IF YOU GOT SPLIT ENDS....These two sealing methods may help!


Well-Known Member
Last year I had a slight setback and had to get a major hair cut. It got me to pondering what I was doing wrong in my hair care regimen. I eventually learned that our curly hair needs moisture daily as well as a good sealant to lock the moisture in. I started spritzing my hair with hot spring water and aloe vera for moisture than applying grape seed or almond oil through out my hair. I would put oil on my hands, rub them together, then apply it down my hair shaft.

Eventhough this is a pretty good method...because I workout hard and with normal wear/tear, I started doing more intense sealing methods. Split ends, or as the hair experts call it, trichoptilosis, is a common problem for many people. Split ends occur when the protective cuticle is destroyed at the end of the hair. The hair will then split into two or more strands. Once the damage has occurred, the best thing to do it cut them then start doing an intense/consistent moisturize/sealing regimen.

1) Super Soaking Ends: I started putting grape seed oil in my adjustable tip applicator bottle to literally soak my ends. I grab a hand full of ends then point the applicator towards them and soak them down. Of course I spitz my hair with my water mixture first. Finally, I cover my hair with a silk scarf until morning. My ends stay extremely moist for days.


2) Dipping Ends: On the week I dip my ends, I pour grape seed oil in a disposable container then dip my ends in it. I probably dip about 1/2 of an inch length of hair. I will only put just enough oil to dip my hair in for that day, then take what's left over to apply to the rest of my hair, after I spitz it first of course.

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NaiyaAi Grapeseed oil is light, so when I'm soaking or dipping it doesn't dry to heavy. Also it has a very high content of ceremides aka hair glue:grin:
I'm going to give this a go. The front and sides of my hair split and break easier the rest of my hair even in protective styles. Perhaps stepping up my sealing game will help.
NaiyaAi Grapeseed oil is light, so when I'm soaking or dipping it doesn't dry to heavy. Also it has a very high content of ceremides aka hair glue:grin:

Excellent post and an excellent point as well. I've been avoiding ceremides like the plague because I'm low porosity...BUT...for my ends, this may really be a great help. Will definitely add it to my M&S regimen. Thanks! :)
I started doing this a couple of weeks ago, and now I only add water or a leave-in to my hair on wash day, but I add oil throughout the week :yep:. I got the idea from watching SistaWithRealHair, who super soaks her ends, wraps them in plastic and leaves them like that for a month sometimes. It was really watching the Indian girl with knee-length hair dip hair in a bowl of CO, and understanding 1ballerina's double sealing method that made me take the heavy oiling plunge. Two days ago, I prepoo'd my hair overnight with oil, shampooed it, and then drenched my hair with oil in the shower to detangle. The comb glided through my hair like I was using one of those expensive natural conditioners. Then I added a little bit more oil to my ends and twisted them up. I took down my hair tonight, planning to wash, only to have an awesome flattwistout :lick:. Although my hair is oily immediately after applying, over the course of a day or two it's soaked in and then I'm left with moisturized, soft hair :yep:.
ckisland what oils do you dip with? lol

I soak my hair with a mix of coconut and sunflower oil. It's predominately sunflower oil because it's so cheap :lol:, but it also gets super slippery with water. I think I'll start using just CO for an overnight HOT, just sunflower in the shower as conditioner replacement, and the mix of both to super soak my ends to twist or braid my hair up. I do get a little excited about oiling my hair sometimes and end up a lil' oil slicked :blush:, so I think I'll soak my ends only on wash day and keep my hair up and away for the days right after.
Does anyone think this method would be helpful with SSKs as well?

I think it could. Oiling my hair like this makes the strands slide out of each other easily. I can't say yet if does help for sure, since I get more ssk's when my ends are stretched (how I'm wearing it now) vs when my ends are completely coiled up when in a wash n'go.
Interesting. I have been using lots of oil to detangle mine and dd's hair and as an overnight prepoo. It works really well. I will try doing this dipping method one of these wash days.
Ooo thanks for this. I tried it tonight with sunflower oil.I let my hair dry until about 80% applied my leave ins and then I drenched it in sunflower oil and gently squeezed the run off off. I hope it helps keep my ends moisturous.
Froreal3 dipping last a few days after washing but then I start soaking again.

JustGROWwithIt yes

Of course I'm sure it's different for everyone. Even when my ends are moist I keep spitzing/soaking them at night. Since grapeseed oil is pretty light and absorbs well it's not too greasy the next day.