If you had to SLICK it DOWN - LET'S JAM, AMPRO, or ECOSTYER/IC Clear?

Lucky's Mom

New Member
Hey Ladies!

I know. These items are - straight outta the depths of Hades....:lachen:

But - If you were stuck on a desert Island.... and they had one BSS - with 3 gels, Which would you use?

I have never used the brown gel. I was always afraid of it - due to those around me ABUSING the doggone gel.... years ago.....:nono::nono:
The nasty things I have seen....

Let's Jam??? :rolleyes: Slick - for only like - 60 Seconds!!! then - Gooey and greasy......

I have not used any of the others - but - what would you use????
I guess we all have figured out that if we have a bit of oil to layer - gelling is not soooo bad :grin::grin:
Fantasia (the blue one) or clear EcoStyler. When I was relaxed, EQP Glaze worked. It's not heavy enough for my natural hair now.
I am guilty of using Ampro in the past, but only a very very small amount. And I would only use it when I desperately needed a relaxer, and needed to look halfway decent when going to work.
I loved Ecostyler Krystal and used it for years. A little goes a very long way.

I've recently been using this and prefer it over some of the others I've used in the past.

Fantasia Thick N' Shine Gel is also very good for slicking the hair back.
I tried the Ecostyler to slick the front of my hair down and it works wonderfully. I like it just as much as my IC Fantasia gel. Let's Jam is okay, but I say Ecostyler is worth a try.
I love the EQP Glaze :lol:

I haven't tried the fantasia gel but I might give that a go.

That's what my stylist used for my relaxed styles at the salon and it left my hair looking shiny and soft. I used to love that stuff even when I was stretching but once I got to the point where I had a lot of new growth my hair just sucked that stuff up and it left my hair dry and greasy. And it went downhill from there. The only other thing I never liked about it is that it takes your fingernail polish off. It like rubs it off. That and Let's Jam. There's an ingredient in there that does it and IDK what it is. I've never had that problem with gels.
I need a gel that is going to slick and stay slicked. I don't want one that is going to turn greasy and yucky like Let's Jam.

Does the ecostyler gel accomplish this?
I need a gel that is going to slick and stay slicked. I don't want one that is going to turn greasy and yucky like Let's Jam.

Does the ecostyler gel accomplish this?

:yep: It does. I think I like that better than the Fantasia and I've been using Fantasia for like 3 years now. I just tried the Ecostyler maybe a month ago after reading about it here on the board. I did use regular clear protein gel on a occasion for particular styles but I tried to stay away from it.
I use hicks transformation smooth edges its a great product to get that smooth look. Works great on relaxed and naturals. I can give you the list of ingredients later....but the first two are water and castor oil...love it!!!!:yep::yep::yep:


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Hands down, Ecostyler gel (black one)

Like someone said, a little goes a long way. It even gives me second hair day. This is the only gel that can consistently give me beautiful curls.
I'd have to pick Ecostyler, since I've read so many people here use and love it
Ecostyler Krystal, love it.....Xtreme Gel is also great for slicking back natural hair. I lucked up on this once a few months ago in the Dollar Tree, but haven't found any since.
I need to try Ecostyler too...I've heard so much about it - I use Long Aid now... it works fine.. but I want to dab in the Ecostyler.
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I love me some Ampro and Lets Jam......never tried Ecostyler.
Heck I got some Ampro on my edges now prepping hair for tomorrows bun.
Ecostyler (the clear one) has changed my opinion of gel. I use it for my hairline and it slicks it down without drying it out. I love it :yep:
I'm officially shook up, shook down, and shook out on Ecostyler Krystal! I definitely like it better than IC or any other gel for that matter (besides Whipped Gelly). All day hold, not hard or flaky, super SHINY! Can't beat it. The big jars are $2.99 @ Sally this month. Easily a staple. It's all BostonMaria's and MonaLisa's fault...
I'm officially shook up, shook down, and shook out on Ecostyler Krystal! I definitely like it better than IC or any other gel for that matter (besides Whipped Gelly). All day hold, not hard or flaky, super SHINY! Can't beat it. The big jars are $2.99 @ Sally this month. Easily a staple. It's all BostonMaria's and MonaLisa's fault...

I have a big jar too. I want WAVES and a super Slick pony.

Thanks All!