If you live in a humid climate, how do you keep frizz at bay?


Human being
cause I still struggle with this. This Florida humidity is no joke! I use hair serum before and after flatironing and i still have a bit of frizz. Any advice?
Ive lived in florida for 5yrs and still havent figured it out
straight sleek styles are just a nono for me especially during the summer it just doesnt last
Can't be accomplished. I paid for my hair to be flat ironed by a professional for graduation day and it lasted a lot longer than it would have on my own... but even then... it was massive fuzz by the time I got home in the evening.
you dont need a steamer. I think you can create steam warming up a wet towel and wrapping it around your head.
By steaming the hair, i think that fills up the hair strands with mositure and so when you go out into a hot climate, a little to no more mositure can enter the hair. Therefore there is less chance of your hair reverting.
Girl...i feel ya on this!! I'm a NATIVE and i still have issues with the humidity and my hair....i'm thinking about trying ant-humidity hairsrpays for after i finish flat ironing....my roots always start to wave up after flat ironing....usually i'll flat iron during weeks when no rain is in sight....i can usually tell by how the air smells though. Weird...but true.
I always think its best to plan your styles around the weather....here in NY the weather runs the gamut so I just plan my styles around that. If its gonna be humid then I'll do a look that I know does great with humidity ie. not straighten. If its gonna be dry and low humidity....if I'm in the mood....I'll wear a sleek straight look....etc.

If I lived in a constantly humid environment I wouldn't bother constantly trying to fight it, that can lead to damage especially if you re-straighten....I'd just wear looks that arent affected by it like twists, braids, twist outs, braid outs, flexi rod sets, straw sets bantu knot outs etc.