If you like Jane Carter, Good news for you!


Well-Known Member
We are always working to expand the availability of our products to for you, your family and friends. Trade Secret and Beauty Express Salons are now found in Malls located all across America. The entire line of Jane Carter Solution products will be featured in these stores beginning July 9th. So whether you live in Fargo, North Dakota or Fort Myers Florida, you will now be able to find our products in a Trade Secret or a Beauty Express store near you. Some of the new store locations are in: Tennessee, Florida, Ohio, Georgia, Minnesota and Louisiana. Please tell your friends and families to check them out.

To learn more about Trade Secret, go to their site www.tradesecret.com. The entire list can also be found on our website. Click on the link below to get that list. Locations
Great info! Before I could only find Jane Carter at one particular health food store in my area.