If you keep cutting it...


New Member
If you keep on cutting your hair off, especially HUGE cuts, then you won't meet your goals as quickly as just dusting and trimming. lol

I cut off so much hair on Feb 11th. I really cant even remember why I did that now, but I think I had a good reason at the time. :lachen: Taking pictures is encouraging. A few days ago I was discouraged and was like, "Dang my hair is not growing fast enough." But I saw this picture and was like, oh ... I cut it off. lmao. And I just seem to do this quite often, I need to quit or my hair will never be MBL. :nono:

This was just funny to me, just wanted to share a good laugh. Is it just me, or has anybody else done something like this? Got upset, but then realized you keep cutting your progress OFF?


Girl, I did the same thing with mine a few days ago. It had matted really bad and just needed to be gone! I cried because it was alot of hair probably a good 5 inches worth of hair.I'm starting over and it feels really good after the shock of just cutting it.
wtf? lol im sorry but, seeing all that hair made me mad. krytalclear, really? no more cutting! just search&distroys. ill be your biggest,brightest,loudest cheerleader when you reach MBL!!!!!

luv ya!!!
Well honestly, the hair looked damaged anyway so whether you cut now or later it was gon have to go. So, just look at it like a new beginning. From this point on, all growth is for retention.
ummmm I can atest to that :look: Ive been on here almost 7 years and just now semi approaching BSL. I cut off a good 4.5 years worth of hair growth total. I BC'd and then I got highlights and transitioned out of that and eventually cut all my hair off again. Add that to a few 2 and 3 inch trims up until last year :nono: But since Ive stopped cutting, I do see length progress so Im no longer complaining.
Girl, I did the same thing with mine a few days ago. It had matted really bad and just needed to be gone! I cried because it was alot of hair probably a good 5 inches worth of hair.I'm starting over and it feels really good after the shock of just cutting it.

lol yeah! I think I did it because the strands were all straight and I was trying to get rid of them because I was pretty much natural. Then weeks later I relaxed. :lachen: Shoulda left those strands on.
wtf? lol im sorry but, seeing all that hair made me mad. krytalclear, really? no more cutting! just search&distroys. ill be your biggest,brightest,loudest cheerleader when you reach MBL!!!!!

luv ya!!!

Thanks. I will cry when I meet MBL lol. You don't even understand. YES you do, who am I kidding! I think everybody has that feeling when they reach their goals!
Seems like many people are scissor happy lately. Is it spring in the air? LOL

I'm the exact opposite. I'm SCARED as hell of scissors. Takes alot for me to even dust, let alone cut a half inch.
Well honestly, the hair looked damaged anyway so whether you cut now or later it was gon have to go. So, just look at it like a new beginning. From this point on, all growth is for retention.

Well it was actually 2 diff textures due to me having texturized then natural hair. It wasn't what I would call damaged. It was just 2 diff textures, therefore it was looked really retarded when the rest of my hair was natural. That part of my har was from the nape and it was actually growing quite nicely w/o breakage. BUT it does look a hot mess. lol