If you have/use a computer in a public area...


New Member
Don't you hate when you have to turn off your settings so no one is wondering why you're staring at the back of women's bras and their heads. I just wanna see the beautious hair! :grin: (even my own)
Most times, I don't even bother. I just pick a computer alllll the way to the back of the library or one facing a wall, so nobody can see the screen and I have full view of who is approaching me. I also autohide the taskbar, so they can't read Longhaircareforum at the bottom of the screen if it's minimized. Can't nothing stop me from getting my fix :lachen:.
I access this site at work during the day. I just turn my screen AAAALLLLL the way to the side so no one can see what I'm doing...:grin:
Most times, I don't even bother. I just pick a computer alllll the way to the back of the library or one facing a wall, so nobody can see the screen and I have full view of who is approaching me. I also autohide the taskbar, so they can't read Longhaircareforum at the bottom of the screen if it's minimized. Can't nothing stop me from getting my fix :lachen:.

Ditto to that! And don't forget Alt + Tab for a little confusing finger work and the deceptive sound of typing that sounds like you are working while the screen switches up with no mouse action and you can proceed to type in that business use only e-mail and look up like they really disturbed you.
ooh, computer shortcuts = my area of expertise :grin:

if somebody's all up on your shoulder, and you need to minimize the screen immediately, (and you're using Windows XP, or Vista) hold down the window button and press "d" on the keyboard. it'll minimize all of the windows on the screen.

i use this all the time with the alt + tab combination... but not because i'm looking at anything i shouldn't! hehe