose" less hair with each wash and set. I started a couple of weeks back and I literally save each hair ball from my rollersets. Because I'm challenging myself, I take more care while detangling. It's actaully working for me so far.

I thought I was the only one!

My SO looks at me like :huh: Why do you keep hairballs? :lol:

And I make sure to keep them away from my cat cause she eats them :look: lol


I go through my hair very carefully as well, but there are always 2 or 3 spots that I am a little too rough with (cause my arms are tired) I'm working on it.
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I don't lose very much hair at all. Like I never find hair on my tops or rugs. I comb with the denman and I only have to clean it at the end of the month. I only shed a lot when my iron is low.
How much shed hair would you find in the shower after a month if you collected it all.........

I would be crying over spilled milk. It's a natural process. If I worried about it, THAT would make me bald headed.
How much shed hair would you find in the shower after a month if you collected it all.........

I would be crying over spilled milk. It's a natural process. If I worried about it, THAT would make me bald headed.


No use worrying over something that you can't change. It's supposed to happen and it's going to happen no matter what you do.
When i moved back to mexico, i used the mexican relaxer i used two years ago, and i didn't know what happened this time but my hair start to fall like icf it was just glued to my hair, and the warm water unfixed it. So i guess, if i continued with relaxed hair by now i could form a golf ball by the end of the month.

I never experienced something like that, in normal rates (when i was relaxed, now with natural i'm saving ALL my hair hahaha) i don't shed that much, i don't know how to compare with.
I usually have tons of shedding. I almost always clogg the show drain. I prefer to wash my hair in the kitchen for that reason, which dh HATES!
Umm, maybe 50 hairs total? Really, I don't shed much at all. I thoroughly detangle twice a week, once with a Denman and once with a fine toothed comb, and today I believe I lost 20 hairs. It's never been one of my big problems.
Well, its not just when washing and detangling – my hair sheds all the time, all over the place (I check for those bulbs).

I’m convinced that if I saved all my shed hairs, I could stuff two good-sized sofa cushions in a year.

Gobs of it come out of the carpet when I vacuum, I find strands in my *** crack, on my towels, in books, in the shower drain (obviously), in the sink drain (why?!). I’m only surprised that I still have hair on my head – and apparently a lot of it too.

Yes, it’s a natural process, yadda yadda, but it’s still annoying:

1) It’s messy – it’s not fun for me or those who live with me to have hair all over the place, esp when it ends up in food, in the bath, etc.

2) It causes tangles: my hair tangles like nobody else’s on this planet, and shedding is a big reason for that. That translates into wasted hours spent detangling, frustration, breakage.

3) It limits my length in 2 ways, because:

(i) The aforementioned tangling: I have to detangle frequently and thoroughly - this causes unnecessary breakage, and I also have to occasionally cut knots out of my hair, etc.

(ii) There comes a time, when after you have low-manipulated and protective styled for a number of years, and progressively gained length; then hair stops getting longer (but it’s not breaking excessively). You then know that the thing now posing a barrier to greater lengths, the final frontier, is your shedding. I.e. the length of your grow-shed cycle. You have reached the final limit, because your strands will fall out after a maximum of 2 years or 3 years or 4 years or whatever. I think for me, it’s 3 - 4 years, that’s why I’ve been around BSB for a couple years, and it seems that’s where it will stay forever, unless I find a way to decrease my shedding rate.

So yeah, shedding is not my friend.
I saved the hair lossed during the washing and detangling process last weekend and this past weekend to show you guys. It was a lot and scared me. I have to remember though that I achieved my current length in spite of the same loss of hair in previous years so maybe I can still be at WL by June 2010. We'll see!!!
When I first started my LHCF journey, I did this. I saved all the shed hair from the entire wash, DC and rollersetting process to get a baseline for how much hair I was losing. I did this for 8 weeks (between relaxers) and I noticed that I shed more as it gets closer to touchup time. It was probably weird to walk in my bathroom to see 8 little sandwich bags with hairballs in them, but I had to get an accurate baseline for my hair loss.

Since then, I know when I'm shedding more or less or what's normal shedding for me.
I actually started challenging myself to "lose" less hair with each wash and set. I started a couple of weeks back and I literally save each hair ball from my rollersets. Because I'm challenging myself, I take more care while detangling. It's actaully working for me so far.

I just read your post. This strategy worked for me too. I literally reduced my shedding from a ton to a small golf ball size by being more conscientious during the wash and rollersetting process.
From what I remember I get about a small marble size during detangle/wash day twice a week. I used to think I got more but I bought a hair catcher to monitor. It really is just the normal amount.